Chapter Five

Monkey Bars, Babysitters, and How I Fell In Love With You

Minseok had tried to bid Sehun a goodnight before leaving after the Ohs came home from their dinner, but the rainbow-haired male just acted as if he didn’t hear him through his earphones. He refused to touch the chicken wrap that was still placed to his left. He didn’t want to give Minseok the satisfaction that he still knew him.


Monday rolled around and Sehun walked through the school hallways with his head hanging lower than one would expect. He didn’t know if Minseok had told anyone that he had been babysat so he just kept his head down, just in case. Half of him expected his hyung to not embarrass him like that, but his other half could also see his hyung telling whoever he wanted about what had happened.


He trekked straight to his homeroom and fell straight into his seat, hoping to get another few minutes of sleep in before class started because surely, his teacher would not let him get away with sleeping today.


Instead of eating during lunch today, Sehun decided that he would finally look around the school for the dance room. Sometime during his middle school years, Sehun had found that he had a liking for music and dancing. He meant to start searching last week, when school initially started, but he got too lazy. He was sure that it would be somewhere near his art class, since he often hears music flowing through that hallway. He didn’t think there would be anyone there during lunchtime, but as he got closer, he started to faintly hear hip hop music. He walked faster, but made sure to glance through each and every window on the doors to make sure that he didn’t miss the room. At the third or fourth door, Sehun glanced through the window and found the room that he had been searching for.


That wasn’t all that he found though.


Inside, there was a tanned male dancing fluidly across the hardwood floor, watching his own movements through the mirrors that adorned the walls. Sehun stepped closer to the door to get a better look at the dancer, but his movement must have caught the dancer’s attention for he paused midstep and glanced towards the door through the mirror. Sehun’s eyes widened at being caught and he rushed to move out of sight. He started off in the direction he came from, deciding that he would just come back later when the dance room wasn’t occupied.


As he was walking, he heard the door behind him open. “Hello?” A deep voice called out to him. He paused, wondering if he should just keep walking or if he should reply to the dancer. He didn’t have to make the decision though; it was basically made for him.


“Sehun, right?” How in the world did he know his name? Sehun was almost positive that he’d never talked to this tanned male before so his curiosity urged him to turn around.


“You know me?” He asked incredulously and received a firm nod in response.


“Yeah, it’s not often that one gets a classmate with rainbow hair. And you know, we’ve only gone to the same schools together since elementary school. You used to hang out with Minseok hyung in elementary school, right?” Sehun’s lips pressed into a firm line, but nodded anyways. “I’m Jongin.” The tanned male introduced himself and then continued on. “Did you want to check out the dance room?” Sehun just shrugged.


“Hm. I didn’t peg you as a dancer. Feel free to come in though and show me what you can do.”


“Maybe another time,” Sehun said. He didn’t feel comfortable dancing in front of a stranger; at least not until he was sure that he could dance properly.


Throughout the rest of the week, Sehun tried to get to school earlier; in hopes of being able to dance across the hardwood floor for a little bit before school started for the day, but always found random people in them. On Friday morning, he found Jongin in the room again. This time, he decided to enter.


When he opened the door and walked in, Jongin stopped moving, looked over to him, smiled, and hurried to turn off the music.


“You came today!” Jongin voiced out and Sehun nodded in reply. “Good, you came in proper clothing too. You can drop your backpack down next to mine over there,” He pointed over at the wall that had a backpack lying next to it and a bag, with what Sehun predicted to be housing Jongin’s uniform right now.


For the next half hour, Jongin and Sehun danced together, teaching each other moves, and choreographing. He enjoyed it quite a lot and felt that this week was proving to be a lot better than the last; it was starting to look like he had made a new friend. That is, until Saturday evening rolled around.


“Did I not prove last weekend that I could go without a babysitter?” Sehun asked his parents, who just laughed.


“It was one day. You’ve proved nothing,” his father said.


“Besides, we’re going on a real date tonight and I would prefer not to have to be called away from it,” his mother continued.


“Did it really have to be Minseok though?” He almost whined it out to his parents.


“Well,” his mother started, “we thought it’d be a lot more fun and comfortable for you. And what happened to your manners? You must address him as Minseok hyung, you know that.”


The doorbell rang through the house. Mr. Oh opened the door and Minseok walked through, a backpack slung on his shoulders.


“Hello Mr. Oh, Mrs. Oh. Please enjoy your dinner again tonight. Take your time in coming home!”


“Behave Sehun! Thank you, Minseok! Call us if there are any problems,” Mrs. Oh called out to the boys as she and her husband walked out of the house. Just as he did last time, Minseok closed the door behind them and made sure to lock it.


“So are you gonna talk to me today?” Minseok asked his dongsaeng after turning to look at him. Sehun just looked at his hyung with a blank face and walked up the stairs. A few seconds later, Minseok heard a door slam loudly.


In his room, Sehun is determined to forget that Minseok is babysitting him so he plugs his earphones into Jongin’s iPod, something that the dancer so kindly lent him for the weekend. He decided that he was just going to listen to music and possibly try out some of the dance moves that he and Jongin had come up with the morning before since he hadn’t been able to go pick up a new packet of cigarettes.


For the first half hour, he wasn’t disturbed by Minseok as he danced, and he was relieved at that. He figured that the elder wouldn’t come in to his room so he just turned the music up even higher and continued to dance.


The next song that came on was different than the hip hop music he had been listening to; it turned out to be Girl’s Day’s Female President. He paused for a second, wondering if he should let himself succumb to the upbeat tune and dance to the song or if he should just skip past it. He chose the former option, deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to let himself loosen up for just one song.


He laughed to himself as he lifted his hands to do the clapping in the beginning before continuing on to do Sojin and Minah’s parts. He was full on smiling at himself when he reached Yura’s parts and moved all the way across his room in the saluting formation while shaking his .


When he turned around with his hands behind his head to do the -shaking dance after the chorus, he was so shocked that the smile was immediately wiped off of his face and he fell on the same he was about to shake.


Standing in the now open doorway was his hyung with crossed arms and a wide grin on his face, obviously trying to stifle his laughter. Sehun ripped his earphones out of his ear and tossed them aside. He quickly stood up, looked down, and pretended to dust his pants off, as if nothing had happened.


“Having fun?” Minseok teased, grin growing even wider, causing Sehun to blush a deep shade of red that was evident on his pale skin.


“It’s been so long since I’ve seen a smile like that on your face! I didn’t even know that you took up dancing; your mom never mentioned it when she came over.” Sehun blushed even harder at this, but then cleared his throat.


“What do you want?” Sehun gruffly voiced out.


“Well I just wanted to ask if you wanted anything to eat, but it seems like you’re a little busy. Maybe I should come back later,” Minseok said, poorly disguising his amusement.


“You don’t have to check up on me at all. Just because you’re being paid to babysit me doesn’t mean you have to actually babysit me. I would prefer for you not to bother me.”


“Right, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your… uh… dancing,” the brunette couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out in a fit of laughter before turning around and dancing the part that Sehun didn’t get to finish.


“Daradaradadaradara daradaradadaradara,” he hummed out while imitating the way he imagined Sehun would’ve shaken his .


When he turned back around, he found Sehun stifling his own laughter just as he expected.


“If you’re wondering, yes, you did look that silly,” he said, and this time, really imitated the way Sehun danced the saluting shaking dance. Finally, Sehun allowed laughter to escape past his lips and Minseok didn’t hesitate to join him.


When the both of them calmed down, Sehun realized how immature he must have looked in front of his hyung and pouted again. He turned around and went to sit at his desk again, clearing his throat on the way.


“Ah, Sehunnie, I missed this,” Minseok said in an attempt to start a conversation, but he got no reply so he sighed.


“You should make sure to do your homework. If you need help, I’m right downstairs.” With that, the brunette walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. Sehun swiveled his chair around to look at closed door and sighed to himself.


The rainbow-haired male had to admit that he hadn’t laughed that hard in a really long time.


And that he missed it too.


A/N: Ah, I really hope there aren't any mistakes in this TT^TT Please do let me know ASAP if you spot any! ^0^

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ZDK358 #1
Chapter 3: Can you please update? I love this story. ^^
nicky_xoxo #2
Chapter 5: it's been long since u updated this.will u update it in future?its a nice story.
Chapter 5: ahhh.. they sure miss each other a lot..
Authornim...update please...
i wish you the best of luck on the contest ♥
Chapter 5: awwwww sehuna
Chapter 5: Honestly, I can't imagine Sehun dancing to Female President xD but it sure would be so hilarious and stupid and funny xD

But it's cute. They missed this and I hope they'll get back like this as time goes by :)

Hwaiting author-nim! :D
bananaicecream #8
Chapter 5: it's good. their 'broken' relationship is kind of developing in positive way :)
sehun dancing to Female President? i want to see he shaking his XD
Chapter 5: Omg omg omg ugh i hope they can dance together