Chapter One

Monkey Bars, Babysitters, and How I Fell In Love With You

A dull thud sounded across the jungle gym area of the playground located in Black Pearl Elementary School, followed by a pained “OWWWWWW!” and the sound of tears, but no one seemed to hear the young blonde kindergartener fall from the monkey bars through the playful yells and screams of other students who were also out playing during their short break.

“Are you okay?!”

Well, no one except for the brunette fourth grader who had been patiently waiting for his turn on the monkey bars before the blonde fell off of them. The brunette hopped off of the raised platform and raced to the blonde’s side to help him sit up.

“No,” the blonde whined through his sniffles, as tears continued to trail down his face, “My elbow hurts a lot!”

The brunette looked down to the blonde’s left elbow that was being cradled by his own right hand and furrowed his eyebrows. After staring at it for a quick few seconds, the brunette reached in to his hoodie pocket and pulled out a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

“Here! I can share my cookies with you! They are really good so they will make you feel better. They have chocolate chips in them! I helped my mommy make them last night!” The brunette proudly exclaimed before opening the bag and pulling two cookies out – one for the blonde and one for himself. He handed one to the younger blonde student, who skeptically looked at it before taking it. The brunette watched as he took a tentative nibble out of it before biting into his own and pulling his face into a satisfied grin. “It’s good isn’t it blondie?!”

The blonde snapped his head up and, with significantly less sniffles, exclaimed, “My name’s not blondie. Don’t call me blondie!”

The brunette shrugged his shoulders before replying. “Well I don’t know what your name is so I just said blondie because your hair is blonde.”

“My name is Oh Sehun, not blondie.” The blonde informed with a pout as he took a larger bite out of his cookie.

“Well Sehun, my name is Kim Minseok.” The brunette replied and shoved the rest of his cookie into his mouth causing his cheeks to puff up, making him resemble a baozi, before he swallowed it. The bell then rang and he noticed that Sehun’s tears had stopped. “You stopped crying! See? My cookies did make you feel better!” He stood up and helped Sehun up again by pulling on his uninjured arm.

“You can have the rest because I have more at home and I know how to make more and you need to feel better. I have to go back to class now or Mr. Kim will yell at me again. Bye Sehun!” Minseok shouted as he ran in the direction of this classroom after shoving the rest of the cookies into Sehun’s free hand. Sehun looked down at the cookies and smiled before slowly walking back to his own classroom.

After the two returned to their respective classrooms, class continued. Sehun focused on learning his letters and colors and he didn’t stop until the bell rang again, signaling that it was lunch time. Sehun quickly grabbed his lunch, the one that his mom prepared for him, from his backpack with his left arm, which was now sporting a bruise on its elbow, but otherwise fine. He ran to the cafeteria and for some reason, found himself trying to look past the older and taller students for the head of brunette hair that had helped him on the playground earlier in the day. His shoulders slumped and he sighed heavily when he couldn’t seem to find the person that he wasn’t aware he was looking for in the first place, so he went back to the small table in the corner that he always sat at. He sat himself down before opening his lunch bag and turning it upside down. A turkey sandwich, a bag of baby carrots, a juice pouch, and a bite sized chocolate bar tumbled out. He set the now empty bag down and was just about to reach for his turkey sandwich when he heard the pattering of feet right by his table and saw a body with a head of familiar brown hair plop down in the seat in front of him, one that usually sat at another table with his other friends.

“Sehun, right?! Is your arm feeling better?” Minseok asked, staring at the boy with his bright eyes. Sehun sat there stunned for a second before the words registered in his brain. He quickly nodded his head.

“You know, you never said thank you...” Minseok started while continuing to stare at the boy.

“Oh.. Thank you.” Sehun shyly said and Minseok proceeded to open up his own lunch bag as well. “What are you eating?”

Sehun just pointed to the display of food in front of him. Minseok pulled out a chicken wrap, a bag of sliced apples, and a bag of celery sticks accompanied by a small tub of peanut butter and raisins. He looked up and found Sehun staring hungrily at his chicken wrap so he lifted it up and offered it to the boy.

“Do you wanna share?” Minseok asked. Sehun’s head quickly shot up, knowing he was caught staring. He shook his head and looked back down at his turkey sandwich. Minseok watched him and then placed half of his chicken wrap in front of the boy. “We can switch half of my chicken wrap for half of your sandwich okay? Is that turkey? I really wanted some turkey today but my mom told me she forgot to buy some.”

Sehun looked at the chicken wrap in front of him, then up at Minseok, who had a convincing bright smile plastered across his face. He reached over, took half of his turkey sandwich out, and handed it to Minseok.

“Thank you,” was all that Sehun muttered with a small smile on his face before picking up the chicken wrap and biting into it.

“You have to say ‘Thank you, hyung’ because I’m older than you. You're a kindergartener but I'M in fourth grade,” Minseok informed him as he unwrapped the other half of his chicken wrap and bit into as well.

“Thank you… hyung.” Sehun kept his line of sight down towards his food, sparing Minseok fleeting glances. The two ate in silence until Minseok broke it.

“For a kindergartener, you don’t talk much, do you?” he asked. Sehun shook his head in reply.

“Well my mom says that I talk a lot so I can talk and you can listen. But later, you have to tell me about you too, if we’re gonna be friends,” he started, “My name is Minseok, but I already told you that earlier… I think,” he paused and thought back to earlier in the day, but then shook the thought out of his head and continued on, “Yeah, I did. My favorite color is blue and I like to eat steamed buns, but my mom didn’t pack me any today because she really forgot to buy that. I like playing on monkey bars during break and making cookies with my mom and watching TV when I’m at home.”

Sehun looked up at him as he said that all and did nothing but proceed to take the last bite of the chicken wrap he was given. After swallowing that bite, and pulling his turkey sandwich towards him, he quietly muttered, “I like playing on the monkey bars too.”

Minseok then said, with a giggle, “Then let’s hurry up and eat so we can go outside and play more before the bell rings, but you have to be careful because I already gave you the rest of my cookies so you can’t fall anymore, okay? You can’t cry like a baby again, you have to be a big boy!”

“I’m not a baby!” Sehun whined out, “I AM a big boy! A ma- mat- matshur big boy!”

Minseok laughed, “Do you mean a MATURE big boy, Sehunnie? Are you sure you’re mature?”

Sehun nodded in response with a blush blooming across his pale cheeks and Minseok smiled. They could already feel the friendship blooming between themselves and they both liked it. It was different. They both hurried and finished eating so that they could go out to play. When they were finished, they both got up to throw away their trash like they were taught to and made their way outside. Sehun, being a naïve little kindergartener who just couldn’t wait to show his new hyung how good we was on the monkey bars, failed to notice half of a turkey sandwich being thrown away by the fourth grader’s hands.

Minseok did not like turkey.


Authors Note: So here is the first chapter that I cranked out! Please let me know what you think in the comment section below and do give any suggestions that you believe would help to improve my writing! Thank you for reading~

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ZDK358 #1
Chapter 3: Can you please update? I love this story. ^^
nicky_xoxo #2
Chapter 5: it's been long since u updated this.will u update it in future?its a nice story.
Chapter 5: ahhh.. they sure miss each other a lot..
Authornim...update please...
i wish you the best of luck on the contest ♥
Chapter 5: awwwww sehuna
Chapter 5: Honestly, I can't imagine Sehun dancing to Female President xD but it sure would be so hilarious and stupid and funny xD

But it's cute. They missed this and I hope they'll get back like this as time goes by :)

Hwaiting author-nim! :D
bananaicecream #8
Chapter 5: it's good. their 'broken' relationship is kind of developing in positive way :)
sehun dancing to Female President? i want to see he shaking his XD
Chapter 5: Omg omg omg ugh i hope they can dance together