So close, yet so far...

1-4-3 Do you love me still?

We get out of the car as soon as we reach Jjong Oppa’s house and then I ring the doorbell because I really need to pee. As soon as the maid opens the door, I bow down to greet her quickly and run to the restroom. I hear my brother laughing in the background. After a couple of minutes, I leave the bathroom and walk towards the living room to my brother.

“Annyeong Jjong Oppa, So did you get the stuff?” I turn towards my brother who had a suspicious grin on his face.

“Yeah, EunSa-yahhhhh I did… so do you wanna stay for a bit? Dinner isn’t for another hour and well… your first love will be pout of the shower in about 5 minutes? Don’t you wanna say hi?” He wriggles his eyebrows at me and teases.

“Wh…What are you talking about…. I think we should go soon, I need to uh… do homework today?” I say nervously, trying to get myself out of this awkward situation.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay? I’m sure my brother wants to see you, he told me he missed you. Actually, I’m surprised you haven’t seen him at school yet.” Jjong Oppa winks and adds on to the teasing.

“What are you ---“ I’m interrupted by a voice from upstairs.

“Yah Hyung! Who are you talking to, is Key Hyung there?” screams someone from the second floor.

“Yeah, so is EunSa, they came to pick up something…” JJong Oppa screams to that person and grins at me.

“Oh really, I’ll be down in a minute.” The voice shouts back.

Luckily my cellphone rings and it’s a random message from Sehun asking about tomorrow’s English lecture. I use this as an excuse to escape and grab my brother as I run out the door.

“Oh, sorry bye we gotta go. Oppa, Umma said to go home quickly because uhm… She wants to know what we want to have for dinner. Ok bye.” I rush to the car and we drive back home. As my brother parks the car, he gives me a knowing look.

“EunSa, I know what you did back there. Were you that nervous?” He jokes. “Well anyways, you’re going to have to see him on Friday because of the family dinner, who knows you might even see him before then?” He teases.

Before I could respond, he runs up to his room and I slowly walk back up to mine and dive onto my bed.

Whoa, that was close… Even if I saw him… How would I respond? What would I say? I’m actually really nervous.


WE go down for dinner and whatnot and everything was fine. Key Oppa would give me a look every now and then, but I would just ignore him. At dinner my parents reminded me about the meeting on Friday, and how my brother and I should go home straight from school. They couldn’t stress the importance of this dinner enough, but I just think that they were excited to hang out with their friends, who happen to be Jonghyun’s parents.

It was finally D-Day at T-5hours and I survived a full week of school being Kai’s buddy and he’s not that bad, he’s pretty cool. Sehun gets along really well with him actually, and I don’t know if that’s because they’re both weird, or they’re just really dumb in general. I got used to eating lunch with them the past 3 days and right now I’m sitting here listening to them discussing who knows what. I tend to just tune them out and eat my food like normal.

We went back to class and these two idiots are still talking. I thought I was the best friend and now I feel like the third wheel. Suddenly, Kai turns to me and asks me such a weird question that I almost smash my head onto my desk.

“Hey, EunSa how are you friends with such a handsome guy like Oh Sehun? Are you two dating?” He wriggles his eyebrows in a teasing manner. While Sehun just shakes his head embarrassedly as if to say no. I thought it was a bit weird, but I chose to ignore the slight pink tint on his face.

“No, he’s just my best friend. We’ve been childhood friends since I was 11, he’s more of a brother to me.” I reply nonchalantly un-phased by this type of question. I was used to answering this, because a lot of people thought the same way.

“Oh, then why don’t you go out with me? You secretly love me anyways…” He jokes and I just glare at him in response and go back to doing my work like a good student.

“In your dreams, Kai” I shrug and try to solve the last question on my math worksheet. Integrals are such a pain in the , I do not understand how one simply uses u-substitution, it’s like confusing AF!

“Bye, seeya Monday!” I scream as I run out of class. Umma and Appa would be mad if we got home late today, due to our prior appointments, I needed to get ready as soon as possible.

Key Oppa was already waiting outside the gates of my school, and as soon as I put on my seatbelt, he started to dive home.

“So EunSa… nervous for today?” He smiles at me.

“NO, I got this, I think. It’s whatever, it’s just a family dinner. It’s no big deal.” I sigh.

“Okay, whatever you say, but Oppa is here to support you.” He laughs a bit.

When we finally reach the house, I run upstairs to take a shower, and couldn’t help my thoughts from wondering how I should act at tonight’s dinner. Do I act casual, do I say hi? Do I start a conversation? My mind keeps surrounding these thoughts and making me feel all confused. Exactly how was I supposed to react to seeing my best friend (and uhhhh…crush) for the first time in eight years. EIGHT FREAKING YEARS!

I suddenly hear my mom’s voice telling me to get out of the shower because I have an hour left to get ready before we go meet the Kim’s haha not my family, but the other Kim Family at the restaurant.

I start to dry my hair, and curl the ends. I mean, I did want to look a little bit cute tonight, plus my mom told me I had to look presentable. I didn’t really want to wear make-up, so I just put on lip gloss and tadah~ the look was complete. I looked at myself in the mirror and there I was wearing a light pink dress, which came up to the knee with the top part being baby doll like. It was a cute dress, and I wore light pink flats to match with it. TO top off the whole outfit, I put on a pink ribbon headband, and gave myself one last look in the mirror.

“Kim EunSa, hwaiting!” With that I walked downstairs and waited for everyone to be ready and head to the restaurant. 


So, I've been trying my best to be consistent and update and stuff. Hope y'all like it, and if you don't well then, I hope you don't hate it haha ~ - Arie ^.^ 

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Chapter 6: thanks for this fast updated.. :3
You do a great job, sunbae! :*
Chapter 5: wooo I like it
cherbeaar14 #3
Chapter 5: you really have to stop ending your chapters like this hahaha it's killing me >.<
Chapter 5: Another cliff hanger~ okay.. hahaha, hope you can updated so soon~ I love your story.. :D
I'm still begginer at writing, please try to read my story when you have time.. kamsae~
cherbeaar14 #5
Chapter 4: aaah you can't leave us hanging! ;D haha it's really good, please continue the story please!
cherbeaar14 #6
Chapter 3: I love it! I can't wait for more updates :)
Chapter 2: Gdgshdudgdjdj.......the boy is Kai right .....omo is so cute !!!!
Chapter 1: Is NIceeeeeeee! Please write more more more...!!!!.....♥