Chapter 8

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

 Nini's POV~~~~~~~~

  Minwoo got really quiet, I think I DID went overboard with IU. But to be honest, I'm worried that she might take him away from me. I'll admit that I like Minwoo..alot maybe more than the tittle of "Little Brother" that I gave him, he's just so  cute, sweet, nice, adorable, and amazing. I love to watch him dancing, whenever he dances it's like he's not there anymore but lost in the music and the rhymth that just guides his body along. It certainly broke my heart when he got a girlfriend, there goes my every chance of him liking me back out the window. But I learned to accept the fact, because in life you don't always get what you want.  Learning might be a brutal experience, but you live and learn. I don't want to tell him, because I think he just sees me as a little sister anyways. And besides there are so many pretty girls that like him so why would he choose me? I don't want to feel insecure everytime and worrying that he might leave me since he has so many choices why would he'd only stay with me?

  I was helping my sister cook, while Youngmin and Kwangmin were setting up the tent. And it looks like their struggling, haha..they would never survive a day in the wild. Donhyun was setting up the table and Minwoo was helping him.

  " Ok everybody! come eat" Haylin says and everyone came to sit at the table.

  " YAY! FOOD" Kwangmin and Youngmin exclaimed at the same time, I giggled..they really eat alot but they NEVER get fat. They're stick skinny instead...I'm jealous T^T

   " Nini Ahhhhhhh" Youngmin said while holding a fork with food to me.

  " Yum! Thank you" I smiled and he smiled back then continued to eat his food happily. Hehe what a cutie..

  " Oh ! did you guys like picking strawberry today? I asked curiously 

  " Yeah it was fun, but back killing pain" They all agreed

  " But I think your little friend might have a crush on our Kwangmin here" Donhyun says and glances over at Kwangmin, who looks up confusedly

   " I know right, I think so too" Haylin added in and nudged Kwangmin.

   " What? No way, you guys are crazy " Kwangmin denies

   " But Kwangmin she's cute, I think you guys make a cute couple I can give you her phone number if you want" I urged

   " Whatever are you guys matchmaker or something?"

   " You got it!" My sister and I said at the same time and gave him thumps up and we all laughed.

  After finished eating we went over to the fireplace to make smores, my marshmallows kept burning since I just put it in the fire but it's faster that way. Donhyun told me to put it over the top of the flame and wait for it to cook but that takes forever. We stayed up really late talking but finally decides that we need some sleep, we all squeezed inside the tent since they all wanted it to be like real camping. But Omigod seven people in one tent is so crowded that you can't even breath, and there's no space to even move your arm.

Minwoo was sleeping beside me since I called dibs on him, and Haylin was on my other side. If it wasn't already uncomfortable enough, my sister had her leg over my stomach and it's killing me! then suddenly I feel something touched my hand. I looked over at Minwoo and saw that he was holding my hand, what the? is this kid sleeping or awake? O_Obut I had ENOUGH I can't sleep like this. I pushed my sister's leg off of me, and quietly  sneaked out of the tent.

  " Ahhhhhh, that's better" I sighed and went over to sit at the fireplace instead. The fire is still burning so I wrapped a blacket around me and made myself comfortable on the chair. Hmmm...warm and toasty, I was warming up my hands when I heard somebody also got out of the tent and started to walk toward me. 

"Donghyun? why are you awake? did I wake you?" I asked curiously when he sat down next to me and I draped my blanket over him worrying he might catch a cold since it's pretty cold right now. He didn't answer at first but looked at the fire instead,I noticed  the fire was dying away gradually screaming to be revived so Donghyun grabbed some more wood wood in and the fire hungrily claims it.

"Donghy-?" I asked again but was cut off

" Nini, can I tell you something?" he said and  feel the tension tensed up since he sounded really serious

" Yeah, sure" I said and heard him sighed softly and he turned around to look me in the eyes, I felt uncomfortable and was about to look away when he grabbed my arm stopping me.

" I need you to look at me when I tell you Nini, and I need you to be honest" I requested and I nodded, trying to look into his eyes to search out an answer for his sudden actions but his bangs were obscuring his eyes.

But when the words finally slipped from his mouth, I froze still. I couldn't find any words to say, I couldn't think straight I was so desperately confused. Why me Donghyun? and not her?

Without me or Donghyun knowing, one of the person who I love the most in the world was standing there, hidden from view by the oak tree listening to us. And her tears are probably falling, but she tries hard to choak it back down to just small sobs and her heart probably shattered to pieces.


Hello ^_^ I originally had different ideas for this chapter but my lovely reader, Lovesyoseob comment  gave me a WHOLE different idea. So I decided to change it and make it into something new. Thank You honey and hope you like it comment and subscribe xD

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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V