Do you remember?

1-4-3 Do you love me still?

Key Oppa drove us home and Sehun and I started to do our homework in my room. First English, and then math, and we also needed to start thinking of ideas for our individual projects in music class. We would have to compose our own song and perform it in front of everyone.

Ten minutes into studying, Key Oppa pops in and brings us some snacks.

“How are my two cute dongsaengs? I can’t believe you’re already seniors in high school. I know you’re working hard to get into SM University, but don’t push yourselves too much… I brought you guys some cookies, and of course I brought Sehunnie my home made bubble tea, enjoy!”

“Yah! Oppa, what about me? I’m your biological sister. You didn’t bring me anything. How rude!” I pout, my brother brings my best friend something nice to drink, but I don’t have any, that’s upsetting right?

“EunSa babe, of course Oppa brought you a drink too.” He goes outside and quickly comes back with a tall glass of frosty and milky liquid.

“ Nothing but the best for my baby sis. Ta-dah! You’re awesome Oppa made you the world famous Banana Smoothie, made by Kim Key (Kibum) “

I giggle at his weird introduction. Only he would say something this narcissistic while praising his work. The again, I think that’s where I get my narcissism from, but hey that’s what adds character to my personality.

“Thanks Oppa, it’s delicious. I love it! Sehun-ah , do you wanna try it? IT’s really good.”

Sehun takes my drink and takes a sip, and then smiles widely.

“Wah~! Daebak! It’s really good, the blend of the flavors is on point, and it has a nice texture to it.” He says.

“Wow, Sehunnie I didn’t know you were some kind of food connosieur or something. You even use words like texture to describe a drink, that’s quite impressive.” He teases the poor boy.

“Anyways, get out! Thanks for the snacks and all, but we have to get to studying soon. The faster we finish our homework, the more time we have to chat and play. Plus, we only have one left, so you can annoy us as much as you want later.” I get up and push my brother out, closing the door once both of his feet are in the hallway. Sehun laughs at our brother sister interactions, and then we both go back to focusing on our homework.

An hour later, we finally finished. Sehun and I were just chilling while playing video games in my room. I hear a faint knock and Key Oppa walks in with a dress and a pair of shoes.

“EunSa…Umma and Appa say that we have to attend some kind of dinner thing with Jonghyun and his family Friday night, so you better clear your schedule. They said that you must wear this outfit and look nice. It’s going to be some kind of celebratory dinner because Kkapjong has returned. I still can’t believe it has been 8 years since your beloved Innie Oppa moved away to the country side. Are you excited?” He smirks at me while placing the dress in my closet. Sehun just sits there with an amused facial expression. He has never met this Innie Oppa person because he moved into the neighborhood a couple of months after he moved away.

“Yah, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I can barely remember him, it’s been 8 years, I don’t even know what he looks like now. Back then he was really cute, and friendly, plus he always played with me. But, he left me all alone, thank goodness I have Sehun now. Who knows, if he’s still the same.” I roll my eye at my bother and turn my head back to the Tv and the game.

Sehun turns slightly pink at the mention of his name, but quickly recovers from it. He never knew that EunSa had an extreme crush on Jonghyun hyung’s little brother.

“Well, I hope when you meet him, you’ll be a behaved child. We all know how you get, when you’re upset with someone.” Sehun teases me.

I just ignore him, but deep down inside I knew I was still upset at Innie~~. He didn’t even say goodbye, and he just left to live with his grandparents just like that. He told Jonghyun Oppa to tell me about it, and left a cute tan bunny plushy to represent him, with a letter attached to it.

“Yeah…whatever.” I reply monotonously. “ What’s for dinner? I’m getting hungry.”

Key Oppa laughs and goes to check downstairs and soon pops his head back in through the door.

“It’s jjajjangmyeon and kalbi, and there’s rice on the side. The maids especially cut up fresh pickle radish, since they now that you like it so much. “ He pinches my cheek and smiles.

“You’re so cute, dongsaeng. Now go wash up and prepare for dinner. You too Sehunnie, wash your hands and eat with us tonight.”

“Arrasseo Hyung, I’ll be down later. How could I refuse delicious food. I hope you don’t mind my intrusion.” Sehun says shyly.

We just laugh in response and get ready for dinner. Ten minutes later, the food is ready and the table is set up. We all take a seat at the table. Umma and Appa are working late at the company, so we’re eating ahead of them. I take a bite of the kalbi and stuff my face with pickled radish and rice. This was so good, I almost forgot that I was eating in front of people.

Sehun and Key just stare at me, not shocked at all, since they were used to my behavior when I got hungry. They stifle their laughs and continue eating, while ignoring my weird way of eating.

“EunSa baby… You might want to eat slower. You’re not in a competition with anyone and there is plenty of food for us to share. You might wanna practice eating slowly, so you don’t look so starved and hungry at the dinner on Friday.” Key Oppa teases.

Sometimes, I really wanted to smack my brother, but I was too busy eating to do anything about it.

“Shuthsfebvup! Pahhfboyhah! Ighavbnt eayernt aghll dehy. (Shut up! Pabo yah! I haven’t eaten all day!)” I say with my mouth full and drink some water afterwards.

After dinner, Sehun goes home and we call it a night. Before I go to sleep I remember the playboy like new kid. Ugh…I have to hang out with him again tomorrow. I better get my beauty sleep, so I’ll have the energy to ignore his annoying flirting with all the girls at school. Freaking Kai.

I soon drift off to sleep and start to dream about something in the past, my childhood, and me playing with a boy I once knew. 


I actually kind of like this chapter, so if you do too, you should upvote, subrscribe and/or comment. I'm trying to update consistently hahahah ~~ Thanks for reading though - Arie ^.^ ♥

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Chapter 6: thanks for this fast updated.. :3
You do a great job, sunbae! :*
Chapter 5: wooo I like it
cherbeaar14 #3
Chapter 5: you really have to stop ending your chapters like this hahaha it's killing me >.<
Chapter 5: Another cliff hanger~ okay.. hahaha, hope you can updated so soon~ I love your story.. :D
I'm still begginer at writing, please try to read my story when you have time.. kamsae~
cherbeaar14 #5
Chapter 4: aaah you can't leave us hanging! ;D haha it's really good, please continue the story please!
cherbeaar14 #6
Chapter 3: I love it! I can't wait for more updates :)
Chapter 2: Gdgshdudgdjdj.......the boy is Kai right .....omo is so cute !!!!
Chapter 1: Is NIceeeeeeee! Please write more more more...!!!!.....♥