
1-4-3 Do you love me still?

When my parents and older brother finally finished getting ready, we headed to the car. My parents were discussing how they were so excited to have dinner with Jjong Oppa’s parents, and as usual Key Oppa was glued to his phone, texting who knows who. Probably updating his twitter, or instagram, or facebook, or something like that. He dragged me towards him to take a couple of selfies, and then continued playing on his phone. I just sat there quietly and zoned out. I could feel the anxiety building up inside of me, and was getting more and more nervous the closer that we got to the restaurant.

The whole ride to the restaurant, I felt tense and nervous. I was trying to breathe like the way they do in yoga, in order to calm myself down. “Inhale, exhale, breathe. Relax, it’ll be alright, just smile and remain calm. You’ll be fine don’t worry about it.” I whispered to myself. I could tell my brother was enjoying this because he kept bursting out into laughter while seated next to me. If I wasn’t already this nervous, I probably would’ve kicked him or something by now.


“Eunsa-yah… Gwenchana? Are you okay? I know you’re nervous and all, but it will be fine. Plus, I heard from JJong that Jongin missed you a lot, and he can’t wait to be reunited with his childhood best friend.” Key Oppa pats my head, and soon we arrive at the restaurant.

My brother almost literally drags me out of the car, while my parents walk ahead towards the table. I hide behind his back, nervous and scared, trying to calm myself down. I felt both excited and extremely nervous. I honestly didn’t know how to feel or react. The closer we got to the table, I peeked over my brother’s shoulder and noticed that only our parents and Jjong Oppa’s parents were sitting at the table.

“Annyeonghaseyo!” My brother and I bowed politely and took our seats. There was one empty seat next to me, and anther empty seat next to Key Oppa.

“Where are Jjong and Jongin, Omonim?” My brother asks their mother and looks around the restaurant.

“Oh, they just went to the bathroom. I’m so glad we’re having this dinner. I’m excited for both of our families to be together again. It’s been quite a while since we’ve all eaten together. ” She respond and grins, probably reminiscing about the past.

“It’s been 8 years already, wow.” My mother responds and the elders burst out into laughter.

I sigh and look at my phone, checking the time 8:07 pm…. What was taking them so long. I don’t know what made me more anxious, all the excitement building up, or my need to runaway. I texted Sehun to try and calm my nerves down hoping that he could get me to relax.

“Yah! Kim EunSa! You got this. You’re my best friend and you’re confident. I know that. You can do this, just go act normal and say hi. It’ll all be alright. Now shush, I’m watching videos on youtube. Hwaiting!” He replies in a short and annoying message.

“Gee best friend, huh… Thanks for the support.” I roll my eyes and quickly text back and put my phone down on the table.

Jjong Oppa then appears out of nowhere and proceeds to taking the seat next to my brother.

He grins at me and smiles. “Jongin will be here soon.” He tells his parents, and starts having a conversation about the University with my brother.

Suddenly I hear footsteps and the seat next to me being sat in. I feel a tap on my right shoulder, so I lookup shocked and surprised.

I see Jongin grinning and I freeze. “Annyeong…EunSa, I missed you!” he says and pinches my cheek.

My eyes widen… and I stutter. “ J..Jongin, hi… I missed you too?” I say cautiously. “What the hell? Why didn’t you tell me who you were… Kai.” I just stare at him, so confused, and so lost, while he just smirks at me.

“Well you see, I wanted to see if you remembered me or not, but I guess the answer to that is no. But, now you know it’s me so… hi, it’s me Kim Jongin, Kai. ” He smiles cutely and I feel so awkward.

I didn’t know whether to be mad sad, or maybe possibly glad that Kai was Jongin. How could I be so stupid, how could I not notice, how could I be so dense and not realize he was Kim Jongin, the Kim Jongin who was my first crush and first love( not like he knew that… that would be awkward).

Everyone at the table was just staring at us and they burst out into laughter. ”EunSa, you didn’t even realize that your favorite Innie Oppa was in your class? You’re such a silly girl.” My mother teases me and causes the table to erupt in another round of laughter at my denseness.

“What…? What? NO way, I’m dreaming right this is all unreal. Impossible. Am I getting punk’d? Because if I am this isn’t funny.” I blurt out.

“No, this isn’t a dream. I’m really here.” Kais says as he pinches my cheek and laughs along with my parents and the rest of the table.

“Well, you sir are a douche bag.” I get up quickly.

“Sorry, everyone I’m not really feeling well right now. Can I just have dinner with you guys some other time?”

With that I leave the room and rush outside of the restaurant. I didn’t know what to do and what to think. How could he just appear like that? How could he not tell me who he was when he saw me. All these questions filled my head, and made me confused. Why couldn’t I recognize him in the first place, how could I have not realized it was him?

“Why am I so stupid?” I screamed out of frustration, and cover my mouth quickly, realizing that I was still standing in front of the restaurant, and had just epically embarrassed myself.

“Breathe EunSa, breathe.” I whisper to myself, trying to calm down. Suddenly someone grabs my shoulder and I hear heavy breathing behind me. When I turn around, it’s him. 


Hi guys, it's Arie♥. I kind of have writer's block at the moment, and so Ihope you like this short chapter. LOL I TRIED xD. Anyways, I hope you liked it? Pls feel free to comment and or subscribe haha ^^. 

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Chapter 6: thanks for this fast updated.. :3
You do a great job, sunbae! :*
Chapter 5: wooo I like it
cherbeaar14 #3
Chapter 5: you really have to stop ending your chapters like this hahaha it's killing me >.<
Chapter 5: Another cliff hanger~ okay.. hahaha, hope you can updated so soon~ I love your story.. :D
I'm still begginer at writing, please try to read my story when you have time.. kamsae~
cherbeaar14 #5
Chapter 4: aaah you can't leave us hanging! ;D haha it's really good, please continue the story please!
cherbeaar14 #6
Chapter 3: I love it! I can't wait for more updates :)
Chapter 2: Gdgshdudgdjdj.......the boy is Kai right .....omo is so cute !!!!
Chapter 1: Is NIceeeeeeee! Please write more more more...!!!!.....♥