Angel: Chapter One


-15 year old Sehun- 

"Hey, Sehun, come here!" yelled Jongin across the class.

"I'm coming!" Sehun stumbled between desks and chairs and hurriedly walk to Jongin's desk. "Why?"

"You do believe in angels, right?" Jongin asked him back and got an enthusiastic nod as a reply. "See this? This video was taken yesterday, near the accident site, apparently, 6 died and one survived. See that white light? They believe it was an angel that brought that one person alive," Jongin explained to Sehun who is watching the videos intensely. The boys on the back of the class giggled when they heard what Jongin said to Sehun.

"Psh, they're like children who believe that there is santa claus."

"Haha, they're not mature enough to be called as teenager."

"Just let them be. Angels don't exist anyway. It can be lighting effect." Sehun caught those words slipped from their mouth and began to sob in his heart. "If you don't like it, go yourselves," Jongin said to those student with a scary gaze that brought a chill on Sehun's back. They hurriedly ran out of the class and disappeared in the crowd. Even if Sehun was staring at him all the time, he didn't noticed the small flickering black fire on his fingers.


"I'm home," Sehun informed as he step through the doorstep and jolted back in surprise as he heard something crashed not so far. He already knew what was happening and immediately go to his room where he and his brother sleep.

"Mom and dad are fighting again?" Sehun said to his brother as he locked the door, the crashing sound is now mixed with yelling from his two parents.

"Sure," his brother looked tense.

"What? Why?" Sehun sit next to him at the corner of his bed.

"Mom caught that dad was cheating on her. She suddenly heard him talking to a woman on his phone, saying "i love you" and things," he sounded disgusted. Sehun let out a sigh. His parents had already been fighting over things, because he came home drunk, or that he didn't come home, or that he came home drunk with his clothes was buttoned wrong and his belt wasn't in the right place.he already expect his mother's next move: asking her husband to divorce. That thought crumpled his head more and he decided to sleep.

"But, Sehun, don't you have homeworks to do?" his brother asked him. "I'll just do it tomorrow in school," groaned Sehun and he changed his uniform to his pajama and slipped his head on the pillow.

Sehun woke up when lights escaped from his window. He stretched and looked at the clock. 7:32 a.m. "Oh my ing- I'm late!" he exclaimed as he wear his uniform and shoes, and it occurs him that his brother is not on his bed, while his school is on holiday. He was always a sleepy-head, which makes this scene strange for him. He stuffed his books to his bag and carry it on his back and jolted to the kitchen. That's strange, usually his mother makes breakfast for Sehun and his brother, no matter how mad she is last night, but today, there's nothing on the table, not even a single couraging note his mother always write for him. He doesn't have time to think about those things and began to step outside and lock the door and ran to his school.

It was just 8:07 a.m when he walked to the class. "Oh Sehun, you're late seven minutes," his teacher turned his gaze to Sehun, who is standing at the doorstep. "I..I'm sorry, I overslept," he said. "Don't be late again if you don't want to do fifty math exercises," his teacher told him and he just walk slowly to his desk. "What happened, dude?" Jongin who sit beside him asked. "Just like what I said, I overslept," he answered. And with that, the conversation between them ends.

And for the first time in his life, he had this uneasy feeling as he step through the corridor of the school.


He slipped the key into the lock and turns it to his right and step to his house and close the door behind him. It's weird. He always hear his mother yelling at his father every time he gets to the house. He ran to his room and found his brother sobbing on the floor.

"Wh..what happened?" Sehun asked his brother as he helped the younger one to sit on his bed.

"Mom..and dad..they.." his words were cut by the sobbing. "They divorced." Sehun felt empty. He never thought his worst expectation would come true.

"'re kidding, right?" he tried to fake laugh.

"They..decided to abandon us," his brother began to sob again, and it's louder now. Just with that one sentence, the world around him turned black. Sehun woke up around 5 a.m with his uniform still on his body and his feet in his shoes. He glanced to his right and saw his brother sleeping on a wet pillow. Looks like he cried all night. 'It could just be a joke. Dad and mom could be already forgive each other,' he thought. But that little part of his brain knew it was all a lie. He walked downstairs after sliding up his bag on his back. He found a letter with a note sticked to it. 

'Dear Sehun, You would notice something strange when you get home yesterday, right? Mom and dad won't fight anymore. You must've know it from your younger brother. We decided to divorce. I'm sorry, Sehun-ah, I couldn't take it anymore. Your dad hurt me when you and your brother were at school. He always come home after 12. His phone is locked. I already knew he was cheating with other woman, but I don't want to tell him that yet, until the day he stayed at a hotel with a woman for one night. I already planned for divorce, but I couldn't do it because you two are under eighteen, and you couldn't work because of your school.

I'm sorry, Sehun-ah, I'm really, truly, sorry. I gave you some money for you and your brother. I hope it could pay your school, and maybe you could work.

i'm sorry, Sehun, but I think I will live a different life without you two. I'm truly sorry. 



The letter slipped from his hand and fell without a sound on the floor. The envelope looks like it's full with money, but Sehun doesn't care. He doesn't care if he was late, or that it is raining heavily outside. 

He was late for an entire period, which is really weird for Oh Sehun because he was known as one of the top-ten students. Hence, Jongin searched for him and found him at the canteen, staring at the table with blank eyes. "Hey, angel dude, what happened?" Jongin slipped beside him. Sehun said nothing. "Hey, Oh Sehun," he shakes Sehun's body. Sehun didn't respond and immediately walk away from Jongin.

Sehun wandered around the school with his bag on his right hand, and stopped at the roof. Sehun had always love high places, even though it's summer time or winter, he never care. He sat on the ice cold floor and dumped his bag beside him and stare to the sky blankly. He began to stand up and walk to the edge of the roof. He began to take another step closer, and closer, until the air is infront of him. He already wanted to take another step, but then Jongin pulled him from behind. "YOU BASTARD OH SEHUN!" he exclaimed as they fell to the ground. "JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED ALREADY!" Jongin sweep all of the dusts that covered the back of his uniform, then, Jongin noticed that tears are flowing from Sehun's beautiful eyes. "Sehun? Oh Sehun? Are you okay?" he shook Sehun's body violently. Sehun tried to open his mouth, but nothing came out. Jongin watch his friend in agony as the rain pour.

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stephani_bap #1
Saranghae Sehun!! /slapped by Sehun/
update soon ^^
Chapter 4: ah crap...i hate it when crap happens... well who don't XD!! YAH! KAI IS EVIL?!!!! @.@
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: Huh?? What is Kai? Dun tell me hes no human..o.o update shoon~♥
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 3: why Luhan, WHY?
and something's wrong with Jongin...
Chapter 2: omg my feels huhu
stephani_bap #7
stephani_bap #8
stephani_bap #9
i have a feeling that i will like this story.
please updateee ^^