It's My First Kiss

The Troublemakers

Once day on resting time...

"Hey, Kai. Now it's your turn. Turth or Dare?" the boy with white skin said, named Sehun.

Kai just smirked while think to choose Turth or Dare. Meanwhile, Sehun and Chanyeol, the other boys who played this game stared their eyes to Kai, Intimidated that young boy to choose Dare.

"Don't play to far, guys," said Suho, gave warning to those three boys. He together with Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are busy with their books or gadget.

"I choose Dare!" Kai said with very confident of himself.

Sehun who held the game nodded and looking around to find a 'Dare to Do' for Kai. Suddenly he saw a girl who tied up her hair, passed them and brought two basketballs. She seems sweaty maybe because of practice. Not only Sehun who saw that girl, but secretly Kai peek at that girl to and to bad Sehun realized it.

"I give you a Dare to kiss Naeun. On her lips," Sehun said while pointing at his lips as he said 'her lips'.

Kai widen his eyes. "W--what kind of dare is that!"

Sehun shrugged. "If you don't want to do that, you will received the punishment. Beside..." he hung out his word and continue with wishper, "I know your little secret towards her."

Indeed he wishpered but the other four boys can heard it. "What secret?" Chanyeol asked. Suho, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo turned their head toward Kai with what-kind-of-little-secret-you-hide face.

Kai bite his lips."I can't do that. Okay i will take the punishment."

"Wait up! What secret?" ask Chanyeol again.

Sehun smirked more wide, "This dark boy has crush to Naeun. Okay i punish you to kiss Naeun on her lips!" Sehun said and make the other boys applaused for it.

Once more Kai widen his eyes. "What the hell!"

"Chill calm down," Sehun laughed hard. "Just make it isn't only a ToD game, can you? Just kiss her and say you love her! Are you afraid, huh?" Sehun said like to threat him. Make Kai glared his eyes towards Sehun and stood up. He run to caught Naun who already far from them.

Sehun laughed and stood up. He turned his head to his friends, "What are you waiting for, guys?" and he run after Kai. The other followed Sehun.


"What makes you late huh? I'm starving!" Bomi said while crossed her arms. Grumbled to Naeun.

"I'm sorry, guys. Namjoo asked me to teach her about Basketball more. She seems exited to enter this school and enter our team," Naeun explained to her friends.

"Okay, Naeun already here. Let's go to canteen then before the rest time is over," said Chorong and walked away to canteen. Bomi and the other girl, Eunji, followed their Leader Team behind.

Eunji thought for a while. Seems she had something to talk to Naeun and finally she remembered. She turned away to Naeun who walked behind her. "Ah by the way Naeun..." She widen her eyes after saw what happend in front of her. "Oh My God!" She shocked and caught Bomi's arm who not far from her. And Bomi had the same expression like Eunji but she just keep silent.

Chorong who heard Eunji's yell, turned her body and yeah, her shock face was same like Eunji and Bomi's.

In front of them, Kai kissed Naeun. Not just a normal kiss, but it's a passionate kiss!

Naeun didn't know what to do since Kai locked her body to wall and he held her body very tight. Two basketballs she brought already bounced to somewhere.

Meanwhile, Sehun and the other Kai's friends were shock too. Because it's all not what he mean.He was imagining a simple kiss and after that Kai said his feeling towards Naeun. But... it was not his plan.

Kai and Naeun didn't feel anything. They seemed enjoy each other. But it was her first kiss.

Wait a second, her first kiss?!

She pushed Kai hardly as she could and finally it made the kiss broke. Kai just realized what happend and he did too far. Before he explained all and told his feeling, Naeun started to told first.

"You !!! I hate you!! !!" She scolded Kai and made that boy stiff. After that she rubbed her lips harshly and run away to her class. Chorong and Eunji tried to chase after her.

"What's wrong with you?" said Bomi to Kai and run away to chase Naeun. Made Kai felt more guilty.

"Woahh, That's a great story!" said Hayoung after hear the whole story.

"That's not great! That was my first kiss and he stole it just because of Turth or Dare! It's ridiculous!" said Naeun and kick a chair after done her own word.

Bomi laughs, "But after that, there's no news Kai dating another girls right? All of his life in school is just for study, playing basketball and annoy you, Naeun-ah."

Naeun doesn't say anything. She just frowns because she really doesn't want to hear that story again.

"I'm very sure if Kai likes Naeun but he shows it wrong," said Eunji and make the other nods.

"I hate him!" Naeun answers.

"Calm down, eonni," said Hayoung. "Hate becomes Love sometimes. Just be carefull to your own word."

Chorong, Bomi, Eunji and Namjoo nod together after heard what Hayoung said. That little girl was true and that always happen in this life.

The school has already end today. Naeun pouts her lips after her friends leave her. She sighs and staring straight outside from the window.

Suddenly someone pats her shoulder make her wakes up from her daydreaming.


"I feel bad after leave her alone," Chorong said to Bomi, Eunji, Namjoo and Hayoung.

"Me too. Feels like want to help her for looking that absurd thing," said Namjoo.

"No, you can't do that." someone said.

The girls are turn around their body together to face the voice owner behind them.

"What do you mean, Suho-ssi?" asked Chorong.

"Yeah you can't stop us!" said Namjoo and puffs her cheek.

Sehun laughs. "Calm down. We thought to do the same too. But don't you think it's all for their kindness too?"

Baekhyun nods, "Yeah, we mean... urm... actually, Kai likes Naeun, you know? We hope this punishment will make them to be friend. Not like this.

"I knew it! He likes our Naeunie!" Eunji said. Seems like she is very happy of her thought was true.

The other girls nod together. "Yeah, i guess you're true, Suho-ssi," Chorong said. After that, the're keep silent each other. But some of them staring in silent.

Suddenly someone walks toward them. "Can you all help me?"

-To be continued-

I don't know what to say o/

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I will take hiatus after posted this story. Hope you all don't mind to keep waiting :) Thank you


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Chapter 5: cool story!!
Chapter 5: am i too late to comment? hehe
but, seriously i like this to the max! haha
keep it up!!! we need more kaieun fanfics hehe^^
luvapink #3
Chapter 5: Please make another kaieun fanfic!! ^^
Chapter 5: -is calling your boss-
yeoshin1002 #5
Chapter 5: I LOVE IT...
koala_panda #6
Chapter 5: yay..i want sequel..
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 5: sequel sequel! haha
Chapter 5: WOOOOOOOOWWWW!! Gila keren banget thor! asli ga nyangka sama endingnya, awalnya aq udah bingung aja sama plotnya, but hey, you prove that ur really an amazing author. Daebak! you surprise me a lot but i really appreciate it author-nim ^^
koala_panda #9
Chapter 4: aah..what happen?? is it their teacher?or their friends?
please update soon..