Chapter V



Kyuhyun looks up in surprise to see Sungmin the incubus leaning casually against the streetlamp outside the main gate of his high school, grinning and looking like the personification of everything sinful.

Sinfully good, Kyuhyun thinks, and battles the blush that rises to his cheeks, wondering if his previous power of getting out of perilous situations unscathed had been replaced by the power of being able to fantasize things into reality. God knows he’d been fantasiz- no, thinking, thinking very innocently indeed, about a certain black-clad stranger with full pouty lips the entire day. Totally innocent.

Sungmin pushes through the throng of students fleeing the clutches of academia for the day, and halts in front of Kyuhyun, still grinning. 

“What are you doing here, hyung?”

“Waiting for you,” Sungmin says, and winks. “And like I said, you don’t have to call me hyung. Although I must admit, it’s a bit . I like it.”

This time, Kyuhyun loses the Battle of the Blush. Sungmin soaks it up like a sponge.

“What do you like to do, Kyuhyun-ah?” He continues, enjoying the admiring looks Kyuhyun’s fellow students are flinging his way, and moves closer to Kyuhyun as they begin to walk away from the school. He lets their arms brush ‘accidentally’ together, and watches Kyuhyun’s blush deepen. , I love this kid, he thinks, as he waits for Kyuhyun to connect his mouth bone to his brain bone.

“Um. G-games. I like to play games. I’m very good at them,” Kyuhyun answers in a rush, still recovering from the deliberate-accidental touch, and immediately wants to kill himself. Oh, great job outing yourself as the biggest nerd this side of the country, Cho Kyuhyun. ‘I’m very good at them’. !

“Games?” Sungmin leers, leaning close and smirking wickedly, and Kyuhyun smiles weakly, the blood in his head abruptly rerouting itself to other more southern regions. 

“Computer games,” he gasps, and wonders what on earth is going on because he’s never actually been literally dizzy with want for anyone before.

“Perfect. Your house?” Sungmin grins, and Kyuhyun has to stop himself from grabbing his hand and running all the way home.


Shindong arrives at his best friend’s cloud, his cherubing duties done for the day. No one actually really knew what cherubs did, apart from flit around looking cute, so Shindong spent his days moving around the chess pieces of life in tiny movements so that people who would never have crossed paths met and fell in love, or at the very least in like; he kept babies company when their parents were busy with chores or work, and on really slow days, sculpted clouds into amusing shapes.

The thunderclouds obscuring Sungmin’s cloud come as a bit of a shock.

“As much as I complained about the rainbows,” Shindong begins, flicking dark clouds out of his path and trying to avoid the tiny lightning bolts streaking out of them, “I have to say I infinitely prefer them to this depressingness.”

“Kyuhyun likes the incubus,” Sungmin states lifelessly from his cloud bed. “The incubus. He deserves so much more than that- that- that-”

“That,” Shindong agrees. “So what are you doing about it?”

“Why does everybody keep asking me that!” Sungmin cries, getting up crossly. “Even God refuses to help me. He just said the incubus is doing what he’s supposed to be doing.”

“Then you should be doing what you are supposed to be doing, aren’t you? You’re his guardian angel, so guard him.”

“How am I supposed to guard him when that incubus is hanging around him in human form! Yesterday I broke I don’t know how many rules to do the same because I was absolutely desperate. If I keep doing this I’m going to get demoted. Or worse, I’m going to get turned into a cheru-”

Shindong glares.

“Uh. Sorry.”

Shindong glares a bit more, and then lets it pass. “You do what you have to do to keep him safe. I think that’s what being a guardian angel means.”

Sungmin sighs. “And I thought this job was going to be easy.”


“Nice house,” the incubus says, trailing an elegant hand over the marble kitchen counter. Kyuhyun opens the fridge and holds out a can of Pepsi. “Drink?”

Sungmin looks at it with distaste. Human drinks, eurgh. “No thanks, cutie. I’ll pass.”

Kyuhyun pushes his whole upper body as far as it would go into the fridge to cool the flush advancing up his neck. He replaces the drink, closing the fridge door and tries not to dwell on the fact that soon him and Sungmin would be in close quarters with easy access to his bed.

“Uh, let’s go to my room then. My PS3 is up there.”

“Lead the way,” Sungmin says, bowing slightly with a grin. 

Kyuhyun takes the stairs two at a time, and then abruptly stops, not wanting to look too eager. Sungmin bumps into his back, not prepared for the sudden stop, and grabs Kyuhyun around the waist to prevent himself from tumbling backwards down the stairs, conveniently ignoring the railing.

Opportunism ftw, he beams in glee. Kyuhyun in a deep surprised breath at the surge of arousal he feels shooting through his veins, and sways a little. Sungmin lets him go but keeps his hands on Kyuhyun’s hips, and leans close to murmur an apology.

Oh, my God, Kyuhyun thinks in desperation, and leads Sungmin to his room, crouching slightly to hide the problem in his pants.

Fifteen minutes later, and the incubus is bored out of his mind. For ’s sake, who’d have known this kid was such a geek?

Kyuhyun slays yet another monster or space alien or little fluffy mutant bunny rabbit, but Sungmin has ceased to care. Never in his thousands of years of seduction had he ever had to come up against goddamned computer games, and before today he would at least have been reasonably certain he would come out tops. And then, there was Kyuhyun.

Sungmin looks over at Kyuhyun, immersed in the game, his fingers pressing buttons furiously. For a minute, his eyes burn red. He never had any patience, anyway. 

Sungmin reaches over and yanks the console out of Kyuhyun’s hands, and pushes him down onto the mattress in one swift movement. 

“Wouldn’t you rather do something more interesting?” the incubus asks, climbing on top of him and reaching for his beltbuckle. “For example, me?”

Kyuhyun squeaks, eyes wide. “Hyung-!”

“Mmm, I like you calling me that. Wonder what you’ll sound like when you’re screaming it?”


Sungmin sits up in alarm on his cloud, cutting Shindong off mid-sentence. “Kyuhyun’s in trouble!” 

He vanishes, leaving Shindong with his mouth hanging open. Shindong sighs, and looks around him. Fluffing up a bit of cloud, he shrugs and goes to sleep.


Sungmin appears in Kyuhyun’s bedroom, and nearly faints, if angels could faint. Kyuhyun’s in trouble, alright.

The incubus is on top of Kyuhyun, his tongue so far down Kyuhyun’s throat it is a wonder he isn’t choking. A hand inches its way under Kyuhyun’s shirt, a leg pressing between his legs, and the worst part of it all is that Kyuhyun is enjoying it.

He moans into the incubus’ mouth and grinds up against him, pushing long fingers into the devil’s soft hair.

Sungmin sits down in a heap on Kyuhyun’s bedroom floor, his legs failing him. I’m too late. He thinks of starting a fire somewhere in the house, but then realizes the way things are going, Kyuhyun isn’t going to realize his house is burning down till the fire reaches his bedroom, and God knows how long that will be.

The incubus starts kissing down Kyuhyun’s neck, ing his shirt, and Kyuhyun presses his head back into the pillow, eyes shut and lips parted, breathing hard.

But then if I start a fire here… The angel looks around, and his gaze falls on the computer. He glances back at the bed, where the incubus already has Kyuhyun out of his shirt and is heading for his pants. Sorry, Kyu.

The computer spits angry sparks and bursts into flame, and Kyuhyun opens his eyes at exactly the right moment.

He leaps out of bed with a yell, pushing the incubus off him, and casts around for something to put the fire out with. He pounces on his bath towel, hanging off his desk chair, and starts flapping at the computer. The incubus sits up, thoroughly pissed off, and stares in confusion at the flaming computer. He then stills, and turns his head to look right at Sungmin sitting there on the floor.

Sungmin gives him a little wave, and then all three of them hear a car door slam as Kyuhyun’s mother arrives home from work. Kyuhyun turns around in panic to the incubus, who jumps out of bed. 

“Out the window!” he cries, pushing the incubus towards the open window.

“What?” the devil asks incredulously. “Are you out of your mind?”

“There’s a tree right outside! Just grab on to a branch and swing yourself down. Hurry up!”

The incubus stares at him, and then Sungmin sitting on the floor. I’m going to get you for this, he tells Sungmin, and then climbs out the window. He checks that Kyuhyun has turned back to the computer fire before vanishing off the ledge.

Sungmin extinguishes the fire with the next whack of the towel Kyuhyun levels on the computer, and Kyuhyun sags back onto his bed in relief. His mother opens the door right at that moment to say hi, and her eyebrows shoot up instantly at the acrid smell of smoke in the air. Kyuhyun waves a weary hand at his computer, and his mother rushes into the room.

Sungmin doesn’t dare leave Kyuhyun alone for two whole days.


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 13: I want more, to be very honest. This world's setting is so interesting. I'm especially curious about the God (it's Shisus, right?) and Lucifer (and this is Heenim?) here. They're just so freakingly hilarious??? They're like best buds her and I swear, I laugh whenever they have an appearance, especially when they are together. Love the fact that this world shows that everyone has opposite sides. Poor Kyu tho, being confused by Angel!Min and Incubus!Min. Good thing that at the end, the two Min ended up being a single, mortal being with the personality of the angel and the incubus. Really love that idea!

Thanks for this wonderful story. This is a super late comment but I thought that this fic needs more love so here, I'm giving my comment and upvote. Kudos!

P.S. Shindongie here is so uwu. I love him and I want to cuddle with him and always bring him to see his Min. Let's keep him and his cuteness happy.
Chapter 13: What a beautiful piece! A breather from all the common kyumin fics....
Well to understand more is to love more!
Heechul is lucifer along with his feline cat heebum and the foreign unnameddemon but i can easily tell that is hankyung...

Oh yeah who else plays god other than siwon!!

at least lee sungmin is what he is now ^^ nice story!
Chapter 13: I still wanna know who is the god n the devil...
This story is good.
I live how you focus to a story and yet it cover a broad topic.

aaw this is completed ;A;
i really love this story omg
cant stop reading
I've read this on livejournal way back and it was amazing. Will reread it again~ ^^
Chapter 13: end.....??? *pout*
I wish more~ but it's so great.... interesting and sweet... kkk~ Love it^^
seulmi #7
Chapter 13: This is beautiful... it shows us how there will always be a devil and an angel in each of us... I love how you presented the demons and angels...