Part 8

A Distant Memory

I walked the sidewalk, a little hesitant to ask for help. I was so nervous that I didn't realize the piece of paper in my hand with the address was crinkling. My hold was too strong.

"Excuse me?" I saw a young male around my age passing by. His visuals reminded me of Peter Pan for some reason. I didn't know one bit of Korean so I carefully sounded out the words in English.

"Yes, did you need help with something?" It was obvious English wasn't his first language, but he spoke fairly fluent without a thick accent.

"Do you speak and understand English?"

He gave me a playful smile, "Well, if I didn't, I wouldn't have replied to you or spoke English, am I right?"

Right off the bat, I could tell this guy was sweet and cheerful. Immediately, I thought about Jackson, thinking his obnoxious and hilarious character is still top on my list. I cracked a smile.

Peter Pan look-alike examined me like I was a strange creature. His eyes were now round and popped out of his sockets. "Do I sound funny to you? Believe me, I practice really hard. My friends Mark and Jack—"

"You sound fluent to me. Your English is perfect," I encouraged. His face lit up with relief. Finally I was redirected back to why I have stopped him in the middle of the sidewalk. "Can you tell me where this is?"

He nodded and took a look at the paper in my hand. Again, his eyes grew big. "Are you stalking me?!"

"What?! No, how am I stalking you!"

"You aren't an obsessive fan are you?! How do you know where I live?! Please, let me and the boys have our privacy—"

He talked too much.

"No, you're getting me all wrong. I'm not some crazy person who wants something to do with you or whoever the 'boys' are. I'm here to look for someone and I was told he lives at this address," I pointed to the paper.

"Who's this person?"

"Jackson. Jackson Wang."

Peter Pan just couldn't keep his eyes from falling out at all my statements. "Look, I know you love Jackson and dream of him to be your husband, but he's only an idol."

This guy kept going at it, trying to explain things to me as if I was a fangirl or something. "No, he's a fr-friend of mine from back home, in Hong Kong. Please, trust me."

After much persuasion. He finally allowed me to follow him since he said he was heading to the exact place. He was afraid to believe me so quick, but I knew for a fact I meant no harm.

"I'm Jinyoung by the way. Jr for short."

"Glad to have your help. You remind me of Peter Pan."

"Peter Pan?"

"Mm." I agreed. 

We made our way to the nice apartment buildings that were probably rated 6 stars instead of 5. The cars parked outside were all just expensive, luxurious ones like BMWs, Lexus, Howdies, and Mercedes Benz. Before I noticed, Peter Pan was fumbling his key into the keyhole of the door. I suddenly stopped him.

"Wait." My nerves were acting up. "Can you let me breathe first?"

He looked at me confused, "I'm not suffocating you with my cuteness, am I?" He jokingly said. Too cute.

I rolled my eyes with a chuckle, "So you know Jackson?"

"Of course, we are in the same idol group, GOT7."

It finally made sense. Peter Pan here was super close with Jackson. They are members of the same group.

"Can you not tell Jackson I'm here?"

"Why not? You're here to see him after all."

"I know, I know. Just tell him someone's here to see him and have him come out, please?"

"Fine, I'll be back."


Jr stepped into the room and saw the younger three playing a videogame as they held onto controllers that connected to the game system. "Aish, these kids," he mumbled.

He met Mark in the kitchen who poured himself a cup of milk. "Yah, Jinyoung where have you been."

"Solo practice." Jr then got into a crouching position ande crept over closer to Mark as he looked around. Mark was weirded-out. Jr whispered, "I think I made a mistake and dragged someone else along."

One of Mark's eyebrows arched, "Who? Where?"

Another whisper, "She's outside."

"SHE?!" Mark nearly screamed in his whisper. "What did you do?!"

"Trust me, hyung. I don't know who she is, but she says she's here to see Jackson from Hong Kong."

Just in time, Jackson walked in on the two exchanging a conversation in low voices. "What are you two gossipping about?" He walked in casually, but his loud voice caused the three younger ones who didn't even hear Jr come in turn their heads.

Mark gestured for Jr to tell.

Jr started, "Um....there's someone here who wants to see you. She's outside waiting."

"Who? Did you bring along a crazy fan you met after your solo practice?" He glared. "Or is she some girl I've brought home before?"

Mark mumbled, "How did you know Jinyoung went to solo practice? Thanks for including me in on our members whereabouts." He was ignored, of course. It's the usual even though Mark is the oldest.

"No, no. I promise. She's from Hong Kong. Go see her outside."

Jackson stepped out the front door in his black wifebeater and black, loose skinny jeans. His hair was ruffled in a perfect way as though he just woke up from bed. Right as he closed the door behind him, he met the back of some young lady. Her caramel brown hair was long, nearly touching the small of her back. She wore a white, laced dress that was just above her knees with a soft-pink cardigan over. She also carried a brown backpack with a red duffle bag.

"Hey there."

The young lady turned slowly, yet gracefully. As her face became noticeable, Jackson swallowed at the surprise. His organs were working backwards and words couldn't find their way out. The girl in front of him glued her lips together and was alost at a lost of words. In that moment, she didn't know how to react. Jackson looked up the ceiling and to the ground, trying hard to not look at her. Her prescence was unexpected, let alone unwanted. He was over her, so why was she here?


I turned to see Jackson who had greeted me first. He looked the same, but different. His features were all still there, but his image looked tougher. Him dressed in black made him look like someone with a dark character. Isn't it ironic how I'm dressed in bright, light colors that portrayed my happy feelings of seeing him, but he was dressed in dark shades? I wonder how he's feeling or if he's just in the mood of black. It could be an emotinal thing or a sense of style.

"Jackson." I paused. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" His expression was unreadable. He didn't look bothered or joyful by my existence.

At this time, I wasn't sure if I should tell him I came here specifically because of him. He didn't sound like he would be fond of my stupid reason.

"Vacation." My excuse was good enough for the time being.

"I mean, what are you doing here in front of my place?"

"Oh." He sounded so cold that I shivered. "I just wanted to drop by and say hi since I'm close by." There goes another excuse.

"Glad to see you're living well. Is that it?" He no stepped back in between the door and the doorframe. He sent off a negative vibe that I wasn't needed or wanted.

"Yeah. Nice seeing you too. I'll get going now....thanks for your time anyways." I tried hard to not let a tear slip.

He nodded multiple times, "Yeah, not a problem. Take care." He then closed the door on my fragile and frail image. I felt as though my bones were no longer supporting me. That was it. We didn't even talk. This wasn't how I imagined encountering him. Have I messed up and waited too long to get my Jackson back? It seems so.



"Dude, that was quick." Mark looked at the man who just walked in. "It was less thank 5 minutes."

"It's nothing important."

JB who was now in the living room commented, "Is she that Rose girl or something?" It was obvious the guys filled him in about having a girl outside wanting to see Jackson.

Jackson was astonished about how JB guessed it so right. "Whether she is or not, it doesn't matter." He got himself a water bottle from the frigde and gulped down half.

"JB, it could be!" Jr now felt the need to add in his two cents. "She's from Hong Kong and the only girl who I know would come from there and ask for Jackson is Rose!"

"Can you two shut up about it." His eyes revealed that he as annoyed to the max.

Youngjae, Yugyeom, and BamBam stayed out on this one. They only listened to the hyuings quarrel.

"Look," Mark swung his arm over his roommate, Jackson. "Regardless if it's her or not, you should go apologize to her for making her feel unwelcomed. She probably was here to see you for a reason."

"How would you know I made her feel unwelcomed." His childish character was coming out."

The eldesst smirked, "There's a peephole on the door and the door is pretty thin to the point where you can hear conversations outside these walls."

What Jackson didn't know was that Jr and Mark listened and saw the whole scene before he opened the door that pushed  them out of the way.

"She's probably on the elevator down. Chase after her if you find her important." JB had the last word before Jackson rushed out the door into the elevator, pressing the down button as if it would quicken his speed.

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sweetypiee #1
Chapter 9: Nawwwwwww~ my JACKSON FEELS UGH I KENNOT><><><
Chapter 9: The last one is really sweet. :)
pichimelissa #3
Chapter 9: I'm slowly coming to admit that I am a bit obsessed with your stories lol ~~~ I truly enjoy them
Chapter 9: really...this is nice story though. the plot and everything. but the problem is i can't grasp the jackson feel. :D it's hard bc of his silly personality. ^^
Chapter 9: Aww this was such a good story ;w;
Xoriah #6
Chapter 9: OMG I CANT BELIEVE IT ENDED!! I was not expecting that but I'm so happy theyre finally together and happy!! I loved your story so I hope you write another Jackson fic soon! :)
Foreverhis #7
Chapter 9: OMG OMG OMG ! T.T tears of joy! <3 oh the feeelingssss for JACKSONNNN! Ughhh. <333333 I love the story! Thank you for writing ! (:
xRawrRiot #8
I can't believe it ended though! ;n;
Nonetheless~ it was amazing and I loved it hahahah
Thank you so much for writing and amazing and heartfelt story! <3
Foreverhis #9
Chapter 8: OMG OMG OMG !!!!!! <3333333
Chapter 8: OMG please update really soon!!!! :( cant wait. noooo this cant just be hanging just like this. chap 9 please