Of dreams and thoughts.

Tainted Love [Broken]

Kyungsoo was starting to get annoyed. He couldn't get off his head the man of his dreams. Literally.

Jongin was the only thing in his mind since he woke up and Kyungsoo really wanted to stop thinking about him. He had a lot of work to do now that the central piece was burned down to ashes because a certain someone wasn't paying attention. What was he doing anyway? He was supposed to be there to clean up, not to play around. Kyungsoo had never cleaned with fire before. He decided to call Baekhyun for a cup of coffee, after all they still need to talk about the exhibition. 

Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were best friends since middle school, but Baekhyun majored in Public Relations. He was currently working with Kyungsoo so he would always help him to get places to exhibit Kyungsoo's work, mostly because he always wanted to major in Arts, in literature to be more specific, but his parents didn't approve of it, saying it was a waste of time and money. So, working with Kyungsoo, was pretty much an indirect way to get involved with it. 
He was sitting on a cafe near his house, waiting for Kyungsoo, the latter had called him earlier and he sounded very upset about something, and when Baehyun asked what was going on, Kyungsoo just replied "I haven't sleep very well". Naturally, Baekhyun didn't buy it, of course, but decided to wait for Kyungsoo to tell him by himself.

Kyungsoo walked inside the cafe and went right to Baekhyun's table, he placed his messenger bag on the chair and sat, looking right into Baekhyun's eyes.

"Are you okay, Kyungsoo? You look like..."

Kyungsoo cut Baekhyun before he was able to finish his sentence "Like , I know. Listen, I need to talk about something that's been bothering me." Baekhyun nodded before sipping from his coffee "I'm having some dreams that look like the dramas you watch"

Baekhyun looked at Kyungsoo like if he had gone mental. And Kyungsoo couldn't blame him, he was going mental. He's been thinking about Jongin, and when he's not, he's dreaming about him. He knows he should be worrying about his pieces, about how he doesn't have that much time left. But he's here, willing to talk about a person who he isn't sure that he actually exists.


Kyungsoo let out a big sigh he thought the cafe would have gone down. "I have been having a dream about...something, and it was okay the first day, I mean. Not a big deal. But yesterday I had this dream again and it was like the, we continued where we left"

Baekhyun frowned, Yep, he's gone, he thought. Baekhyun shook his head "Hey, I know you may be stressed out because you have so little time, but, maybe this is your sign to stop  and relax a bit" he looked at Kyungsoo and then to his coffee "what's so weird about that dream anyways?"


Kyungsoo bit his lower lip. That's the weird thing about his dreams. Was he really sure about talking about him to Baekhyun? Of course he wasn't. For all he knows, Baekhyun knows almost everyone he does. But he really wanted to talk about him, about Jongin. Because, maybe that way his mind could be cleared out and for once, he'd stop thinking about him.

"Do you know someone that goes by the name of Jongin?" 

"Jongin?" Baekhyun pouted as he frowned. "Do you know his last name?" Kyungsoo shook his head "Not that I remember, why?" Kyungsoo closed his eyes, hit by the sudden realization that he had spilled out too many information.

"Nevermind" Kyungsoo said waving his hand to call off the topic. But of course, Byun ing Baekhyun, being the noisy person he is. Wouldn't let it go that easy. He quickly assumed that said man, Jongin, was the reason why Kyungsoo was so weird lately. "Do you want me to find something related to him?" 

Yes, of course, you can find his personal information by his name. Kyungsoo wanted to say but he only shook his head "Forget what I said, let's talk about the work you want me to do".

Baekhyun gulped down, he saw it coming, of course, because he did not only wake up Kyungsoo but he asked him to do something related to the only feeling Kyungsoo feared the most: Love. "Well, as I told you Park Chanyeol burned down the central piece, and, don't get me wrong, I love all of your pieces, but we need something more powerful"

"Death is a powerful theme, Byun Baekhyun." said man rolled his eyes. "Yes, but it also has been the main theme of all your works since we graduated, Kyungsoo. I'm not asking you to take me to have a cup of tea with the Queen of England and her family. I'm asking you to do something, once, and then you can go back to your depressed self."

Baekhyun, was like always, right. Kyungsoo knew it. He was sure that Baekhyun knew it too.

"I have never done something about that matter, to be honest. What am I supposed to do?"  Kyungsoo looked down, pouting. "Just paint something that makes you feel happy, and warm inside."

He had already decided to paint Jongin right after Baekhyun ended up the call this morning. Maybe he didn't feel like Baekhyun explained, but he was a good artist. He was sure about that, so he didn't have to feel that way as long as he could plasm it, right?. Kyungsoo heard how Baekhyun said he had to leave as he had a family emergency, and Kyungsoo decided to go home.

He was ready to paint Jongin. And secretly, wishing to see him again tonight.

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Chapter 11: Oh snap just got real .so does that mean jongin is really out there?so much suspense XD author-nim Can't wait for the next chapter
sueetful #2
Ah! I was reading this and forgot to subscribe!
Catching up now~
saQ1998 #3
Chapter 8: does that mean that there is a real life jongin out there? please make it true author-nim.
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