Natural High

Destined Love (A Lee Donghae love story)


I slowly walked home, incredibly disappointed. Did no one like me? Why was I always being stood up!? It hurt me to think about it. I went home and took a shower, thinking the hot water would help me relax. Suddenly I heard something. I stopped the shower straight away and stood still listening. Living on your own you were always cautious of random noises. I shook my head. I must be hearing things! I grabbed a towel and rapped it round myself before leaving the bathroom. I happened to glance towards the front door as I walked out of the room. There was something in the letter box. Some one had posted a letter to me. Well, that explained the noise. I laughed at myself for being so paranoid. I ran over and picked up the letter. It wasn’t a letter really, but a folded bit of paper. I frowned, looking at my name that was scribbled on it. The person who wrote it must have been in a hurry. I unfolded it and read it slowly, taking in all the Korean words. “ Yumi, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to not be there but something came up. I can’t really say what it was. I hope you understand. Here’s my number. Call me. Dong Hae.” I starred at the letter and the number he had wrote. I felt relieved that it wasn’t the fact that he disliked me being the reason he didn’t come. That was nice to know. But I still wondered why. Then, he had said ‘I can’t really say what it was’. So, maybe I should stick my nose in. And at least he’d been decent enough to come and tell me personally…or deliver me a note personally should I say?


I grabbed my phone and tapped Dong Hae’s number in. I wasn’t going to call him straight away. I didn’t want to seem too obsessed, if you know what I mean. I was just going to save the number in my phonebook, for later. My smile re-appeared. But I shouldn’t keep my hopes up. By now I should know that this guy is unpredictable! I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I should sleep now and call him tomorrow. After lessons.


When I awoke the nest day I felt as if I was on a natural high. You know? You sometimes get those days where everything seems to be perfect? I love them. I don’t seem to get them often. With my bad luck and all. I should make the most of it while I have a chance. I had my lectures which I wasn’t looking forward to but the had to be taken, right? Well, at least I wasn’t overly tires like I normally seem to be. And I was a bit annoyed. All the time I’d been in Korea, at this university…no one had talked to me. It was just by chance I bumped into Dong Hae and Eun Hyuk. Other wise…I’d have been a complete loner! How depressing that is now I think about it. Maybe I shouldn’t think. It seems to always upset me. That’s it! Today will be my “No thinking whatsoever because it hurts me day”. Ah. Now I think about it…I need to think for class….DAMN!

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how sweet!!!! like it!
Awwww <: This is soooooo sweeeeeet ! I want more ! Even though it ended already . Hehe ♥ I want Donghae more ! Please do inform me if there's any DONGHAE'S fanfic ! ^^
love this! update soon please :D