Chapter VIII


Shindong is very, very relieved. 

“I gather you’re happy about something?”

Sungmin drifts contentedly by on a sparkling rainbow, and beams dreamily.

“Guess who’s got a date?”


Kyuhyun grabs Sunghyun by the shoulder from behind and before he can say anything in greeting, Kyuhyun cries – “Lotte World!” 

“Hello to you too,” Sunghyun says, laughing, and drinks Kyuhyun in, looking like a kid on Christmas morning. 

“Hope you don’t mind that I had to get your number from my brother, but we kinda forgot to set a time and a place to meet.” Sunghyun crosses his fingers behind his back, brushing away the easy lie as he thinks how simple it was to magic a text message into Kyuhyun’s phone last night. Technology, schmechnology

“Oh, no, it’s okay,” Kyuhyun says, glancing at Sunghyun. “Did, did Sungmin hyung say anything?”

“Anything?” Sunghyun asks, playing innocent.

“About us going out today,” Kyuhyun answers, pretending to rummage in his bag for something to hide his embarrassment.

“Oh, no, not really. He said he had other important things to do,” Sunghyun says casually, and revels a bit in the tiny frown that crosses Kyuhyun’s face. But only a bit.

“Ready to go?” 

The frown on Kyuhyun’s face vanishes.


They take the subway to Jamsil station, and Kyuhyun is practically champing at the bit when they finally arrive. Kyuhyun drags him up to a ticketing booth, and Sunghyun bats Kyuhyun’s wallet away. 

“Let me,” he says grandly, and then freezes as he suddenly realises he’s forgotten something rather essential. 

“74 000 won, please,” the girl behind the counter says, and Sunghyun angel-curses the fact that being human doesn’t come with a ‘Have you forgotten this?’ checklist.

He shoves a hand into his back pocket and frantically materializes a wallet, and then even more frantically materializes money. He pulls out the wad of notes he finds within with mounting apprehension, and Kyuhyun looks at him in confusion. 

Sunghyun almost can’t bear to look, but when he does he realizes that to say that he’s overcompensated in his panic would be an understatement. Kyuhyun stares at the sheaf of 50 000 won notes in his hand and turns to look at him with incredulity. 


Sunghyun tries to wave it away like it isn’t a big thing, and tries to remember not to conjure up twelve 50 000 won notes when he only needs two next time.

He grins nervously at the girl behind the counter who’s been watching the entire exchange, and she gives them the tickets with the unimpressed expression of ticket booth sellers worldwide.

They enter the gates of Lotte World to see people everywhere and Kyuhyun immediately fixes his gaze on the nearest ride. 

“The Giant Loop”, he breathes. “Hyung, look.”

Sunghyun watches a car of people roar around a six-storey-high 360degree-turn and then stop at the highest part of the loop, and starts to feel slightly sick. 

“Um, can we first- Kyuhyun? Kyuhyun!”


Sunghyun wobbles out of the car, and cherishes his meeting with solid ground once more. 

“Oh, God, what was that?” he mutters, but Kyuhyun is already jiggling his arm and pointing at something else. 

“The French Revolution!”



“Kyuhyun-ah, are you sure this ride is not scary?”

They are both strapped in tight, the ride slowly making its way up a slope so steep that the car is almost vertical. They are almost at the top, and Sunghyun is fast discovering that mind-numbing terror is, in fact, an emotion that angels are no stranger to.

Kyuhyun is grinning manically, looking straight ahead. “Don’t worry, hyung! It’s fun! You’ll enjoy it!”

“Like, on a scale from one to ten, ten being the scariest, what would you say this ride was?”

Kyuhyun turns to him and grabs his hand. “Get ready!”

“Kyuhyun? Kyuhyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!”


“Hyung, people are staring.”

“I don’t care.” Sunghyun says stubbornly, refusing to get up. The ground is reassuringly warm, and flat, and the right way up, and isn’t moving at God-knows-how-many kilometres per hour. “I’m staying here. Come collect me once you’re ready to go home.”

“I’ll buy you ice-cream if you get up?”

Sunghyun pauses. “Oh, you Cho Kyuhyun. You’re sneaky.”

Kyuhyun laughs, and helps him up. “I thought you wanted to come here.”

“Yes, I wanted to come here. I didn’t say I wanted to die here.”

Kyuhyun shoots him an amused look. “Oh, here it is. What ice-cream do you want?”

“Something strawberry-ish,” Sunghyun answers, and is momentarily distracted by a girl going past wearing tiny teddy bear ears. 

“That’s cute,” he says, laughing, and makes a mental note to buy a pair for Shindong before he leaves. 

“Would look cuter on you,” Kyuhyun says, and then immediately blusters his order of two strawberry ice creams when Sunghyun turns back to look at him, surprised. He hands Sunghyun his ice cream with the air of a king distributing largesse, and Sunghyun can’t help but grin at his silliness.

“Can we keep our feet on the ground for now?” He asks, and Kyuhyun pretends to grudgingly agree. “How about ice skating?”

“Okay!” Sunghyun beams, and links his arm with Kyuhyun’s. How hard can it be, anyway?


“Oh, dear,” Sunghyun says, twisting his fingers together in deep worry. “I hope that girl won’t develop a bruise. She won’t, right? Will she?”

Kyuhyun is laughing too hard to answer him, and slips on a patch of slippery ice to land resoundingly on his . 


“I am absolutely exhausted,” Kyuhyun declares, on the train home that evening.

“And I am never going near another rollercoaster ever again,” Sunghyun says, scooting down to lay his head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. He momentarily second-guesses himself, wondering if Kyuhyun would be uncomfortable with it, but Kyuhyun shifts so that Sunghyun’s head can rest better on his shoulder and Sunghyun quiets with a tiny smile.

They sit like that in companionable silence, feeling like they’ve known each other forever.

“Today was nice,” Kyuhyun murmurs sleepily, and Sunghyun nods against his shoulder. “We should do this again sometime soon.”

Sunghyun immediately sits up in alarm. “Again?”

Kyuhyun laughs, and pulls Sunghyun back down. “I don’t mean Lotte World. Just, go out.”

“Well, you have my number. Just let me know,” Sunghyun says, nonchalant on the outside but turning cartwheels on the inside.

“I will,” Kyuhyun says, softly, and they remain like that for the rest of the ride home.


“What’s your favourite kind of music?”

“What?” The incubus twists round slightly to look at Kyuhyun lying in bed with him. 

“Your favourite singer. Or band. Come to that, what’s your favourite colour? Food?”

The incubus has a very strong urge to get out of bed and put some distance between him and Kyuhyun. 

“Where are all these questions coming from?”

“I don’t know anything about you. And you never want to talk, we just-” Kyuhyun gestures, slightly shamefacedly, between them. 

The incubus opens and closes his mouth, at a loss for words. “Talk?”

“Yes! Talk! Like normal people!”

Sungmin sits up, taken aback at Kyuhyun’s insistence. “Um, my favourite-”

“Music,” Kyuhyun prompts.

Sungmin had stopped listening to human music since it stopped being good, which for him was somewhere in the seventies.

“Black Sabbath.”

Who?” Kyuhyun stares at him. 

“You know?” The incubus sings the intro to Iron Man and waits for a reaction.

“Iron Man? Paranoid? ‘Can you help me, occupy my brain?’”

Kyuhyun stares at him blankly.

“Guess not,” Sungmin mutters, and lays down again.

“Do you like amusement parks?” Kyuhyun asks abruptly, apparently not done.

Sungmin cringes. “Are you kidding me?”

“Hmm.” Kyuhyun says, and gets up. “You should go, my mother will be home soon.”

“Is this about Sungm- Sunghyun taking you out yesterday?” the incubus demands, scrambling out of bed to face Kyuhyun.

“Of course not.” 

“It totally is.” Sungmin sits down in a huff on the bed, and starts pulling on his pants.

“You’re pouting,” Kyuhyun says, a smile creeping into his voice.

“Am not!” Sungmin glares. Kyuhyun places a small kiss on the tip of his nose, and Sungmin tries to glare at him throughout it but just ends up very crosseyed.

“You’re jealous,” Kyuhyun whispers, and Sungmin grabs him by the shoulders, pulling him backwards down onto the bed. 

“Nothing to be jealous about,” he says, and kisses Kyuhyun deeply.


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 13: I want more, to be very honest. This world's setting is so interesting. I'm especially curious about the God (it's Shisus, right?) and Lucifer (and this is Heenim?) here. They're just so freakingly hilarious??? They're like best buds her and I swear, I laugh whenever they have an appearance, especially when they are together. Love the fact that this world shows that everyone has opposite sides. Poor Kyu tho, being confused by Angel!Min and Incubus!Min. Good thing that at the end, the two Min ended up being a single, mortal being with the personality of the angel and the incubus. Really love that idea!

Thanks for this wonderful story. This is a super late comment but I thought that this fic needs more love so here, I'm giving my comment and upvote. Kudos!

P.S. Shindongie here is so uwu. I love him and I want to cuddle with him and always bring him to see his Min. Let's keep him and his cuteness happy.
Chapter 13: What a beautiful piece! A breather from all the common kyumin fics....
Well to understand more is to love more!
Heechul is lucifer along with his feline cat heebum and the foreign unnameddemon but i can easily tell that is hankyung...

Oh yeah who else plays god other than siwon!!

at least lee sungmin is what he is now ^^ nice story!
Chapter 13: I still wanna know who is the god n the devil...
This story is good.
I live how you focus to a story and yet it cover a broad topic.

aaw this is completed ;A;
i really love this story omg
cant stop reading
I've read this on livejournal way back and it was amazing. Will reread it again~ ^^
Chapter 13: end.....??? *pout*
I wish more~ but it's so great.... interesting and sweet... kkk~ Love it^^
seulmi #7
Chapter 13: This is beautiful... it shows us how there will always be a devil and an angel in each of us... I love how you presented the demons and angels...