Enemies Forever Or Lovers Forever? [ EDITED ]


Two broken hearts,

One looking for love,

One waiting.


How can you do this to me?


I thought--- we could be together.


Love? What is love? Hmm...


Four years waiting...


Two breaking hearts,

One looking for love,

One waiting for the cupid to come.


Tsk, good for you. That still isn't enough.


When will I learn to love someone?


Aish, cupid where are you?





I want to be with you forever!


I hope I'm just not your brother...


-Changed: 02/01/14



And that two beautiful Poster 

is made by: Yeollipops GS ©| BANANA GRAPHICS © 

(Click the  "©" sign to go to the graphic shop. btw, yeollipops is closed and bgraphics is on hiatus c: )

Try visisting their shop!!




New poster! (/Cr; Banana Graphics.)






COPYRIGHT © 2014 by Khun_Toria.

All rights reserved.


Reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means including photocopying, recording, mimeographing or in any information storage or retrieval system is forbidded without the written consent of the author/publisher.

The characters, events and incidents in this story are purely fictional and written through imagination and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same names or names known or unknown by the author.



Date written:March 15,2013 ( unedited version )

Date ended on the unedited version: not completed. 


Date start of this edited version: February 22,2014.

Date ended: Unknown.



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looolll #1
Chapter 4: Continue yours updates:D