Angel: Chapter Two


-2 days later-

"Hey, Sehun, today is your birthday. You should celebrate it with your brother," Jongin said to Sehun. It was Saturday, so Sehun decided to sleep over at Jongin's house since Friday and left the money for his brother. 

"Okay, okay, let me pack these things first," Sehun answered as he reached for his bag and stuffed his comic books and used clothes.

"Have breakfast first," Jongin replied and step out from his room to the dining table. Sehun didn't say anything in response, and he found it unnecesarry. He zipped his bag close and left the room. He joined Jongin at the dining table after greeted his parents. Sehun immediately felt a clump in his heart. Jongin and his family haven't know a thing. They don't need to know it. It's personal problem.

They started to chat. Jongin's parents always questioned Sehun, which made him uncomfortable. He only replied them with one or two words, or more if necessary, and they came to the most sensitive topic. "So, Sehun, how's your mother's relationship with your father?" Jongin's mother asked him. The spoon he is lifting stopped in the air. He couldn't answer. His face turned pale. "!" Jongin exclaimed to his mother. "Jongin, that..that's okay," Sehun said at least and he lowered his spoon and put it on his plate. He then reached for his bag. "I..I'll leave now, thank you for the food, I really enjoyed it," and with that one sentence, he lift his foot and step out of Jongin's house with a misery feeling.


Sehun turned the doorknob and step inside. He opened the fridge and all of the food inside are still full. Did his brother eat outside? He sighed and walk to his bedroom, which is a false step.

He open the door and screamed. His brother is there, lying on the floor which is covered with blood. He is holding a knife in his right hand. He noticed the slit on his left hand, that's where the blood came from. Sehun tried to wake him up, but nothing happen. His brother didn't move. Sehun picked a note on his desk, written with his brother's own hand. 

'Sehun-ah, I'm sorry, I have to do this. I'm sick of being teased at school. I'm sick of being ignored, and I thought you ignored me too. SO, I don't know what else should I write. Goodbye, Sehun! Oh, and happy birthday.'

Tears began to flow from Sehun's eyes. "You moron, how could you do this to me on my birthday? You were supposed to celebrate it with me. You ," he cursed as he cried over his dying brother's body. "You idiot. . Son of a b*tch. Don't leave me." 

He cried and cried until no tears could come out. And for the second time, he didn't notice the rain is pouring.


Sehun carried his brother's body. He had already changed his brother's clothes that was covered with blood to a white shirt and black trousers and place him to a hole he had dug. He then close the hole that was filled with his brother. He felt like he couldn't be sadder than this. Seems like his life has no meanings at all. The rain poured heavier, but he doesn't care. He only cares about his brother, who had left him. He walked to the house, cleaned the blood stain, and dumped himself to his bed before he changed his wet clothes.

Sunday morning passed with no meaning for Sehun. He only wandered around his home with a blank expression. He is sitting on his bed, re-reading the note his brother had left until someone rang the bell. He opened the front door and saw Jongin's smile infront of him, but jongin's smile melted immediately when he saw Sehun's expression. Sehun said nothing and left Jongin staring at him at the front door.

Jongin followed Sehun to his room and close the door behind him. Sehun already sat on his bed and he is handing him the note Sehun's brother wrote. Jongin read the letter and stare at Sehun. "Sehun, your brother, he.." Jongin doesn't have to finish his sentence because Sehun already nod once. "I..I'm sorry, but Sehun, cheer up, okay? I brought some videos with me-" Jongin's movement was stopped by Sehun who opens his mouth for the first time after his brother's death, "I don't believe in them anymore."

"What?" Jongin sounds surprised.

"If angel does exist, why disn't they helped my brother?"

"Sehun.." Jongin doesn't want to finish his sentence, looking at Sehun's expression.

He let out a sigh. He noticed this Sehun isn't the Sehun he knew. He has to help Sehun, no matter what.

-1 year later-

"Hey, Sehun, hurry up!" Jongin exclaimed from the gate.

"Wait a sec!" Sehun replied as he tied his shoelace. He then hurriedly run into the school and turn to his class. He opens the door. Luckily, the teacher hasn't come. Hence, the girls in the class are gossiping with each other.

"Hey, hey, did you know? There'll be a new student."

"A boy or a girl?"

"They said he's a boy"

And with that one sentence, the class is filled with their fangirl-scream. Sehun doesn't care. He sat on his desk at the same time the teacher walks in. A boy is following her from behind.

The girls are murmuring again. "Now, class, you guys'll have a new friend. Please introduce yourself," asked the teacher. "I'm luhan," he replied shortly.  "Thats it? Uh, okay then. Luhan, you can sit beside Sehun there," she pointed at the empty desk beside Sehun.

'Ugh, great. Another friend, another story-telling,' Sehun thought.

Sehun stared at Luhan who is walking towards the desk beside him. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He stared at his eyes, and suddenly it changed color to bright gold. His brown hair changed to golden on its tips. He began to glow dim gold. Everything happened for split second. Sehun gasps. "Anything wrong, Oh Sehun?" said the teacher. 'She didn't see it?' he thought again. "No, nothing," he managed to say those words. Luhan only looked at him as he sat on the chair.

For the first lesson, art, they have to make groups consist on two people each. Fortunately and unfortunately, Luhan asked Sehun to be a group and Sehun agreed. Luhan's eyes were back to normal, his hair too. 

"How did you do it?" Sehun asked as they walk together to the art class.

Luhan turned his head to face Sehun. "Do what?" he asked back.

"Gold, your eyes. Tips of your hair. You glowed dim gold."

Luhan stopped. "You could see pass through it?"

"See pass through what?" Sehun said in confuse. Luhan guessed Sehun hasn't know anything about him yet.

"Nothing," Luhan then immediately walk to the art class even though he just transferred to this school today.


"Now, class, we will draw the picture infront of you. Please make that as realistic as you could. Don't forget to colour it too. If you make the class dirty, minus twenty points for all! Good luck!" said the teacher and Sehun saw the picture. He feels like he want to throw up. He must draw an angel? Ew. With those glamorous dress? Huek.

"An angel doesn't look like that," Luhan said as he picked a pencil and began to draw on the paper."They're approximately fifteen meters tall, wearing golden gown with long sleeves that covered her body, not a dress like that," he pointed to the dress in the picture. It looks like a party dress with spagetthi straps. "Usually they have golden hair, not black or blond, and their They look approximately like..this," Luhan handed Sehun the angel sketch he made, and its 100% different from the angel picture the teacher asked them to draw. "You act like you know everything about them," Sehun replied and the paper slide from his hand to Luhan's lap. Luhan grinned at Sehun and his eyes turned gold again for a split second. Sehun tried his best to not scream. "You-your eyes," he said. "I'll explain it later, when you're ready." Sehun never knew what does it mean because Luhan already fixed his gaze to the drawing.

Luhan had already finished the drawing even when all of the students are stil struggling with their paper. He gave the paper to Sehun. Well, at least Sehun could paint. Luhan's drawing is perfect. The gown was drawn incredibly and it seems like real. Her hair, her eyes, the feathers on her wings, it were all drawn perfectly. Sehun doesn't want to ruin the drawing, so he pick up the brush carefully, dipped it in the paint, and traced the brush along the paper. He was working perfectly until his hand suddenly pushed the paint bottle. Luhan immediately flick his fingers before the bottle could touch the floor. Sehun noticed the strange surrounding. Nothing moves. The paint that poured from the bottle stops in the air. The bottle nearly touched the floor. The students' hand movement stopped. Some of their mouths hung open in the middle of their sentences. Only Sehun and Luhan who could move. "What happened?" Sehun asked Luhan. Luhan didn't answer. Instead, he picked the bottle and put it on the table. "You really could see and act pass the Ameloraed," he finally said and he flicked his fingers. Everything immediately move again. Sentences are being told. Their hands moved on the paper. Everything came alive.

"The what?" Sehun said again.

"Ae-muh-lo-ray-d," Luhan spelled the word carefully. "It's the barrier between our world and your world."

"Your world?" Sehun said Luhan wanted to answer him but was cut by the sound of the bell ringing. "Will explain to you later." He said and he walk back to the class, leaving Sehun behind.

Nothing strange happened at the school, except when Luhan said Sehun could see and act pass the Ameloraed, and Sehun doesn't know what that word means, and then Luhan said a sentence. "Could I stay in your house?" Sehun doesn't know how to answer, but his head betrayed him and he nodded, and now, he's stuck with this Ameloraed guy inside his house. "You could use my parent's room. I'll use mine," Sehun suggested and he began to walk to his room, but Luhan stopped him. 

"Sehun, I've promised I'll tell everything to you," he said. Sehun nodded. Luhan let out a sigh. "Do you believe in angels?" Luhan started. Sehun then said "no" so loud Luhan became surprised. "What if I tell you I'm an angel? The protector angel?" 

"I don't believe you. I you're an angel, why are you here?" Sehun said again.

Luhan smiled. "Because it's my duty to protect you." Then he shut the door, leaving Sehun staring at the wooden door outside of the room.

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stephani_bap #1
Saranghae Sehun!! /slapped by Sehun/
update soon ^^
Chapter 4: ah crap...i hate it when crap happens... well who don't XD!! YAH! KAI IS EVIL?!!!! @.@
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: Huh?? What is Kai? Dun tell me hes no human..o.o update shoon~♥
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 3: why Luhan, WHY?
and something's wrong with Jongin...
Chapter 2: omg my feels huhu
stephani_bap #7
stephani_bap #8
stephani_bap #9
i have a feeling that i will like this story.
please updateee ^^