Love Has No Gender

Lay rushed to Eunhee’s ward and sat down beside her bed. She held her hand praying that nothing will go wrong with her and begged her to wake up. After about 1 hour, she finally woke up and Lay heaved a sigh of relief.


Eunhee? Are you okay??”

Lay?” she said as she frowned and examined her body. She was back in her original body. She wondered if that was a good thing and then she suddenly remembered that Suho loved Lay. Lay had probably mistaken her as Suho.

“I’m not the one you’re looking for Lay. The Eunhee you liked was actually Suho” she told him firmly, her heart felt a pinch of pain but it wasn’t that much compared to what Suho was feeling.

“huh? Suho? But i thought you said you two exchanged bodies?” Lay frowned, puzzled by this perplexing matter.

“well, we exchanged back again and now we’re in our own bodies”



They then kept quiet as the room was in total silence. Lay and Eunhee was thinking, and both about the same thing. Lay’s relationship with Suho. After Suho told him about what happened, Lay thought about his feelings towards the latter.

The times they spend together were definitely something very precious to him; he felt happy seeing him and being with him. He always thought about him and every time he seemed troubled, he always felt needles poking his heart as if he felt more pain than Suho.


Is this actually love?


Or is this just plain attraction? Would I actually accept Suho for who he is?


Now all these have become more and more complicated and Lay felt a splitting headache. He closed his eyes for a while attempting in calming himself. After he felt better, he decided that he would go to check on Suho.

“erm I’ll be going to check on Suho for a while. Do you mind? Or you prefer i stay here”

“no its okay, you better go and check on SuhoEunhee smiled while shooing him off.


Lay went to look for Suho’s ward number from the nurse and he walked to his ward, gently opening the door careful to not wake him up. He closed the door quietly again before going to sit on the chair next to his bed, staring at him.

‘so he’s the one that is in Eunhee’s body all this while huh? Actually, he does look kind of good-looking’ he thought to himself while tilting his head, admiring his looks from another angle. After 20 minutes of staring intensively at him, he realised that he have fallen for him. Again.

Suho then stretched his arm while rubbing his eyes as he looked at Lay. He rubbed his eyes again wondering if he was seeing things. He thought that Lay would not even come and see him but he did. He looked at Lay frowning; he seemed to be mouthing some words but he can’t seem to hear him.

“did you say something?”

Lay appeared to be mouthing some words again and Suho managed to understand some part of it. He seemed to be asking whether he was okay but he was not sure so he asked again.

“huh? Did you say something?”

Listening to this, Lay got frustrated. He didn’t know whether Suho was deliberately not hearing him or truly cannot hear him so he leaned forward next to Suho’s ear and shouted “I SAID ARE YOU OKAY!!”

Suho was confused why Lay leaned next to his ears but he could see that Lay was irritated when he said he can’t hear him. He truly can’t. Giving up, he just gave Lay a puzzled expression.  When Lay saw his expression he groaned and took out a piece of paper and wrote on it “Are you okay?” and showed it to Suho.

Suho nodded at him then smiled in gratitude because Lay came to see him and as if Lay knew what he was thinking, he said “you’re welcome” while smiling. At this, Suho was really perplexed by this matter, did Lay mouthed some words again? Why did he mumble so much?!

“what did you say?! Why do you keep mumbling to yourself?” Suho was irritated now, he didn’t knew whether it was because his hearing was bad or because Lay indeed was mumbling to himself. He used his finger to dig his ears before hitting it. When Lay saw this he quickly grabbed Suho to prevent him from hurting himself.


For some reason, Suho always can’t hear what he was saying and he was sure he did not mumble in fact he was loud. And so, he get the doctor to check whether Suho was having any sickness. The doctor went to examine Suho and after about 20 minutes, he finally realised what happened to Suho.


He was deaf.



I have only 2 classes today that's why it Doble Updates, hehe

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LollipopLuhan #1
Chapter 5: YAY! I love this story :)
Chapter 5: Woohoooo ~ finally a SuLay happy ending !! ♡
Thank you for the story :)
DinoPearl_Riza #3
omo you changed the title XD
Chapter 5: its end omg i like it maybe u can make a sequel? it doesnt hurt right? hehehe
famushinee #5
Chapter 5: yup..good job lay..accept suho just the way he is..see.you happy now with suho..yay..;D
DinoPearl_Riza #6
Chapter 5: love the ending whoo!!sulay <3 <3
famushinee #7
Chapter 4: lay..you better accept suho..no matter he is deaf or not..you better or i'll kill you..;(
bizzyMe #8
Chapter 4: poor suho~