Chapter 12

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

Minwoo's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok, Nini kick your feet" I instructed and Nini nodded.

"Now use your arms to move yourself okay?" Nini started to kick her feet and she was able to move herself but when she started moving her arms too she loses balance and slipped under the water. 

" Arghhhhh!! Minwoo this ! I can't do it" She yells agitatedly and slaps the water

" Haha, but we've only been here for 30 minutes"

" I think it's enough for today, this water is killing me, it's so COLD!!!" She says while shivering and climbed out of the water.

 After we left the swimming pool, I waited for Nini to change so that we can walk home together. It was getting dark outside and I wasn't about to let her walk home alone, she's so tiny! What if somebody kidnaps her! Oh God... I'm becoming her mother -_-.

" Come on, let's go Minwoo" Nini calls out and I ran over to her, I eyed her thin cardigan and frowned at her.

" What?" 

" Why are you wearing such thin clothing! it's cold outside" I scolded and took off my sweater then slipped it over her head.

"It's like a dress!" She exclaimed and I smiled. My sweater was too big for her, it was baggy and came down to her mid-thighs but she still managed to look so cute.

" Wait! what about you, what if you get cold?" She asks worriedly and I pinched her cheeks.

" I'd rather me than you, besides I'm a man I don't get cold" 

" Whatevers, let's see if you can still say that if I ship you off to the North Pole" She laughs and I pouted.

" But thank you, you know I think whoever's going to be your girlfriend in the future is a lucky girl" Nini says and gives me a thump up.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded while smiling.

"Then....Would you want to be the lucky girl?" I asked teasingly and Nini widens her eyes with a shocked expression but then a smile broke on her face again and she hits my arm gently.

"NO thank you" As her words fall I  felt something stabbed my heart, I winced at the surprising pain. I touched my chest, there wasn't any knives but only her words. Why not Nini?...I wanted to ask but I didn't had the courage to. 

"Minwoo are you okay?" She asks concern filling every corner of her eyes and I nodded.

"Hmm...But if I were your girlfriend would you treat me well?" She says and I was stunned, I didn't know how to answer since I couldn't tell whether she was joking or just messing around but I decided to tell her everything that was on my mind when she asked me that question.

" Of course, I would always be there for Nini when she's sad, make her laugh when she cries. I would never get mad at her, but if she gets mad at me I'll do anything for her to forgive me. I'll protect her and everyday I would send a hundred messages telling her "I miss you" until she gets annoyed.I'll watch ghost movies with her because she likes it even though it's scary, each day I'll bake her something since she loves sweets. Stay up with her when she procrastinates to do her homework to help her, and last but not least to always love her and nobody else. Nobody but you. " I smiled and winked.

" Wow, Minwoo, you're SO gonna get bossed around by your wife later on" she commented and laughs.

"Ah, my Minwoo is too sweet, Imma be jealous when you REALLY get a girlfriend." Nini says and linked her arm with mine. 

Nini's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~

 I hoped Minwoo doesn't notice my cheeks burning red after he told me all of those things, though I wished it were really true. That I were to be your girlfriend.

"OH! Nini" Minwoo says which startled me.

" There's a Mid-Autumn Festival tonight, do you want to go?" He asks

" Oh yeah! the Moon Festival! I almost forgot" I exlaimed "sure! of course, it was so fun last year, people gave out a lot of mooncakes. YUMMY!" I smiled and closed my eyes picturing a delicious mooncake.

"Haha Okay I'll come by tonight to pick you up okay?" "Yeah" I clapped my hands excitedly and Minwoo chuckles.

"Aww..I have to go now, I'll see you tonight!" I waved goobye at him and run off toward my house." Haylin! I'm home!" I yelled and kicked off my shoes. "Is there anything to eat? I"M DYING!!" I exaggerated while running into the kitchen.

"Hey Donghyun!" I greeted while walking over to the fridge, "What are you guys studying?" I asked since Haylin was hunched over some kind of enormous textbook totally oblivious to the fact that I am home. Probably lost in concentration or just ignoring my presence.

"I'm helping Haylin with English, apparently her teacher is giving her a B+" He explained and chuckled while glancing at Haylin.

" WHAT??HAYLIN! B+ AGAIN? YOU DIE!!" I joked and Donghyun laughs.

" Whatever, you can't even come up with your own joke but copying Mychonny" Haylin points her pencil at me "Whyyy noot? I love Mychonny He's SO funny" I argued and grabbed an apple.

" Well, GoodLuck studying I'm going to go get ready"

"Are you going somewhere?" Donghyun asks curiously

"Probably on a date with the hobo on the next street" Haylin says

" HEY!! HEY!! YOU"RE the one that's gonna go out with the hobo YOU LOSER!!" I exclaimed.

"WHAT??Does that mean I'M the hobo?? Donghyun says

"WHOA!! you guys calm down, or time out for the both of you" Donghyun reprimaded and we stared at him like O_O. "HMPH!!" we both said and I ran up the stairs.

"Annoying sister.."Even if I were to go out with a hobo, he's gonna be a HOT hobo. I threw my backpack on the bed and went to get ready, I took a shower then went through my closet and finally decides to pick out a sky blue,mid-length, sleeveless cotton dress accessorizes with a black thin, belt with a small bow infront. Since I love belts, they make everything better! Then I curled my hair and clipped half of it loosely with a butterfly hair clip in the back. Put on a little make-up, and Voila! Done! I glanced at the clock. It was 9 o'clock already, wow I take longer to get ready than my grandma. I heard the door bell rings, must be Minwoo. So I grabbed my black ankle boots and grey cardigan and ran downstairs. "Sup? Minwoo" I hear Haylin greeted.

"Hey Haylin" Minwoo says and peered over Haylin to wave at me and I smiled. "Ready?" he asks and I nodded. " Wait! Don't you need to ask my permission first before taking my sister out? Haylin says while crossing her arms. 

" Haha okay, Can I take your sister out?"

" Of course! Take her away" Haylin pushed me toward Minwoo, I lost my balance but Minwoo holds my hand and steadied me. "Have fun!" Haylin says and we left.

" My sister is so weird" I commented and we both laughed.

" Nah! she's always been like that ever since I first knew her" I eyed our intertwined hands and blushed.

"Uhhh Minwoo??"

"Hmm??" He turns to me and flashed me a heart-melting smile so I decided to let it go and shook my head. I felt him tightening his grip on my hand, I glanced over at him but he was looking away at something. So I lowered my head and pretended to stare at the ground and smiled happily to myself.



Sorry I haven't been updating regularly, it's because of school *DIE SCHOOL* 

So I especially wrote a long chapter to make it up :D

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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V