Chapter VII


“How do you call out a demon?” Sungmin asks, and Shindong shrugs. The thunderclouds are just beginning to clear now, for which Shindong feels eternally grateful. “Just… call him?”

Sungmin raises a cynical eyebrow, but takes a deep breath anyway. 


After the dust clears and the last of the avalanche of demons has left bad-naturedly, Shindong sits up from where he’s nearly been trampled into the cloud floor. 

“Perhaps,” he says, wincing, “you should be a bit more specific.”

Sungmin picks up his halo from the floor, bent beyond salvation, and pouts at it. “Now you tell me.”

He pulls Shindong up and they sit side by side on Sungmin’s bed. “Uh, okay. Incubus, who calls himself Sungmin, who is hitting on my- that is, Angel Sungmin’s human, come here!”

When nothing happens, Sungmin adds tentatively, “Now?”

The incubus appears with a pop, insolent expression at the ready. “Right now? Right this very instant?”

Sungmin ignores him, and stands up to face the incubus. 

“Go Min!” Shindong cheers, and both Sungmins turn to look at him. 

“I’m cheering for that one,” Shindong clarifies, pointing at the angel, and the devil rolls his eyes.

“I challenge you, demon,” Sungmin begins, but the incubus isn’t paying attention. 

“What- I chipped my polish again! ! Look at this, seriously,” he cries, shoving his left hand in Shingdong’s face. “Do you have any idea how long it takes me to get this right? And it’s perfect for like, twenty seconds before it ing chips. Do you have any, I don’t know, Heavenly and Divine Polish Overcoat you angels use that you could lend me? I know you don’t think everyone believes your nails get that shiny naturally.”

“Excuse me!” Sungmin yells, and the devil and Shindong look up from where they’re examining his nails. Shindong has the grace to look guilty.

As I was saying, demon, I’m challenging you,” Sungmin says, miffed. 

“Challenging me, huh?” The incubus says, shooting a last frown at his nails before making himself comfortable on Sungmin’s bed, picking fries out of a MacDonald’s carton that wasn’t there a second before. 

“And what, pray tell, are the conditions of this challenge?”

“Firstly, stop eating on my bed. Secondly, those fries are really unhealthy,” Sungmin says, highly disapproving. 

The incubus shrugs. “Got to eat from our sponsors.”

Sungmin glares at him for a bit, and then continues. “These are the conditions. God has told me to both back off and to go fight you for my human, and so I’m going to do something in between. We both spend time with him, in human form, and it’s up to him to choose the one he likes best.”

“And then comes marriage and a baby carriage,” the incubus sings, sarcastically. “So what?”

“If I win, I want you to go away and leave him alone forever.”

The incubus snorts, salt off long fingers. “And,” he says, slowly, obviously enjoying himself, “if I win?”

Sungmin takes a deep breath, and forces himself to exude the confidence he does not feel. “If you win, which I highly doubt, then I will stop interfering and back off.”

The incubus throws his head back and laughs, which is why he doesn’t see Shindong steal a fry. Sungmin does, though, and makes it disappear before it can reach Shindong’s mouth. Shindong sighs.

Sungmin waits for the incubus to get over his fit of mirth, and throws him an exaggeratedly curious look. “What’s so funny?”

The incubus gets up, brushing himself off, and walks over to Sungmin, standing close to him. Too close.

“I don’t think you really understand what happens if I win,” he murmurs, running a finger down the angel’s cheek. Sungmin jerks his head away, and moves to put more space between them, but the incubus grabs his upper arm to stop him from escaping. 

“If I win, I win his soul.”


Kyuhyun checks his watch for the hundredth time, wondering where Sungmin is. Although it’s not yet really autumn, the weather is turning cold and the park bench is hard, and Kyuhyun is a teenager waiting for a hot boy whose top priority seems to be getting Kyuhyun , so impatience was rather the defining feature of the moment.

He is tapped on the shoulder and turns round eagerly, and is instantly met by a confusing sight. It’s Sungmin’s face on Sungmin’s body, but he’s wearing… white. And he’s smiling.


Sungmin laughs happily, and Kyuhyun becomes even more confused. 

“You don’t remember me? I’m Sunghyun, Sungmin’s brother?”

“Oh! Of course, please forgive me-” Kyuhyun jumps to his feet and bows, but Sunghyun slaps him playfully on the arm and guides him back to his seat on the bench.

“Oh, forget all that. What are you doing here?”

“I’m- I’m waiting for your brother, actually, we’re supposed to meet now,” Kyuhyun replies awkwardly, blush creeping up his neck for all the world to see. 

Oh, you’re adorable, Sunghyun sighs inwardly, and then smiles. “He’s late?”

“Yeah, I don’t know where he is,” Kyuhyun says, distracted. He looks around him, trying to see if the incubus is approaching in the distance, but to no avail. Sunghyun just watches him.

“Keep you company till he gets here?” He offers simply, and Kyuhyun finds himself smiling back.

Sunghyun swings his legs back and forth, and makes a decision. What’s the use of having a lifetime of knowledge about Kyuhyun if he’s not going to use it?

“So, what kind of music do you listen to? You might call me old-fashioned, but I really like Sung Si Kyung hyungnim’s songs,” Sunghyun says, ducking his head in pretend-embarrassment, and tries not to grin. 

When Kyuhyun finally stops gushing about Sung Si Kyung about three years later, he grabs Sunghyun’s hand on impulse and squeezes it.

“Oh my god, hyung, I can’t even tell you what it’s like meeting someone else who loves Sung Si Kyung hyungnim like I do. Most people our age think he’s too old and are into boybands or some like that. I’m so happy,” he says, laughing, and Sunghyun laughs back at him for how elated he is. 

“Silly boy,” he whispers, and has to stop himself from lacing his fingers with Kyuhyun’s. 

“You know what? I really want to go to Lotte World. I haven’t been for the longest time,” Sunghyun says, cheating again. 

Kyuhyun’s jaw drops, and for a minute he seems to have trouble breathing. “I want to go too! The last time I went I was, what, seven? And we didn’t even finish seeing everything in the place. I want to go so badly but I don’t want to go alone and nobody else wants to go…” He trails off, and tries not to look too hopeful, or assuming.

Sunghyun grins at him, and Kyuhyun grins back. 

“This Saturday?”

“Saturday!” Kyuhyun crows, and almost claps his hands together in glee, but stops himself just in time. 

You’re still the little boy I knew at 4, and 6, and the awkward child I knew at 12, and 14, and here you are overjoyed because someone wants to go with you to Lotte World. Sunghyun almost feels his heart break at the innocence of it, but is rudely reminded of how un-innocent he is in other ways when a familiar drawl cuts in.

“How nice to see you here, Sunghyun,” the incubus says, his eyes and his mouth saying completely opposite things.

“Sungmin,” Sunghyun smiles, getting up. “I was just keeping Kyuhyunnie here company for a while, till you came. It’s not polite, keeping your friends waiting.”

“It wouldn’t be, if he was my friend,” the incubus insinuates, mocking. “See you at home, brother.”

He takes Kyuhyun by the hand and leaves Sunghyun standing in the autumn chill, Kyuhyun twisting back to wave a hurried goodbye. 


The light flickers over their faces in the dark cinema, but the incubus isn’t watching the movie. It’s utter crap and the popcorn is rubbish, and most of all, he cannot stop thinking about seeing the angel earlier. He knows it’s ridiculous to be worried, but he still is, anyway. 

The boy is engrossed in the stupid film, his mouth hanging slightly open as the shadows form fantastic shapes over his face. They’re the only ones in the small theatre apart from an elderly man in the front, who had fallen asleep ten minutes into the show, and Sungmin cannot believe that the boy would rather watch this dumb show than jump his bones. They’re in a dark theatre, practically alone, hormones check, privacy check, thrill of doing it in a semi-public area check – so what is this boy’s deal?

“This is amazing,” Kyuhyun whispers to him, eyes glued to the screen. “A dream within a dream within a dream – how does he do that?”

You’re a geek! the incubus wants to yell, but finds himself staring at Kyuhyun’s mouth, and the way the light plays off his pale skin. He leans forward and nuzzles Kyuhyun’s neck, inhaling the scent of him and running a hand up Kyuhyun’s arm at the same time.

Kyuhyun tears his eyes away from the screen to look at Sungmin in the darkness, and moves in for a kiss. 

Distraction tactics 1, stupid trying-to-act-intelligent movie 0, the incubus thinks, and enjoys Kyuhyun pressing sweet kisses down his neck for a minute. He has more pressing matters on his mind.

He unbuckles his belt and s his jeans, pushing them down slightly, and takes Kyuhyun’s hand. He places it on his crotch, cupping his hand around Kyuhyun’s so that the boy’s got a handful of , and massages slowly. He can feel Kyuhyun’s blood start to heat, his heart pounding faster at the heady touch.

He knows he looks devastatingly good, dark hair falling into his eyes, black collared shirt against fair skin, the half-light accentuating the sharp lines of his face and the curve of his mouth. It’s hunger when Kyuhyun looks at him, and he doesn’t blame the boy one bit.

He pushes down his boxers to free his , letting go of Kyuhyun’s hand for a moment, only to recapture it and wrap it around his , the heat of his length seeping through Kyuhyun’s fingers. Kyuhyun hesitates, but gains confidence as he starts to Sungmin, and earns a grunt of approval; the hand resting on the back of Kyuhyun’s head, though, tells him what Sungmin really wants.

Kyuhyun turns wide eyes to Sungmin, resisting the slight pressure that’s pushing his head downwards into Sungmin’s lap. 

“I-I’ve never done this before, I don’t-”

Learn,” Sungmin breathes, closing his eyes as he leans back in the seat. 

Kyuhyun bends over Sungmin’s lap, his lips nervously. He opens his mouth, trying to figure out how to cover his teeth and remember what Sungmin did when he’d been on the receiving end. He at the head, the contact in the air-conditioned theatre eliciting a hiss from Sungmin, who massages Kyuhyun’s neck encouragingly. “Take the head in your mouth.”

Kyuhyun does as he is told, lightly on the head of Sungmin’s , swirling his tongue around and hoping it feels good. This is easy, he thinks. Wonder why everyone makes such a fuss about it.

Sungmin pushes Kyuhyun’s head lower on his the same instant he s into his mouth, and Kyuhyun finds out why.      
Pulling back and gasping for breath as he tries to calm his gag reflex, Kyuhyun fists a hand in Sungmin’s shirt in alarm. Sungmin grins lazily, eyes still closed, and pushes back down on Kyuhyun’s head. “Get back on it,” he murmurs.

Kyuhyun takes Sungmin’s in his mouth again with decidedly more apprehension this time, and slowly slides up and down the length of it, trying to keep from going too deep. “Use your hands,” Sungmin orders from above, and Kyuhyun wraps a hand around the base of Sungmin’s , in time.

“Relax your throat,” Sungmin guides, eyes now open and watching him in the darkness. “Take it in deeper.”

Kyuhyun opens his mouth wider, cushioning the underside of Sungmin’s with his tongue and tightening his lips around it. His back teeth scrape the head, and he freezes, but Sungmin moans and tightens his hold in Kyuhyun’s hair. 

“ faster.”

Kyuhyun tries his best, jaw already aching, as Sungmin’s slides in and out of his mouth, head bobbing as fast as he can. Without warning, Sungmin pushes down on his head so that he’s got Sungmin’s in his mouth all the way, his nose buried in the coarse hair there. He struggles for breath and inhales Sungmin, the tears running down his cheeks from gagging on Sungmin’s . Sungmin lets him up, and for the first time, Kyuhyun is aware that he’s painfully hard. 

He goes back to work, up and down Sungmin’s , tongueing the head when he reaches the top because if Sungmin’s moans are anything to go by, he likes it very, very much. His jaw hurts like hell and it’s not easy to breathe, and there’s saliva ing everywhere, but god, for some reason he’s getting light-headed with the pleasure of having Sungmin’s in his mouth.

He s his own jeans with one shaky hand but doesn’t get very far because – surprise, turns out he can’t multitask that well – and Sungmin bats his hand away, doing it himself. He jerks Kyuhyun off roughly, changing hands so that he still has one fisted in Kyuhyun’s hair, and it’s all Kyuhyun can do to stay focused.

“Coming,” Sungmin bites out, and Kyuhyun feels hot on his tongue, and he waits till he’s got a mouthful, bitter and strange, but he swallows anyway. Sungmin drags him upright to kiss him and drown his moans when his follows soon after, jerked out of him by Sungmin’s hand. 

Kyuhyun leans, boneless, on Sungmin, uncaring now about what’s going on in the movie or about the mess they’ve made. He’ll worry about the come on his clothes later.

Sungmin takes deep breaths, waiting for his heart rate to return to normal. He steals a glance at the boy draped over him, the top of his head tucked under Sungmin’s chin, and allows himself a moment.

Nothing to worry about at-ing-all.



Guys, paper_berries@ LJ has drawn devil!min! It is so super adorable ide ♥ The little horns and wings! Go see go see.

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1489 streak #1
Chapter 13: I want more, to be very honest. This world's setting is so interesting. I'm especially curious about the God (it's Shisus, right?) and Lucifer (and this is Heenim?) here. They're just so freakingly hilarious??? They're like best buds her and I swear, I laugh whenever they have an appearance, especially when they are together. Love the fact that this world shows that everyone has opposite sides. Poor Kyu tho, being confused by Angel!Min and Incubus!Min. Good thing that at the end, the two Min ended up being a single, mortal being with the personality of the angel and the incubus. Really love that idea!

Thanks for this wonderful story. This is a super late comment but I thought that this fic needs more love so here, I'm giving my comment and upvote. Kudos!

P.S. Shindongie here is so uwu. I love him and I want to cuddle with him and always bring him to see his Min. Let's keep him and his cuteness happy.
Chapter 13: What a beautiful piece! A breather from all the common kyumin fics....
Well to understand more is to love more!
Heechul is lucifer along with his feline cat heebum and the foreign unnameddemon but i can easily tell that is hankyung...

Oh yeah who else plays god other than siwon!!

at least lee sungmin is what he is now ^^ nice story!
Chapter 13: I still wanna know who is the god n the devil...
This story is good.
I live how you focus to a story and yet it cover a broad topic.

aaw this is completed ;A;
i really love this story omg
cant stop reading
I've read this on livejournal way back and it was amazing. Will reread it again~ ^^
Chapter 13: end.....??? *pout*
I wish more~ but it's so great.... interesting and sweet... kkk~ Love it^^
seulmi #7
Chapter 13: This is beautiful... it shows us how there will always be a devil and an angel in each of us... I love how you presented the demons and angels...