Nightmare Night

The Troublemakers

Kai and Naeun walk together trace the school corridor. Ah, not together. Naeun walks two meters in front of Kai.

Suddenly, she turns back. "Hey, do you get the clue?" ask her.

"No," answer Kai. He shrugs and walks away. Now he is about two meters in front of Naeun. He walks more far because Naeun still stands silently behind him.

"What is that?" she said to herself. "Something latten, may never exist, but Kim seonsaengnim believe it must be at school? Rich Treasures?" she tilts her head. After long silently in her daydreaming, finally she is realize that she is alone in that corridor.

"K--Kai?" She yells a bit and no answer. Silent.

School’s atmosphere is really scary at night. Especially when you stand alone in that silent corridor. She thinks Jongin won’t be wait for her. She realizes that she did something bad towards him last afternoon after school end

.She sighed after her friends leaving her. Now just she left in her classroom. She really thought that she had no idea for Kim Seonsagnim’s clue. Then, she didn’t want to do that punishment with Jongin. Just thought about that brat, she felt nauseous.

Suddenly someone tapped her shoulder and make her very shocked. She turned her face quickly and she found it was Jongin.

“What the hell you doing!?” she scolded him.

Jongin widened his eyes because he felt shock to towards Naeun’s reaction. “Can you just calm down? I’m just tapped your shoulder and that even not hurt!” said Jongin.

“Don’t touch me!” she scolded again. Honestly she felt uncontrolled, she really didn’t want to scold him like that.

Jongin sighed, “Okay, I won’t touch you anymore. I just feel… tired about this. I’m sorry for all of my bad behaviors to you,” He turned his face and looked away from Naeun. “If you ready, we can searching for it together. I’ll be waiting you in front of your classroom,” then he walked away from Naeun’s classroom.

After Jongin left, she felt guilty. She bent down her body and put her head on the table. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She mumbled, “It’s not like that…” She touched her lips and rubbed it softly.

And after 30 minutes long stayed in her mind, she came out from her classroom and walked pass Jongin.

She looks down and stares to the floor. She really hates him. And more hates him because he leaves her alone like this.

She decides to walk alone, try to brave herself without a man’s help. She walks pass some classrooms but not to brave for peeks in.


She startled. “What was that?” She talks to herself. She turns her body around to looks where was the broken sound from.  But there’s nothing broken.

The light on the edge of the corridors far in front of her goes out so sudden. She keeps glancing at that edge because there’s a small move from there. As she looks, there’s a figure of human. She’s not sure if that human is boy or girl because that figure keeps standing under the dark side.

Naeun feels like to say something, but the other side of her command to keep silent. After one minute stay still, that figure starts moving again. That figure walking towards her like a zombie likes she had ever seen in a movie.

That figure doesn’t only walking like a zombie, but also takes out something like an ax. Yeah, an ax.

Naeun feels so afraid. She can’t think clearly again. “Kyaaaaa!!” she yelling and runs away from her place.


Jongin stops his feet and turns around, “Na –…” He blinks his eyes. “Where is she?” He says to his self.

As far he feels, He is so sure Naeun was behind him because he said another steps behind him. He thought that it was Naeun.

He takes a deep breath, “Naeun, I don’t have any mood to play hide and seek with you. I want to solve this fool punishment and go home for rest, okay?” he says with louder voice. But, There is no answer for his statement.

Jongin bites his lips. He confuses on what to do. He really want to end this all and walks alone to find what they search by his self, or waiting for Naeun first and starts searching together.

“Naeun…” He calls her name once again. But still no answer.


Jongin widen his eyes. He sure that scream comes from Naeun. He starts to run but no longer after that, he falls to the floor because of stumbling by something.

He groans and rubs his knee, because of landing on the floor first. “ it! What is that?” He says.

Once again, widen his eyes. A couple of hands hug his legs. It’s…

“Chorong…” He wishpers to himself. His body shivers a bit because Chorong he see looks like bleeding now. “W—What happen to you?” He tries to reach Chorong and lean her back to the wall. His eyes scanning her body who totally covered by blood.

Chorong who feel suffer, tries to talk. “I … very worry of Naeun,” she coughs and puking some blood from .

“What do you mean?” Kai feels his heart beating faster.

“… There’s a story between students here. A murder hides in this school. So I decide to come… ugh… afraid that murder will find Naeun. But, he already found me first… Please, Kai… save my friend…” after that she closes her eyes.

“Chorong!” Kai shakes Chorong’s body. As he look, Chorong is not breathing anymore. He bites his lips. A couple of tears is out from his eyes.

He stands up and runs leaving Chorong that he sure Chorong already die. “I’m sorry, Chorong. I will find Naeun.” He starts to search Naeun now. Doesn’t care anymore about that stupid punishment. His priority is finding Naeun now and go away from this school. Maybe call the police first.


He stops and pats his forehead. How could he forget something that he has a phone. Yeah he will call the police first to help him to find Naeun and catch the murder.

He takes out his phone from his pocket and dialing a number. But no longer after that, he throws his phone to the wall hardly. “ it no signal!”



To be continue

I'm sorry i make this story become weird but i need this plot ._.v critics and suggestion is always open ^^ Thanks you for subscript this failed story, for the upvote and your comments ;o;)/ wo ai ni!


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I will take hiatus after posted this story. Hope you all don't mind to keep waiting :) Thank you


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Chapter 5: cool story!!
Chapter 5: am i too late to comment? hehe
but, seriously i like this to the max! haha
keep it up!!! we need more kaieun fanfics hehe^^
luvapink #3
Chapter 5: Please make another kaieun fanfic!! ^^
Chapter 5: -is calling your boss-
yeoshin1002 #5
Chapter 5: I LOVE IT...
koala_panda #6
Chapter 5: yay..i want sequel..
mingkhoo #7
Chapter 5: sequel sequel! haha
Chapter 5: WOOOOOOOOWWWW!! Gila keren banget thor! asli ga nyangka sama endingnya, awalnya aq udah bingung aja sama plotnya, but hey, you prove that ur really an amazing author. Daebak! you surprise me a lot but i really appreciate it author-nim ^^
koala_panda #9
Chapter 4: aah..what happen?? is it their teacher?or their friends?
please update soon..