Chapter Three

Monkey Bars, Babysitters, and How I Fell In Love With You

Sehun threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it before looking up and straightening up his jacket.

“Sehun, hurry up before we’re late! You know they’re gonna get on us for being late on the first day of school.” Dongwon, the buff male that had given Sehun his first cigarette in his seventh grade year, yelled out.

Sehun nodded his head and slowly trailed after him. He shifted his backpack and ran a hand through his freshly-dyed rainbow-colored hair, looking up at the arc placed at the school’s entrance. The Star High School. He rolled his eyes and braced himself for his first year of high school.

Sehun had finished elementary school as an introvert. He had been upset that he had been abandoned by his hyung, who never even tried to hang out with him again. He had made no new friends in his last years there, but during his first year of middle school, as an incoming seventh grader, he was able to befriend some people who didn’t mind hanging out with ‘The Loner’.

He knew that they weren’t the best type of people he should hang out with, but he was just happy that he had some new friends. Throughout middle school, he worked hard to become the mature big boy that his Minseok hyung had always told him to be. He wanted to show that he didn’t need his hyung to help him grow up. Even with his new friends, though, he remained quiet and quickly became the school’s resident “Ice Prince”.

Now, he’s reached high school and was aware that Minseok still attended because even though he and his hyung had fallen out of touch, their mothers still kept in contact. Sehun was still adamant on not talking to his hyung, though he knew they were bound to run into each other at one point or another on such a small campus. He was just hoping that fate wouldn’t force him into one of those cliché kdrama moments where they had the same lunch or had mutual friends or had neighboring lockers.

He shook the thought out of his head and wandered through the school’s front doors before pausing to pull out his schedule from his pocket. He quickly glanced at it before wandering slowly towards his homeroom. He didn’t bother to go to his locker because he didn’t care enough to bring anything to put in it. Maybe tomorrow.

Once he got to his homeroom, he chose a seat in the back, which was conveniently by the window, and took off his backpack, dropping it onto the floor beside his desk. He laid his head down on his desk and shut his eyes. Eventually, their homeroom teacher walked in and they did introductions and such as they were supposed to, before the bell rang. Sehun checked his schedule once again and quickly rose with his backpack, in hopes of getting to his next class before the crowds of gossipers gathered in the middle of the hallways to catch up on what had happened in the last twenty four hours that they had not seen each other. He had PE next and then history afterwards. He also noticed that he had lunch after those two classes and he was praying that the high school’s lunch options were more appetizing than the middle school’s.

When lunch time arrived, Sehun was already ready to go home. He walked into the cafeteria, hoping to find a table that he could sit at by himself because he was sick of sitting outside all the time. The first thing he saw when he walked in though, was a head of familiar brown hair, accompanied by a young face that hadn’t changed much in the past years. The person that the face belonged to, was sitting at a table full of people that were exuding happiness. Sehun thought he recognized two of the faces that sat with Minseok, but he couldn’t be too sure. In the end, he sighed with a large frown on his face and walked right back out because life really was this cliché. Eating outside seemed like it would be a lot better than inside a noisy cafeteria anyways. Besides, he had a chicken wrap and cookies just in case.

After lunch, he had chemistry, art, and math, but it’s not like it mattered; he was going to sleep in all of them anyways.

Finally, the final bell of the day ended and Sehun shot up from his seat, racing towards the front of the school and pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. As soon as he was outside, he pulled one out, put it between his lips, and lit it.

The next morning, he went to his locker because he had decided that his textbooks were taking up too much room on his desk at home so he took them to school. As he approached his locker, he saw that someone was standing in the locker right next to his. The figure looked familiar, but he couldn’t exactly place his mind on who it was. Shrugging, he stalked over to his own locker and dialed in the code before opening it. He dug out his textbooks from his backpack and as he was in the midst of shoving his third one in, the locker next to his closed and the owner looked over.

“Oh! Sehun!” a voice that Sehun also found familiar cried out.

Sehun spared a single glance at the speaker and realized who it was when he looked back to his open locker. Luhan.

“Look at that! You’re finally a high schooler! Look at how tall you’ve grown! And your hair looks great!” Luhan kept speaking but Sehun ignored him. He was a hyung stealer and Sehun didn’t want to talk to immature hyung stealers. He shoved his last book in his locker and shut it with a slam, successfully cutting Luhan off. He his heel and walked back in the direction he came from. Unknowingly, a pout formed on his face as he thought back to when Luhan stole his hyung.

The second day of high school was already going worse than he expected.

The rest of the school week goes by with nothing too exciting happening except for the annoying people, the annoying classes, and the annoying work. Saturday, though, brought Sehun very shocking news from his parents: he was going to be babysat.

“What do you mean I’m going to have a babysitter?!” Sehun yelled at his mom in shock.

“Sehun, do not raise your voice at your mother like that. We have an important dinner with my colleagues to attend tonight and you obviously can not be left home alone,” his dad said in reply.

“I haven’t had a babysitter since I was in the fifth grade.”

“Yes, hunny, but that was because either your father and I were always home with you, and that was before you started hanging out with those… hooligans and doing… things that you shouldn’t be doing as a young freshman in high school,” his mother responded.

“I’m a freshman in high school. I don’t need to be babysat.”

“You obviously do. And it’s not like it would be weird, he’s almost your age! And he goes to your high school too so I think you know him!” His mother exclaimed with a bright smile.

“Just because he goes to my high school does not mean that I’ll know him. This makes it even worse. I don’t need to be babysat.”

“Yes, you do and that is final. I don’t want to catch you smoking with your friends again so you need a babysitter. I know for a fact you know your babysitter. I think you’ll be excited when he-” the doorbell cut Mrs. Oh off. “Oh! That must be him right now!” She got up and walked over to open the front door, “You’re here!”

A well-known voice rings from the front doorway to the kitchen, where Sehun is located.

“Yes, Mrs. Oh. Hello Mr. Oh. Enjoy your evening out! I’ll make sure to take good care of Sehunnie.”

Sehun’s eyes widened beyond belief and he races out of the kitchen and towards the front, where everyone was.

“Sehun, Minseok is here for the next couple hours. His mom told me that he was needing extra money so I thought it’d be best for everyone if he came over to babysit! Anyways, we’ll try to be home soon, but don’t wait up too late. Don’t leave the house and listen to what Minseok says. Bye!”

With that, Sehun’s parents left. Minseok closed and locked the door behind them and then turned to look at Sehun.

“Wah! Sehunnie, I missed you! Look at how tall you’ve grown and your hair! You really did dye it to be a rainbow like how you wanted in elemen-” Minseok was reaching out to ruffle Sehun’s hair as he spoke, but Sehun sidestepped him and shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked up the stairs to his room. He closed and locked his door, popped a window open, went to his backpack to pull out a cigarette.

Just because he couldn’t leave the house didn’t mean he still couldn’t smoke.


Author's Note: I don't know how this story is going so far. I'm still trying to plan while I write because this is my first chaptered story, so I hope you all understand! I'll try to update more often though now that the basis of the story is down~ ^-^ Please leave your thoughts and comments down below! 

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ZDK358 #1
Chapter 3: Can you please update? I love this story. ^^
nicky_xoxo #2
Chapter 5: it's been long since u updated this.will u update it in future?its a nice story.
Chapter 5: ahhh.. they sure miss each other a lot..
Authornim...update please...
i wish you the best of luck on the contest ♥
Chapter 5: awwwww sehuna
Chapter 5: Honestly, I can't imagine Sehun dancing to Female President xD but it sure would be so hilarious and stupid and funny xD

But it's cute. They missed this and I hope they'll get back like this as time goes by :)

Hwaiting author-nim! :D
bananaicecream #8
Chapter 5: it's good. their 'broken' relationship is kind of developing in positive way :)
sehun dancing to Female President? i want to see he shaking his XD
Chapter 5: Omg omg omg ugh i hope they can dance together