Chapter VI


Kyuhyun is standing in front of the mirror, shirtless, looking at his scars.

He runs a finger over the slightly-raised ridges of skin on his lower back, twisting his body so that he can see the marks the carwreck left behind. He looks and he sighs, and then Sungmin watches him think about the incubus. Kyuhyun rubs one finger over one spot, over and over.

“You’re beautiful,” Sungmin tells him, but Kyuhyun doesn’t hear a word.


Oh, God! Kyuhyun cries silently into his desk, his head falling forward with the weight of sheer and utter boredom. The physics teacher drones on nonetheless, unknowing or uncaring that he’s lost his entire class to sleep and daydreams. Kyuhyun picks up his metal ruler and scratches aimlessly into the plastic of his desk, first drawing a simple robot, then his name, and then…


Kyuhyun shivers involuntarily as a shudder of lust rips through his body, and he quickly crosses his legs to hide his immediate . What is it about that guy?

Kyuhyun doesn’t know a single thing about him – how old he is, where he lives, what school he goes to, what he really wants, and even whether his name is even actually Sungmin – and yet he’d invited him into his home and into his bed and he might have ended up dead, for God’s sake. But then he thinks about the way Sungmin touched him and kissed him, and the sheer unbelievable pleasure of it – and Kyuhyun has to take a deep breath.

“Yes? What do you want?” 

The class raises sleepy heads and immediately, ripples of awe spreads through the class. The teacher is staring at the boy standing just inside the door, hand still raised to the blackboard. 

“Sorry to barge in like this,” the incubus says, grinning at the teacher. “But I’m Kyuhyun’s brother. He’s got to come home immediately, family emergency.”

“Brother?” the teacher says. “I never knew Kyuhyun had a brother.”

“Oh, really?” the incubus replies, unfazed. “Kyuhyunnie, get your things, we have to go.” He winks at the teacher and waltzes out, leaving the teacher gaping. 

Kyuhyun collects his jaw from his desktop and belatedly realizes the entire class is staring at him. He slides his books into his bookbag, and when the teacher shrugs and turns back to the blackboard, he quickly gets up and makes for the exit. 

A girl grabs him as he passes by her desk. “Who the hell is that?!” she hisses at him desperately, and Kyuhyun has to pry her fingers from his shirt to make her let go.

Kyuhyun barely has time to catch his breath when he makes it out the door before he’s pushed up against a wall, the incubus’ tongue down his throat and one hand on his crotch.

The incubus pulls back just as abruptly, and smiles at him. “Hi.”

“I thought you were supposed to be my brother,” Kyuhyun gasps, trying not to faint.

“Is that all you want me to be? Your brother?” the incubus murmurs, pressing the palm of his hand harder against Kyuhyun’s crotch, and moving in very, very, small circles.

The incubus pulls back just before Kyuhyun’s knees fail him and pats him on the head. “Come on, then, little brother.”

Kyuhyun side-eyes him at this as they begin to walk down the empty school corridor, wondering if that was a subtle jab at his manhood.

I don’t know anything about him, he thinks. And strangely enough, I don’t care.


Sungmin the angel is fuming. “Lord, this is not-”

God makes calming motions with his hands, moving them in fluid circles. “Calm down, my little Minmin.”

A porcelain vase standing in the corner shatters violently, and then puts itself back together.

God turns a scolding finger on Sungmin. “Temper, temper.”

“Lord, this incubus is seducing my human. How can you expect me to just allow this to happen?”

“It is in the Ineffable Plan,” God says, beaming infuriatingly at Sungmin. 

“What does that even mean!” Sungmin yells, and the vase shatters again. God tuts at him.

“Minmin, this is very un-angel-like behaviour.”

Sungmin resists, just barely, the urge to stomp his foot. “Alright, then, how am I supposed to act?”

“Just go with the flow,” God says, making wave motions. Sungmin glares.

“Go with the flow, he says,” Sungmin mutters as he leaves the palace. “Calm down, he says.”

To hell with that.


Kyuhyun is in his bed, and he has no recollection of how he got that way. All he knows is the burn of Sungmin’s touch and tongue on his skin, the air cooling the fevered tracks his hands and mouth have made. He can hardly breathe for how intense it is – and as far as he can tell, all Sungmin’s doing is just touching him. He’s so hard it almost hurts, and every accidental – ‘accidental’ – brush of Sungmin’s arm or hand against his sets off fireworks in his brain and blood.

Sungmin kisses him, then, and it’s like the deepest heartbreak and highest crest of pleasure he’s ever experienced.

Sungmin moves slowly down his body, and when he finally takes Kyuhyun in his mouth, it takes all of Kyuhyun’s willpower not to let out a sob. It’s like nothing he’s ever known – no ever felt like this – and he scrabbles for purchase in the bedsheets as he slowly loses his mind.

The incubus hollows his cheeks and tightens his lips around Kyuhyun’s , knowing without even having to pry into Kyuhyun’s mind that this is the first he’s ever gotten, just from his reactions. No matter what anyone else says, he thinks, bringing up a hand to work the base of Kyuhyun’s at the same time, s are always the sweetest.

“Relax,” the incubus pulls off long enough to say, and Kyuhyun drags an arm across his forehead, pushing sweaty bangs off his forehead. He props himself up a little to look down at Sungmin, and he watches, fascinated, at full lips stretching around his slick , red and glistening as they slide up and down. Sungmin flattens his tongue against the head and

and Kyuhyun falls back against his pillow, chest heaving, coming harder than he’s ever come before. Kyuhyun comes, and comes, and comes, till he’s dizzy and gasping, till it feels like he’s pouring out the dregs of his soul into Sungmin’s mouth. 

Sungmin sits up, swallowing the last of Kyuyhun’s come, cat-lazy and contented as he feels Kyuhyun in him. He revels in the feeling of control willingly relinquished, intimacy willingly invited, barriers willingly torn down.

Kyuhyun falls asleep almost immediately, and Sungmin stretches out beside him, still tingling.


“You know, I’m ready to do anything to go back to rainbows,” Shindong says, dodging a ferocious lightning bolt and frantically holding down his loincloth in the gale-force winds. “Hello?”

Sungmin is sitting on his cloud bed, looking like the almighty angels of old when they were still allowed to kill things.

“That demon,” Sungmin says slowly, “is going to know the true meaning of pain by the time I’m done with him.”

“Get biblical on his ,” Shindong agrees, and for once Sungmin doesn’t scold him for his language. 


“Things are getting interesting,” Lucifer murmurs, watching God over the top of his cards.

God frowns. “Not for me,” he says sadly, folding. 

“I meant our little interdepartmental experiment,” Lucifer answers, happily sweeping money chips towards himself.

“I’m convinced you’re cheating. I don’t even know how, but I know it.” God says, reproachful.

“Supreme Lord of Evil, remember?” Lucifer asks, waving a hand. “But are you talking about poker or the experiment?”

“Minmin is getting very worked up over the whole thing,” God says, not listening, and reaches for his beer as Lucifer reshuffles. “I’m not sure it’s healthy for an angel to get worked up.”

“You call him Minmin?”

“Sure. Why?”

“No wonder he’s worked up.” Lucifer snaps his fingers. “Peanuts!”

A demon approaches the table and slams a bowl of peanuts down in front of Lucifer, glaring at him. God raises an eyebrow. 

“Um, excuse me,” Lucifer says, and hurries after the retreating demon. 

After ‘I didn’t come all the way here to bring you peanuts’ and ‘All you have time for anymore is that damn incubus! What about me!’, low-voiced cajoling from Lucifer and then suggestive giggling from the demon, Lucifer sits down at the table again.

“I never knew these foreign demons could be so temperamental,” he says, exhaling. God is still staring at him with one eyebrow raised. 

“Oh, shut up.”

“Aaaaanyway,” God says, leaning back in his chair, “I wonder how this whole thing is going to turn out.”

“We shall see,” Lucifer replies slowly, contemplative. “We shall see.”


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 13: I want more, to be very honest. This world's setting is so interesting. I'm especially curious about the God (it's Shisus, right?) and Lucifer (and this is Heenim?) here. They're just so freakingly hilarious??? They're like best buds her and I swear, I laugh whenever they have an appearance, especially when they are together. Love the fact that this world shows that everyone has opposite sides. Poor Kyu tho, being confused by Angel!Min and Incubus!Min. Good thing that at the end, the two Min ended up being a single, mortal being with the personality of the angel and the incubus. Really love that idea!

Thanks for this wonderful story. This is a super late comment but I thought that this fic needs more love so here, I'm giving my comment and upvote. Kudos!

P.S. Shindongie here is so uwu. I love him and I want to cuddle with him and always bring him to see his Min. Let's keep him and his cuteness happy.
Chapter 13: What a beautiful piece! A breather from all the common kyumin fics....
Well to understand more is to love more!
Heechul is lucifer along with his feline cat heebum and the foreign unnameddemon but i can easily tell that is hankyung...

Oh yeah who else plays god other than siwon!!

at least lee sungmin is what he is now ^^ nice story!
Chapter 13: I still wanna know who is the god n the devil...
This story is good.
I live how you focus to a story and yet it cover a broad topic.

aaw this is completed ;A;
i really love this story omg
cant stop reading
I've read this on livejournal way back and it was amazing. Will reread it again~ ^^
Chapter 13: end.....??? *pout*
I wish more~ but it's so great.... interesting and sweet... kkk~ Love it^^
seulmi #7
Chapter 13: This is beautiful... it shows us how there will always be a devil and an angel in each of us... I love how you presented the demons and angels...