Chapter 1

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

    I was sleeping peacefully all bundled up in my warm toasty blanket :3 when the annoying alarm clock started ringing, "Darn it" I thought and lazily sits up to turn it off. "Hmmm..5 more minutes won't hurt" and I went back to sleep.

     After what I thought was 5 minutes later

My mom barges into my room, and started yelling.

  " GOODNESS Nini, wake up it's 7:20 already you're going to be LATE!!" 

" ARE YOU SERIOUS??I thought I was only sleeping for 5 MINUTES" I sprung out of bed and frantically went to get ready, " GOSH! why does time passes so fast at home but moves like a snail at school. It seems forever at school"

   Thankfully I wasn't late for school, but I had to rushed super fast for first period or else it would be bad. Because my teacher is so mean and evil whoever is late to his class, he makes you stand infront of the whole class next to the board and put your hands up and of course other students would laugh at you. My teacher's such an angel..NOT

   I was running while trying to fix my hair up a little bit  when unknowing some idiot that wasn't looking bumped into me, I fell hard onto the floor. Stupid bad luck...

  " OMIGOD!! Nini I AM SO SORRY" I looked up befuddled and it turned out to be Minwoo

 " Are you okay??sorry I wasn't looking" he asked with a worried expression

 " I'm ok...luckily it's you or if it's someone else there's gonna be a WWE smackdown here,owwiiee" I said and rubbed my behind and Minwoo laughed

" But I gotta go, Im LATE I'll see you later" I told him and before he could answer I already sped off.

   Lucky me I wasn't late for class but instead my stomach was KILLING me by third period since I didn't had time to eat breakfast this morning. And it keeps making noises, it's so embarrasing!! I have to fake coughing whenever it rumbles.

   " Ooooohhhh..Se hye..I'm Hunnnnngggggry" I whined

   " Nini..You should've at least eat something, it's not good to not eat breakfast and you know that you can  get sick VERY easily"

   " But se hye..I was gonna be LATE and I don't want Mr. Kim to embarrass me"

   " Just a little more until lunch Nini, you can do it" Se hye comforted then we parted ways so that I can go to my locker to get my 50 pounds Geometry book for fourth period.

  I slowly and lazily open my locker, inside my locker, on top of my Geometry book was a Big blueberry muffin and melon bread. There's also a green apple ( I like green apples..hehe ^_^) and a note stuck to it.

   The note says:

   Hey Nini ^_^, Since you said u were late, I know you must've not eaten

breakfast again. So I bought you something, next time don't sleep for 5 minutes

more anymore okay??and don't skip breakfast. You get sick too easily

sorry for opening your locker without asking but I got the combo from ur sis.


Unknowingly I was smiling to myself from ear to ear like a crazy idiot, I felt SO happy suddenly and full of energy. I didn't even feel hungry anymore, this has totally made my day.

 " Awwwww, Minwoo you are sooo sweet, pffff! you know me too well" I thought and took out the food and happily walks off to Geometry, the life killing period.



Hello! Sweethearts :D thanks for your comments and also to the subcribers

sorry the first chapter is a little short i'll write a longer one next time xD

hope you like it 


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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V