Chapter 3

Suho - EXO Drabble 1/12

 “Thank you for riding the Slingshot. Please exit through the gate to your left and watch your step.”

As your safety straps came off, you hobbled your way to Suho, slightly tripping into his arms. “How was it? Did you like it?”

Like the gentleman he was, he held the exit open for you, but your legs still shook with adrenaline. Instead, he guided you along with his arm, careful that you wouldn't fall. “It wasn’t that bad! I’m actually really glad I got on. More importantly, how did you like it?”

“It was so much better than I could’ve ever imagined it!” You passionately blabbed on about how amazing it was while Suho secretly bought your reaction video. “And you know what made it even better?”

“What?”  You noticed Suho slide something behind his back before he replied. You kept quiet, dismissing the action.

You wrapped your arms around Suho’s lean torso, resting your chin just against his chest. You looked up at him and said in a kind voice, “You were right there with me.”

Suho blushed hard, more so at the sudden physical contact than at your words; he could feel your soft curves pressed up against his body, your small arms holding him tight. You were looking at him with those big, bright eyes of yours and your lips flashed him a lovely smile.

He couldn't believe you could direct such a cute, yet sensuous action like this at him.

Of course, you weren't aware that your actions caused him so much inner turmoil, which made his conflict even worse.

He brought his arms around your body, reciprocating your hug when you whispered, “Thank you, Suho." You tilted your head down, burrowing into his chest. You slightly rubbed your cheek against his shirt and pressed even closer to him.

If he didn’t have any self-control, he would have whisked you away with a kiss right then and there.

All too soon, you stepped back. "Are you hungry?" You felt kind of light and you thought Suho might be, too.
“Yeah, a bit. What do you want to eat?”

You eyed through the many tents and striped carps in search of some real food.

Popcorn? No.

Cotton Candy? Not yet.

Peanuts? Ew.


Suho made a pleased sound and nudged you playfully, “Beat you there!” He took off lightning fast, leaving you in the dust. It took you a few seconds before your own feet started to move. Suho was almost at the stand when began to slow down. You caught up to him quickly, effectively beating him there. He approached the stand then, but you shoved him away playfully.

“You let me win!”

He simply shrugged and said, "I guess loser gets to pay." He gave you a quick smirk, knowing how much you hated when he would pay for everything. "Go ahead and order. I'll check out the tables real quick."

Years of eating out with Suho have qualified you as an expert in his likes and dislikes when it came to food. You didn’t hesitate in ordering your meal; 3 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, 2 strawberry shakes, 2 peanut butter and 2 chocolate chip cookies. Taking a swift glance back at Suho who was just now coming back from the patio area, you swiftly pulled a twenty dollar bill out of your pocket and slammed it onto the counter. You urged the cashier to take the money with your eyes, wishing he would do it faster so Suho wouldn’t catch you.

‘Hurry the hell up and take the damned money before Suho freaking sees me paying!'

You heard his voice shout from behind you. “Hey!”

“$4.15 is your change, ma'am.”


You pocketed 2.00 and the rest you dropped into the “Tips” bin. Finally. You placed your hands on your hips, proud of your little accomplishment. But that lasted all but three seconds. You could feel two eyes boring into your back. You sheepishly turned around to face Suho.

He was not happy.

“Why did you do that?” Uh oh.

You evaded his question by reaching over and grabbing some napkins, ketchup, straws- anything. “I just wanted to pitch in. You never let me pay for anything.”

“Last time.” He warned. You stuck your tongue out at him and went to the serving window to get your food tray. Before you could head back to one of the round tables, Suho stepped in front of you, blocking your way and snatching the tray. “Thank you.”

“Humph!” You crossed your arms and put out your hip. He was being so childish!

He scoffed. “Just go sit.”

You shuffled your way to the opposite side of the table, sitting in the seat farthest from a grinning Suho.


What are you smiling at?” you barked.

He stared at you for a moment before responding. "Your face when you’re angry is just… ” He sighed, shook his head and pushed the tray towards you. “Eat up.” You looked at the food, then up at him, pouting a bit. “I’m not mad at you just next time,” he tossed a burger your way. “I got it. Ok?”

You nodded your head and reached for your shake. You took a huge sip, shivering as the cold, creamy drink entered your system. Wanting something warmer to chew on, you tore the foil off of your greasy burger and bit a chunk off. You closed your eyes and moaned happily. “These have to be the best cheese burgers in the whole world.” You bit another piece off and washed it down with your shake. You were in heaven.

Suho watched you munch on your food, enjoying the fact that you had a hearty appetite. It was hard to come around a girl that ate as she pleased and didn’t mind gaining a few pounds, not that you really did. You were always more of a “gain-weight-in–all-the-right-places” type of girl. Either way, watching you find pleasure in food was just one of the many reasons why Suho thought you were so perfect. So right.

The two of you had finished your first burger, downed all of your fries and chugged through half your strawberry shakes. Suho took the third burger and split it down the middle, as was your secret tradition, giving you a half and keeping the other for himself.

Instead of chomping away, you eyed the half, not sure if you should eat it. You already ate one and you had plenty of fries… should you stop now?

 Suho noticed your hesitation. That was never good.

“Hey, are you okay?”

You stared longingly at the burger in your hands before dropping it to the tray and hiding your face in your hands. A strangled whine came out of your throat.  “Single life for life…”


You mumbled some more, “I eat like a damned pig…” Suho bumped your elbow, but you refused to look up. He called your name several times, but you still ignored him. When he bonked you lightly on the back of your head, it took a moment before you sat up. When you did, you placed your chin between two fists and told Suho, “Here, you can have it.” You frowned at the half burger on the table and inwardly cursed at the one in your stomach.
‘Stupid burgers. Stupid fries. Stupid appetite. Stupid boys and their stupid expectations. Stupid everything!’

Suho called your name yet again. You still didn’t look up. He sighed. “Yah. What the heck are you doing? You freaking love burgers! I already had my half,” he pushed the tray towards you. “Have yours.” He also picked up your shake and placed in your hand.

You looked up at him, your frown growing on your face. “But Suho!” you whined and slammed down your foam cup, “You don’t understand!”

Suho simply rolled his eyes.

He understood completely.
 It wasn’t often, but every once in a while you would get self-conscious about what and how much you ate and how it made you looked. He knew that it was just your hormones, and your mind, flaring up. It’s not like these things don’t happen to everyone. Besides, there was nothing wrong with you or with what you ate. You had everything a man could ever want and everything a woman wished she had; gorgeous hair, a perfect smile, soft, sweet smelling skin, a kind personality, a beautiful voice – everything. All wrapped into one.

Somehow, you just didn’t see that.

“Hey, listen,” he called to you once more and you attempted to pay attention. “If you think that just because you ate a few cheeseburgers, some fries and a shake tonight all of a sudden makes you undesirable, “fat” or whatever the hell it is you’re thinking up in that head of yours, then you’re wrong.” He finished his sentence with a flick to your forehead.

“But Suho, you-“


“Just because-“


“But I-“

“W-R-O-N-G. Wrong. You’re gorgeous, so just shut up,” he picked up the half burger and placed it to your lips. “And eat your food.”

You blushed a little at his words. ‘He thinks I’m gorgeous?’  He’s complimented me before; my choice in music, movies, my hair, little things likes that, but this seemed a bit more… serious.’ 


Your heart was fluttering and your palms were sweaty. All you could do was stare at him, unsure of to do.

Suho wiggled the food against your face. “Helloo? “ He instantly feared the worse. “Did I say something wrong? Did I hurt your feelings?”

You waved your hands in front of you. “No, no, no. You didn’t do anything wrong,” you slowly picked up the burger. “It was my fault. I’m sorry for getting all, you know, emotional on you.”

He smiled brightly, and shrugged his shoulders. “It happens.”

You took a bite out of your food, closing your eyes and relishing the taste. Even though it wasn’t the healthiest choice in food, it still tasted really good. “Thank you, Oppa.” You gave him a huge smile, showing him you were truly fine.

He just shook his head at you, sipping on the remnants of his drink. Secretly, his heart squeezed at the term of endearment. Oppa. You rarely ever called him that. You thought it was played out and lame, but sometimes it would just slip out, and it killed him.. Strangely, coming from you, it made him feel all hot and flustered. It gave him a sense of possesion, like he was closer to you than anyone else. It was like you were putting yourself in his hands, making him the owner of-

No, no, no

He needed to stop this. You were just his best friend! To keep himself from wandering further into rather dangerous territory, he spoke in a calm voice, “You know, what you eat shouldn’t matter.”

Looking up at him, you tilted your head to the side and raised an eyebrow. You weren’t sure what he was talking about.

“You said something like ‘single life forever’ earlier. I understand why you said that, but what you decide to eat shouldn’t matter to him. Whenever you find him, whoever he may be,” You listened to him intently, focusing solely on him. “If he likes you, he’ll like you for you,” He took two cookies; one peanut butter and chocolate chip, and put them in front of you. He kept the other two and bit into one. “All of you.”

“You’re right,” you grabbed one of your cookies and bit into it as well. “Screw him if he doesn’t appreciate this.”


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Chapter 8: I must assure you, this chapter was very well written in all the sense of the word. Your worries are in vain because this was one of the best well written s I've read here! On that note, so many feels on one of my bias (blonde Suho KILLS ME >.<) Can't wait for Chanyeol's story (my other bias I feel like I'm gonna die x.x) Continue on the amazing work!
kimswaghuang #2
Chapter 5: Hey! I call my brother Bubby!
Luvinicecream #4
Chapter 1: This was soo sweet omg I love it!
Chapter 2: gosh, i wish i had a boyfriend like suho, this story is sweet :)
Chapter 8: sobs this was.. wow. omg so so good!
novitasari #7
Chapter 8: I like it. Woww.
Omg you are such a sweetie! You're so kind ^^ ♥ Thank you so much for liking Suho's story. Yeah, you're awesome :) I hope you stick around for more \(^3^)~