Getting Closer

Destined Love (A Lee Donghae love story)


So my ‘natural high’ lasted most of the day. I wasn’t going to let class get me down. I didn’t really anyway. I came here because I wanted to study Korean. So, it makes sense that I enjoy the classes. But you know with teachers, you can’t like them ALL. It’s just the way it goes. You either get along with them or you don’t. Just like all the other people in the world. It’s normal, simple, ordinary. I ramble too much, right? Do you agree? I fill my head all day, every day with my useless rambles and worries. I should stop it. But, I’m just that kind of person. I can’t really control what I think. When lessons finished I slowly walked outside. I felt like I was on top of the world! I watched as the other students quickly passed me on the way out of the building. When I got outside I stopped and lent up against the wall. I took out my phone. Should I call now? It’s not too soon, right? No, can’t be! I’ve left it long enough to not seem too clingy to him. I smiled to myself. After flipping through my phone book and finding his number I pressed call and took a deep breath. This is it!


I felt my hand tapping against my leg. I didn’t even know I was doing it, it must have been the nerves. Why do phones make those ringing noises? I mean, what a way to build up the tension! It didn’t really help in some situations! “Hello?” I heard Dong Hae’s sweet voice answer. It felt like an angel was talking to me! “Hi” I replied in the cutest voice I’d ever heard myself speak in. “Oh! Yumi!” he said happily. “Oh, you recognized my voice?” I asked surprised, and rather flattered. “Of course!” he chuckled back. “Have you just got out of university?” he asked curiously. “Yes. I have.”

“Wanna meet me?”



“Sure, where?”

“I’ll meet you by the university in a couple of minutes!”

“Ok!” I finished cheerfully. He obviously sensed it because he seemed to be very cheerful, too. “See you then, at the entrance!” he chirped before saying good bye.

“Bye Bye” I said before ending the call. My smile grew larger. This was great! I hugged my phone tight to my chest and giggled. Luckily no-one was around to give me any weird looks.



7 minutes later Dong Hae showed up. Is it weird I kept the exact time it took him? He smiled and jogged over to me. “Hey!” he said stopping in front of me. “You look nice today!” I smiled cutely at the complement which made him laugh. “So, wanna walk?” he said gesturing with his hands. I nodded. As we walked and talked it felt as if we were getting closer. Dong Hae was older then me. 3 years! But that didn’t really matter. 3 years was nothing, right? He had a sister and a mother but sadly his father passed away. After finishing telling me about his family I asked him about his job. “Oh, Job?” stuttered. “I’m still a student” he hesitated. “Ah.” I said nodding understandingly. “What are you studying.” He stopped walking. Was this an awkward subject for him or something!? “Well, it’s more training rather then studying.” He admitted. “Oh” I nodded again.“Anyway” he said changing the subject before I had chance to ask more. “What about you? I want to know more about you!” I smiled. “Well, I’m 1/8 Japanese. That’s all. The rest of me is British. But! I’m not posh or anything like all the stereotypical things say!” he laughed. “I have a brother, he’s older then me. Called Kansuke. Actually he’s the same age as you. “Really? Dong Hae asked. “I never asked, Yumi. How old are you?”He looked a little nervous, waiting for my answer. “I’m going to turn 17 in December.” I answered. “Ah” he nodded. “That’s cool.” I looked down at my feet and we continued to walk. “Hey!” Dong Hae said again a little later. “Want to come and meet some of my friends?” I shrugged. “Ok, sure!”

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how sweet!!!! like it!
Awwww <: This is soooooo sweeeeeet ! I want more ! Even though it ended already . Hehe ♥ I want Donghae more ! Please do inform me if there's any DONGHAE'S fanfic ! ^^
love this! update soon please :D