Déjà Vu

Wuthering Heights

(…) 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy:

Thou art thyself, though not a Choi.

What's Choi? It is nor hand nor foot,

Nor arm nor face, nor any other part

Belonging to a man. O be some other name!

What's in a name? That which we call a rose

By any other word would smell as sweet;

So Seunghyun would, were he not Seunghyun call'd,

Retain that dear perfection which he owes

Without that title. Seunghyun, doff thy name,

and for thy name, which is no part of thee,

Take all myself (…)

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Bom yelled in panic, opening her eyes scared and starting in shock at the wall.

         Her heart was going up and down. She couldn’t believe in the words her mind had said in that stupid dream about that stupid boy. Why was she even thinking about him? What that meant? Was she comparing herself with Juliet and Seunghyun’s self with Romeo? But, why?

“Hey, you okay?” Bom heard someone calling her and turned her head to the side, in time to face a curious Siwon looking at her with the furrowed eyebrows. She held her chest strongly, gasping for air.

“Yes, I am” she replied with difficulty, still thinking about what happened minutes ago. He smiled brightly when noticing she was talking to him.

“You’re the only person in this school who rather sleeping on a cold hard ground than a comfortable and warm bad” he laughed and she shook her head.

         Did she sleep at the library? Where was Dara? Why the roommate did not look for her? She knew how the blonde could be worried and protective. Something had happened and she was dying to know what it was.

“Where’s Dara?” her voice echoed on the boy’s head and he tried to think why that girl would be interested to know about the Park.

“She had some problems in home and decided to go back for a couple of days; well, that’s what the principal told me”.

         Bom’s jaw fell on the floor. In that moment, the only thing she could think was of how terrible she was as a friend. Maybe Dara needed her and she wasn’t there to help. How’d she be able to talk to her now? She had to know if things were okay, if the roommate was good. She had to back to the 75B room and call Sandara, immediately.

“Siwon, can you take me back to the girl’s block? I’ll get lost if I go by my own and there’s something important that I need to do” she asked honestly, standing up. The boy smiled and nodded, making the same movements as her.

         Cleaning the mess she had done, Bom left the place following the black haired guy. He had his hands on the pants’ pockets and the sweater pasting on his muscles. She had to admit: he was very strong. Imagine shirtless… That same voice said on the deepest part of her mind and she pouted angrily. This was starting to annoy her.

“Why where you there?” breaking the silence, Siwon asked staring at her while they walked side by side.

“Last night I had to do my literature’s project” she replied distracted, her mind still full of thoughts.

         Dara was missed, on her eyes. The friend left without even telling her a goodbye and this seemed weird. Something was going to happen, and this wasn’t good. Secondly, she had a dream with Seunghyun. But not any dream! It was exactly like the most famous scene from Romeo and Juliet, the romance that both of them were working on. In this act, the Montague and the Capulet would declare their love for each other; but this one was prohibited, as the two families were death enemies. That was the main reason why Bom was indignant with her dream. She and Seunghyun? No, never. And last, she was admiring the team’s captain. Why was she having those thoughts with one but enjoying the other? Was that even possible?

“That’s great” Siwon smiled “That is my favorite part on the school. I like to be alone, especially because most of the people here annoy me. And there’s the best place to stay this way, only with the books’ company” she stared at him and smiled. That guy seemed to be so smart and informed, so addicted.

“I also love reading”.

         They stood in silence for a while. He looked happy while walking with her, as if everything was normal. He wasn’t even bothered about the fact of they don’t talk; it was great, as long as he was with her. But Bom didn’t think this way. Less talking meant more thinking and more thinking meant flying back to those three points that she still had stuck on her mind.

“Do you know Seunghyun?” she decided to ask. He stared at her confused.

“Why do you want to know?” again, another person asked her that same question. Jesus, was this man so hated that everyone would look at her with a weird express just when she mentioned his name?

“Because you both have the same surname. I know it’s normal here in Korea but still… I just wanted to know. Maybe you have some family proximity?” Bom forced a smile and watched the other sighing. He didn’t seem to be very happy with the change of subject.

         She stared at him while he took a deep breathe, as if thinking about the right words to tell her, but nothing seemed to come to his mind. To be honest, nothing seemed to make the phrase he was about to say be less shocking and, dealing with his situation, Siwon stared at her with worried eyes.

“He’s my brother”.

         Not knowing why, Bom started laughing. She couldn’t believe in what he had said: Choi Siwon was Choi Seunghyun’s BROTHER? No! Lord, no. That couldn’t be possible. They didn’t look alike each other, no way. Not outside and not inside. They were very different. Not even a little whisker of their hairs could be compared; the first had his combed cautiously and charming; the second, had his messed as if he never had seen a hairbrush. Holding her stomach in joy, she wiped a non-existent tear and stared at him.

“Brother?” she laughed again “I doubt” the boy smirked and nodded.

“I swear! I’m one year younger”.

“But I never saw you two together before” in a serious expression, Bom replied.

“We don’t talk to each other” Siwon shook his shoulders and stared straight, indicating that there was the final point of their conversation.

         She gulped guilty and walked with him. Now, in the middle of people, she could say that they were getting closer of her dorm. On the long corridor, she bumped on someone. The girl looked down to face her and rolled the eyes, ignoring her and leaving, whispering with the friends.

“Just ignore” the boy said, pouting angry with the situation. Bom turned at him and was about to say something but stopped.

         Staring towards the opposite side, next to some lockers, there was her worst nightmare, or her best dream, she still didn’t know: Choi Seunghyun. He was leaning with his back on the white wall, clipping the right foot on it. His gaze was sickeningly on the brunette, while she could feel his eyes filling with hate.

         In his mind, one question: why was Park Bom with Siwon? But there were no answers. They were just walking together. And this wasn’t just to him; this was more than simply ‘just’. Suddenly, his body became hard. He gritted the teeth in disgust. Watching the two was making him sick. And he didn’t even know why.

         Noticing the change of glances between the girl and the brother, the black haired guy grabbed her hand. He watched when Bom turned her face shocked at him and, without caring, he started pulling her with him while he walked towards their destiny. But it wouldn’t work, he knew. He knew that, to arrive where they wanted to, they’d have to pass by him.

         Very worried about the tension on the air, she tried to free herself but the strength of his hand didn’t seem to want let her go. And this was giving her a bad feeling. How she hated that sensation.

         Siwon stared straight, confident. Now, they were exactly 10.0 meters of the brother. He glanced at Bom, who had the head low, clearly fearing what could happen forward. 05.0, and anxious started filling up his body. But why was he caring? Seunghyun had always been cold since the event that they couldn’t forget; why would he care about a new student, normal as any other from there? But she wasn’t as the others. She had a heart, compassion and real feelings. 01.0 meters. It was all about to start.

         Bom closed her eyes strongly, avoiding what was occurring around her. Early or later, they would be away from that tall man and she would be able to open them again. But this was what she thought before a big hand held her free arm violently. Her body trembled with the new touch, but that was the only thing new as she had already felt the person’s skin before. ‘Damn…’

“Where are you going?” his husky voice echoed on her head. She opened to reply but it was in vain.

“It’s not of your business” another replied. She also knew who it was.

“I didn’t ask you” it was the first’s time.

“But I am saying. Let go of her”.

“Could you shut up?”.

“No! I am with her, not you”.

“She’s my partner, not yours”.

“Doesn’t matter. Probably it wasn’t her choice”.

“So ask her why she didn’t want to change to another one”.

“I don’t care. Let go because I need to take her home”.

“So fast, huh?”.

“It’s not what you are thinking”.

“So let me take her”.

“Never. I don’t trust you”.

“You don’t have to. She’s nothing of you”.

“And you think that, just because you are working together, you both are best friends?”.

“I’ve spent the night with her, not you”.

“I am going to punc-“.

“SHUT UP!” Bom opened her eyes abruptly and stared at the two in pure anger “STOP ACTING LIKE KIDS!” she yelled nervously, having enough of their little drama “SIWON, I LIKE HIM AS MY PARTNER. HE HAS GOOD IDEAS” she turned towards the young guy and watched from the corner of her eyes the other smirk satisfied “AND SEUNGHYUN, HE IS MORE MY FRIEND THAN YOU, OKAY? HE TREATS ME LIKE A HUMAN, DIFFERENT OF YOU” it was the tall man’s turn “GROW UP! YOU’RE ATRACTING A CREW”.

         When the girl stormed off, the two stood still. Her words entered them in so much strength that they couldn’t fight back. What were they doing? Why had they acted like this because of her? Was that jealously? But how could they be jealous of her when they didn’t even know her properly? Why were they sharing the same possession feeling about her?

         Finally realizing her last phrase, Siwon decided to leave. Bom was right, they attracted a crew. People were staring at them scared. A situation like that had just happened once. Yes, this wasn’t the first time the Choi’s brothers fought in public; especially because of a girl. The students that were on the school since the last year felt something weird inside them. Like a déjà vu.


“Where was your mind at?!” Jiyong yelled shocked. Seunghyun growled while throwing a chair on the wall.

“I don’t know!” he replied in the same tone, ranking his fingers through his hair.

“You don’t act like this since when Stephanie used to stay with Siwon” the first sat down on the bed, nervous. Seunghyun felt the heart fall with the mention of her name.

         So equal. The same scene. The same gests. But different reactions. Back there, whenever the boyfriend tried to fight with the brother because of the girl, she wouldn’t act like Bom; she would enjoy the situation. She would lie, try to pretend to be innocent, but would like what was happening.

“Don’t compare them” he covered the face with the hands, depressed.

“But it’s impossible to not!” Jiyong stood up and kneeled in front of the friend “You never acted like that around any girl here since she’s gone, man! That’s creepy, especially because you just met her two days ago”.

“I know! I am also shocked and annoyed with it! But what can I do?” screaming, Seunghyun kicked the floor angrily. What was going on?

         The other was right, he was being idiot. Bom had just entered the school and he was already feeling things for her. But, inside his heart, it didn’t seem weird. It seemed normal because that sensation had always been there. Since her. Her, her and her. Why could he only think about her? His life wasn’t her anymore! But why was him so scared and so stubborn about moving on? Was that because some kind of guilty was terrifying him?

         Knocks on the door woke him up from the little war in his mind. Jiyong rolled his eyes, walking towards the bathroom, not bothered about replying who was waiting for them. Hopeless, Seunghyun huffed and realized he’d have to be the one doing that.

         He took the key off the table and walked towards the entrance. Another knocks could be heard and he had to yell an ‘I’m coming’ to make the annoying noise stop. Holding the handle and unlocking the door, he stared confused at the person in front of him.

“You’re an idiot” Bom said.

“Excuse me?” he asked, trying to accept the fact that she was really there.

“Why did you have to do that?” her sad voice made him feel like trash. But, of course, he couldn’t show it.

“He’s a jerk. Stay away from him” Seunghyun started to close the door but the girl’s hand stopped his action.

“Who do you think you are to treat me like that?” Bom screamed angrily and the boy stepped back.

         He didn’t stop, he kept walking backward, his eyes widening even more. His heart beating crazily and, the hands, becoming fits. No, no and no.




 ‘Seunghyun smelled the delicious food aroma and smiled. That kind of place would make him think about her. Always her. He had to face it, didn’t matter what, she’d be the one to come into his mind. Denying would be worthless. And, talking about Stephanie, where was she?

“Hello” a different voice called from behind and he turned around to stare at a pretty woman. She had big brown eyes, chubby lips, cute cheeks, a little nose and, suddenly, he imagined to be looking at a Barbie doll.

“Hi” Seunghyun smiled friendly, bowing towards her “Can I help you?” she smirked erted and approached him, grabbing his collar.

“Yes, you can. But the things I want to do with you are not allowed to happen in public” she whispered in a seductive voice but it didn’t attract him. In opposite, it made him feel disgusted.

“I have a girlfriend” the annoyance could be heard on his tone but she didn’t seem to care.

“I don’t mind of sharing” the woman her lips.

“Go away” he turned around and started walking into the Chinese restaurant that he’d meet his love.

“Where do you think you’re going? I’m still here” she pulled him by the mangos and, without hesitating, glued her lips on his, violently.

         Seunghyun widened his eyes in shock and slapped the woman’s face angrily. How could she do that? Who she thought she was? He already had said he was taken. How could she do something like that when he didn’t want anything to do with her?

“Your jerk! Don’t you dare to touch me! Who do you think you are to treat me like that? (…)”




         The same words, the same face, the same everything. No, that couldn’t be her. But there was no other explanation. Since that day, he couldn’t forget the woman’s Barbie look. And, right now, she was exactly like Bom. You could say that they were the same person.

“!” he yelled and punched her face. He didn’t regret; that was necessary.

         It was strong. He had never punched something as hard as the way he did that time. Without any fighting, Bom fell hard on the floor. Her senses failed and her view started getting blurred. Again, she had the mind flying to another place, far away from there. A smile formed on and, before going unconscious, she said her last words on that week:

Fool of Stephanie for falling in love with you”. 



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sildaagnesty #1
Chapter 7: Daebak!! I really really like your story authornim^^ its been long time since you update the last chapter but i hope you can continue this story
Awesome storyy!!
imnotokay #3
Chapter 6: Yeees you right!! i like this chap.. No i correct that, it' not like but looove it n this chap twice longer than usual :D
I understand for what seunghyun did, he was trying to deny his feeling about bom.. when you got hurt so bad bcoz of love it'll never be easy to accept another love (but i know u can't resist bommie, right big choi!?)
Dara jiyong has something fishy around them.. does anything happen to them at the ball last year? Oh more question in here.
And chaerin seungri.. what are you going to do on the couch? (Yah you panda n cat) hahahahaa
Update soon hun !! ^^
__bom__ #4
Chapter 6: My heart 's crenching . Seunghyun 's action was confusing . It's like the memory in the past was g
Holding him back. I hope he can figure out his feeling soon.
imnotokay #5
Chapter 5: Hello there love!! glad to know that you're back from your vacation n ready for action :D

Back to the story.. for the first time when bom had encounter with that women in her dream i guess she's stephanie.. but there's something that bothering me, is she (bom) has a split personality? Or she really had a twin?
and in the middle of chap when bommie crying falls down really heart-breaking scene till i shed a tears but heart warming too at the same time.
I wanting to know more n more about this story, so i hope you can update soon ;*
__bom__ #6
Chapter 5: >< i can't wait for another chapter but can i aks you something? I am just wondering how many chapter this fiction going to have?
imnotokay #7
Chapter 3: Oh what happening in there? Siwon & seunghyun are brothers, but they was in a bad relationship o.O... who is this stephanie girl? What relation between the 3 of them? why dara accusing seunghyun about a murderer thing? and the scene at the end of story, is that a real or just a dream?
Aigoooo~ so many question in my head now >.< 
Btw You are going to trip with your family!? hope you'll getting all fun on there but dont forget to come back soon coz i'm waiting in here for your update ;)
imnotokay #8
Chapter 2: Hello there author-nim ^^
Am i the first one who leave a comment in here? Seriously it's a shock *im blabbering in here* :D

I adore this story, the characters, the bonds between them, friendships.. especially bom & seunghyun characters i just love it & plus one bcoz it's always long update.
Update soon n keep make it long^^