Angel: Chapter Three


Luhan is checking his blade when Sehun come in. "What's that?" is the first sentence he said since he step to the room.

"Edequavor blade," Luhan replied.


"E-deu-kua-vor," Luhan taught Sehun.

"Okay, so, the ede-whatever blade, where did you get it? It looks like a normal knife, nothing special."

"Explaining will be hard when you don't believe in angels. Do you belive in heaven? God with capital 'G'?"

"No," Sehun said, emotion-less.

"Wow, that was the biggest insult I've ever heard. Still, do you believe in angels?"

"I already said no. Look, I don't believe anything about angels, okay? They aren't real."

"Believe this," Luhan said, and he transformed. His eyes turned bright gold, his hair tips turned golden, making his hair color brown with streaks of gold, his body glowed dim gold, and the thing on his back. He grew a pair of wings, and those doesn't look like the typical wings humans used to picture. The height is maybe one and a half meter, with maybe a half until one meter width. The feathers are white, mixed with gold. It lloks like a normal dove's wing, but 100 times softer. When it moves, no sound came out. Sehun stared at Luhan in surprised with his mouth hung open. Luhan looked uneasy. "Actually, mortals couldn't see me when I'm in this form, but you. You could see through the Ameloraed, so..yeah, why not?" Luhan said as he scratch his head, although he felt nothing. Luhan then fold back his wings, leaving everything normal except his bright gold eyes, brown-golden hair, and a shade of gold covering his body. "That's better," he said and he sit on the bed. Sehun is still staring at him. 

"So," finally Sehun said a word. "Don't you prefer your full angel form, or something?"

"It uses too much of my energy. Being like this is better. Half human and half angel," Luhan replied.

"But, about the Ameloraed, explain it now."

"We'll get to that topic, but firstly, you used to believe in angels, right?" 

"Well, yes, until last year."

"Your parents divorce, and your brother commited suicide. Yes, I know. And you blame everything at the angels."

"How could you-" Sehun couldn't finish his sentence.

"We, angels, knew almost everything. Most of us are the Protector type angel, where we must protect one of the mortals. We could pick you guys randomly. And the fact is, we could read your mind, and see through your heart," Luhan explained, and Sehun looked like he doesn't want to think anything. "Don't worry. When I could read other mortals thought, I couldn't read yours. And I found you special, so I choose you. And if I've picked a mortal, it's my duty to protect him, and it's you." Luhan looked at the clock. "Hey Sehun, you should go to the bed if you don't want to be late tomorrow. It's already 11 p.m."

"Okay then, good night, Luhan," said Sehun as he step to the doorstep.

"Good night to you too, Sehun." Then, Sehun closed the door, leaving Luhan alone in the darkness.


Sehun woke up exactly at 6 a.m. Sehun checked the room where Luhan slept last night. Luhan's still there, sleeping peacefully. 'It's not a dream,' Sehun thought. He didn't want to wake Luhan, but then he groaned and sit. "What time?" he asked and yawned. "6:07 a.m," Sehun replied. Luhan immediately get out from the bed. Sehun then noticed Luhan wasn't wearing a shirt, and he only wears his pants. Sehun looked at Luhan's back carefully. There's no sign that  points out where the wings came out last night. Scars covered his back. Luhan took a shirt and wears it. Then, he go to the bathroom. 

Sehun make a breakfast for himself and Luhan. "Hey Luhan," Sehun started. Luhan turned his gaze to Sehun. "You said you're the Protector angel. Protect me from what?"

Luhan tried to swallow his bread. "Devils. Fallen angels. Hey, fallen angels are different from angels, 'kay? They-fallen angels-are the angels that God expelled from heaven."

"Just like Lucifer."

"He..he's a diferrent case. You know what? Let's just forget about it. And Sehun," Luhan called.


"You need to protect yourself too," Luhan handed him an Edeguavor blade. "They could be used for kill devils, but not humans. Made directly from the gold contained by river Pison, forged by the river Gihon, cooled in river Hiddekel, washed in river Euphrates. Those four rivers are in garden of Eden." Sehun only nods and took the blade. It looks like a dagger, but maybe three inches longer and it seems..stronger. "Won't the teachers find out about this?" Sehun asked. "They couldn't see pass the Ameloraed. They'll see it as a pen, or a ruler, I don't know," Luhan reminded Sehun. Sehun nods. 

They already walk few steps from the house. "Oh, and Sehun," Luhan called him again. "Don't tell these things to anyone, okay? This is a secret between us."

A secret between us.

Sehun look at the blade again. He slipped the blade on his belt. "Luhan?" he turned to see Luhan who is walking behind him. 


"Why are you walking behind me like that?"

"In case a devil came," he raised his blade and smile. 

Sehun wanted to turn to face the right direction, but then something flew over Luhan. It looked like an eagle, but two times smaller, with black feathers and a knife-like beak. It's, not claws. It looked like human hands, but with nails so long it looked like claws. "Luhan, behind you!" he yelled. Luhan gripped his blade, turn around, and throw the blade, and it pierce through the body of the 'devil?' thought Sehun. The thing began to evaporate, until nothing left. But, Luhan's white uniform was stained with its blood. "What about your blade?" Sehun said. "That's why I stick a string on it," he said and pulled a transparent string. Luhan grabbed the blade and tuck it in his belt. "Your uniform?" Sehun asked again. Luhan look down to his clothes and cursed. "Whatever. I'll just set the Ameloraed stronger so they won't see the blood stain," Luhan said and began to walk again. Sehun wanted to ask something, but Luhan already give him the answer from his question. "Our race-angels-could control the Ameloraed, so don't worry."

They came to the class fifteen minutes before the bell rang. "Hey," Jongin greeted Sehun with an excited face, but his expression changed when he saw Luhan who came in five seconds after Sehun. 

"You," Jongin said.

"Hi again, buddy," Luhan answered calmly but with a deadly gaze. Sehun sensed something will happen if he doesn't make a move.

"Hey, guys, chill," when Sehun stepped between them, he sensed something strong and deadly, and he became frightened right at that second. Luhan let out a sigh. He walk to his desk, and the tense is gone. For a moment, Jongin's brown eyes turned black. His blond hair turned black. His fingers grew claws. Everything happened for a split second and Sehun thought he was just imagining things. 

The bell rang. Sehun grab his bag and followed Luhan to go home. "Sehun," Luhan said at their way back.


"Do you know what is Jongin?"

"Kim Jongin."

"No, I said 'what', not 'who'," Luhan corrected.

"Human," Sehun thought for a second. "Mortal, specifically."

Luhan seems like he want to argue, but he know the best, so he decided to just shut his mouth.


Sehun turned the key and unlock the door. He came in and followed by Sehun. "Sehun, come here," Luhan gestured Sehun to follow him. They entered Luhan's room, and turn the lights on. "Listen, Sehun, because they already sense I'm here, I need to tell you one thing," Luhan started. 

"They?" Sehun said. He then remember everything, when Jongin transformed for a split second, when Luhan turned to an angel, when Luhan killed the demon, when Sehun read the letter his mom wrote, when his brother commited suicide, when he wanted to jump from the roof of the school, and mostly, when he first met Luhan.

"The devils, demons. I, as an angel, could be a big problem for you. They could sense me from hundred miles. I'm a danger for you."

"Didn't you come to the world as a protector? Why did you say you're a danger?"

"Please Sehun, it's hard for me too, but I did this for you, and please do me a request," Luhan said, and he's serious.

"What request?"

"Maintain your distance from me. Don't talk to me. Don't show you're my friend. That way the demons wouldn't care about you."

Just with that one sentence, Sehun felt the same way he felt when he found the body of his brother.



[note: hey guys, I didn't want to be a racist, but I took some of the names and places from the Holy Bible (the rivers, garden of Eden), so I'm sorry if I sounded racist.]

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stephani_bap #1
Saranghae Sehun!! /slapped by Sehun/
update soon ^^
Chapter 4: ah crap...i hate it when crap happens... well who don't XD!! YAH! KAI IS EVIL?!!!! @.@
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: Huh?? What is Kai? Dun tell me hes no human..o.o update shoon~♥
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 3: why Luhan, WHY?
and something's wrong with Jongin...
Chapter 2: omg my feels huhu
stephani_bap #7
stephani_bap #8
stephani_bap #9
i have a feeling that i will like this story.
please updateee ^^