Angel: Chapter Four


"Keep your distance from me. Don't act like you know me."


It's the first time Sehun couldn't sleep. Those words played in his ears. Sehun never felt like this. Maybe because his protector doesn't want him to get close to the protector himself. But this feeling seems like the same when he knew his parents divorced and left him with his brother. The difference is, this is deeper, and hurt him more. He felt empty, not knowing what to do, what to say, what to act. He stared at the moon outside his window for a few seconds, and he pull the blanket until it covers Sehun's boy. Then, he close his eyes.

Luhan sits on the bed after he turned the lights off. He felt sorry for Sehun immediately after he say those words. Luhan couldn't meet Sehun's eyes. It hurts him to see Sehun's expression, and how hurt he is. His eyes turned wide for a second. His mouth pursed tightly. His face turned pale. He went to his own room after Luhan said those words, without "good night" or anything. He simply turned around, close the door, and gone. Luhan wanted to apologize, but he couldn't. He'll just hurt Sehun more. "What kind of protector are you, Luhan? You're so weak, you should at least rot in hell," he whispered to himself and messed his hair. He knew the consequences he must take when he choose Sehun, and maybe this is one of it, but still, Luhan never thought of this scene. He never thought those demons'll appear at the second day—or half—he came to the world. He expected maybe they'll appear at leat after one week he met Sehun. He sighed and pull his blanket, then he slipped his head on the top the white covered pillow.

Sehun blinks his eyes when lights escaped from the curtain that is hanging on the window. He stretched and looked at the clock. 6:02 a.m. Not too late to get up and get five strips of bacon and four glasses of milk. But no, Sehun doesn't like bacon, neither milk. Just thinking about them makes him want to throw up. He changed his clothes to his uniform. He get out of his room and remembered Luhan's stained uniform. His hand already touched the doorknob of Luhan's room when it turned and the door opened. Luhan is standing infront of him, with his curly brown hairs, brown eyes, the cute baby-like face, wearing a clean white uniform with the school'd logo on the pocket, without a trace of blood. He greeted Sehun with a "hello", and Sehun replied with a "good morning." It feels strange. Yesterday, they were like friends, and because of that one sentence, they turned to strangers again. Sehun turned around and go to the kitchen. Luhan followed him.

"So," Luhan started."I'm sorry for what happened last night. You were too surprised. I was worried I'll hurt you more if I apologized." Sehun doesn't say a thing. Instead, he stared at the bread he is holding. The silence felt really uncomfortable. Sehun cleared his throat. "It's okay," he finally replied. "Do you still have the blade I gave you?" Luhan tried to change the topic and shifted uneasily. Really? Being an angel, and couldn't break the awakwardness? Sehun took out the blade and put it on the table with his hand on it. "Yes." Luhan let out a sigh and smiled. "Keep it. You're gonna need it," he said.

Luhan's smile is probably the prettiest thing Sehun had ever seen. When he smiled, Sehun felt like he could take a bullet, jump off a cliff, or burn himself for Luhan. He never felt like this. "O-okay," he said and slipped the blade at his belt. Sehun hopes Luhan could smile like this all the time, without thinking about the danger ahead. Luhan's still smiling at him. Sehun couldn't take this anymore. He wanted to yell at Luhan to stop smiling, but at the same time he also want Luhan to keep smiling at him, only at him, not anyone else. "Let's go," he said while he pick up his bag and stepped to the door. Sehun followed him. His heart pounds faster when he heard Luhan's voice.

Luhan walked behind Sehun with an Edequavor blade on his right hand. In case something happened—like yesterday—he couldn't loss a precious 0,1 second to take his blade out. With his left hand in the pocket of his trousers, he played with the blade. He trows it to the air and catch it. He keeps on doing that and stopped when he realized that Sehun is staring at him the whole time. "What?" he asked. "What if you accidentally hurt yourself?" Sehun asked back. "Uh, right," he replied and slipped that blade to the place where he took it. They walked in silence to the school, without noticing something—or someone—watching them from afar. 

They finally arrived at the front gate. There's still 30 minutes left before the bell rang. Sehun felt something's wrong. "Wait here," he said to Luhan as he ran to the way they came. After few seconds, he finally stopped and found something on the road. Something like blood, but with gold as the color. He followed the trail, adn more of it appears. He walked down the street, turned from the ashpalt road and stepped on the mud. He walked until the trace is gone. He scanned his surroundings. Only trees and bushes, nothing strange. He turned back, wanted to go back to the way he came. Nothing. Instead of mud and golden blood, it has tress planted on it, as if the trees are there before he came in. He heard strange noises. He began to tremble. He pulled the Edequavor blade he got from Luhan and grip it so hard until his knuckles turned white. He walked deeper , until there's a large shadow in front of him. His plams are sweaty. He wanted to run, but to where? Thee's no way to go. The big thing turned and Sehun nearly got a heart attack. The thing—or should he say, demon—looked like lion, but instead of fur, it had fish scales. His head, Sehun wanted to throw up, looks like the combination of creepy, annoying, disgusting animals. It had snakes at its head. As if it was not disgusting enough, every snake pour out some kind of saliva, but this smells like stale fishes mixed with some garbage and the smell of  vomit. Sehun feels like he has to take a bath for five hours so he could forget the smell. The snakes don't look scary if Sehun doesn't watch at it properly. But as he came closer, those aren't just snakes. It is two until three times larger than the normal size. Ugh. The smell. As he came closer, the demon is not alone. There are maybe five or six, behind the front one, making the air stinks because of the smell. If I die, I'm gonna die holding a blade, Sehun thought. The first demon hissed. Angel, Sehun could hear its voice in his head. "What?" he said. It was a mistake. As soon as Sehun lowered the blade because of the confuse, the front demon charged at him.

Sehun tried his best to stab and slash the demon, but every time he stab the blade, it bounced back. I'm gonna die, he thought. But his body said the opposite thing. He slashed and jumped, do a salto on the air when the second demon wanted to bite him and crush him to pieces. He then aim at one of the broken scale, and it cried because of pain. Sehun never felt like this. This feeling when he killed those demons are different. He's not scared, instead, he love doing this thing, he doesn't even know why. What he really doesn't know is, his body is glowing dim gold. His eyes changed color. His black hair has streaks of gold. He wanted to throw the blade at it, but he realized it's an awful decision. He tried to jab it in its head, but it doesn't evaporate. He kicked the demon in front og him, and his shoes are smoking, the demon stumbled backwards, but he doesn't know there's one behind him. He slipped and the demon is preparing itself to eat him. I hope Luhan is here. Few inches left, and he's going to turn into Sehun porridge. But then, Luhan came out of nowhere, holding a sword. It glows dim gold. The demon was cut into half and it disappeared. Sehun had already turn back to normal. But Luhan, wow. He killed those demons like a pro. A demon lunged at him from his back. Sehun is already running with his blade on his hand when Luhan turned back and cut the demon on the head—or heads—and the demon turned into shes and disappears. There's only Sehun and Luhan there, nothing left. Sehun didn't realize it, but Luhan is in his half-human half-angel form. The sunlight makes his hair looks like blnd instead of brown. He looked more like a full angel than half-angel.

Luhan catched his breath and saw Sehun there, holding his blade. Even though he is trembling, he still tried to look brave. But what makes Luhan confused is not Sehun, but the demon. Angels. One of it said before he cut the demon to half. Not angel, but angels. There's only one angel here, and it's Luhan, no one else. Sehun? Psh. Luhan is in not in the mood to hear jokes now. "Why are you here?" he said to Sehun. Sehun couldn't say a word. He looks scared and confused. "Come on, buddy," Luhan said as he and Sehun walk out of the forest-like-garden. What surprised him more is Jongin. He stood right in front of him. "Jongin?" Sehun asked. Jongin whistled. "Are you guys dating? If yes, congrats! If no, well, I don't know," he said. When he attempted to touch Sehun on the shoulder, Luhan hold Jongin's hand. "You won't touch him," Luhan said with a glare. Jongin smirked. "Well, why?" Jongin said. "Do you think I don't know who are you when we first met? I'm not that foolish, Devil," Luhan said. Jongin gestured an oh no! expression. "Are you going to reveal everything with your humanling right here?" Jongin pointed at Sehun who is still confused. Luhan pushed Jongin and walked pass him. "Be careful, protector," Jongin said to Luhan as he changed shape to a crow and fly away.

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stephani_bap #1
Saranghae Sehun!! /slapped by Sehun/
update soon ^^
Chapter 4: ah crap...i hate it when crap happens... well who don't XD!! YAH! KAI IS EVIL?!!!! @.@
stephani_bap #3
Chapter 3: Huh?? What is Kai? Dun tell me hes no human..o.o update shoon~♥
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 3: why Luhan, WHY?
and something's wrong with Jongin...
Chapter 2: omg my feels huhu
stephani_bap #7
stephani_bap #8
stephani_bap #9
i have a feeling that i will like this story.
please updateee ^^