Chapter 5

Can you be my little bro even though you're older?

Haylin's POV

Hmm..What is taking Minwoo so long? and it's awfully quiet..I should go check on them I thought and walk upstairs to Nini's room 

" Nini? Minwoo?" I called while walking into her room, and what do I see? Minwoo and Nini sleeping peacefully. Nini's hands were wrapped around Minwoo's head while his head is placed on her shoulders. How CUTE! sigh... this stupid girl of a sister I have. How can you NOT see how much Minwoo loves you..and maybe Kwangmin too. It would be such a mess. I rubbed my temples since I was already having a headache thinking about it, but to put it aside I should wake them up.

 " HEY!!" I yelled and Minwoo springs up straight and accidentally falls off the bed. Owww, I heard him said and I chuckled.

" HAYLIN!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I SWEAR!!" Minwoo frantically yells with both his hands in the air. I feel like an FBI hunting criminals

 " Is this a crime or something?but no worries I won't shoot ya" I wink and walk over to Nini.

  " NINI!!" I screamed in her which causes her waking up screaming as well.

  " WHAT THE HELL?" Nini yells irritatedly

 " NINI! WHAT did you do to Minwoo? did you take ADVANTAGES of him? " I asked suspiciously while walking over to Minwoo

 " WHAT?? YOU CRAZY SISTER!! shouldn't you be asking ME that?" Nini answers annoyed

" Nah!! no one would want to take advantages of you" I said casually and hug MInwoo

" Awww..Poor you Minwoo," Nini throws her pillow at me angrily but I dodged

" AI YAH! I was just messing around, just go wash up and so we can go okay?"

 " Fine" Nini whined and sashayed over to her bathroom

After Nini got ready, we ate breakfast and then drove over to Nini's friend farm.

Minwoo POV~~~~~~~~
  After we ate breakfast, Haylin drives us over to the farm. I can drive too but I just prefer to go with them since it is MUCH more fun. As we got closer to the farm, the landscape and roads seem so familiar like Ive been here before. After going striaght Haylin  then pulls into a driveway and I see a girl standing in front, I regconized her right away and in that instance I wanted to leave right away to turn back and run.

  " Nini! you came" Mi-Hee exclaimed and run over to give Nini a hug but when she sees me behind, her smiled disappeared and a pain expression was drawn immediately on her face. But I give her a reassuring nod that it was okay and she nodded back, Mi-Hee in truth is my ex-girlfriend's sister but Nini doesn't know that since Mi-Hee used to live in another city with her dad and she's just moved here this year. But about the break up I just told Nini that we just didn't like each other anymore so she wouldn't worry.

 "KWANGMIN, YOUNGMIN~~<3" Nini says and runs over to them happily and hug both of them, and Donhyun appears and ruffled her hair then walk over toward to Haylin instead.

" Mi- Hee I brought friends to help you too, this is Minwoo, my sister Haylin, and her boyfriend Donhyun-...

"Yup" Haylin nodded unconsciously but then snapped back and realized what she just did

' WHAT???No..Uhh..not my boyfriend..NINI!!" Haylin stuttered and then turn to hit NIni's arm and glare at her. We all chuckled at the scene

" Fine, her FRIEND, Youngmin and Kwangmin, and ME!!" Nini smiles and Mi-Hee laughs

" Hi! everyone I'm Mi-Hee and it's nice to meet you all" she turns around to say hi to everyone, but when she got to Kwangmin it seemed she lingers a bit longer. But Kwangmin didn't notice since he was busy going over to Nini instead, and I noticed Mi-Hee looked disappointed.

 " let's go everyone, Imma show you where the strawberries are" Mi-Hee says cheerfully going back to herself again. We all followed her around to the farm, it looks very beautiful. The landscape, everything is pure and green with small strawberries plants taking up all the space. Each plant was showing off their riped, bright red delicious looking strawberries. 

  " Ok, everyone let's get to work !" Nini exclaimed happily 

  " OK!" we all yelled  and get to work picking strawberries. With strawberries we have to be EXTRA careful since they are very delicate and easily bruised, it was sort of fun for the first 30 minutes but then my back was KILLING me since we had so kneel down to the plants.

   " Hey you guys imma go get some water ok?" I said and they all nodded, before I left I saw Nini with Kwangmin. They were laughing and talking, I feel angry at the sight but I just sighed and left since I can't do anything anyway.

   I walk all the way over to the other side of the farm to their backyard since Mi-Hee told us she's set up a table full of food and drinks, snacks for us if we'd were to get hungry. I was drinking water when I heard someone's footsteps but ignore it and continued drinking when the person spoke making me choke on my water.

  It's her... the girl that I never wanted to see again. The one I'm afraid I would hate if I'd see her again.


Another Chapter 

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ILUVmango #1
@LovesYoseob Not yet maybe later ??*O* xD
ILUVmango #2
@B2STloove HAHA ^_^ I'm happy you liked it and yeah I'll update soon and yes DIE SCHOOL!!!!xD
ILUVmango #5
@Singmeasong hahaha i know but nobody gets what they always want in life right? ^_^
ILUVmango #6
@Thank you and I will try to :D
Cheesy minwoo, LOL XD<br />
I hope they'll end up being together<br />
But I don't want to see kwangchu hurt too O.O
AHHHHHHHHHH that wasn't really a CLIFFHANGER but.. I'm really anticipating the next chapter ><" Good luck at school, and more importantly.. updating.. LOL :pp
ILUVmango #9
@LOVesYoseob really??4 WEEKS already???:O over here my school starts on Thursday, T_T I don't wanna go....but yeah he might :D let's hope thx for commenting xD<br />
Aisssh. I've been in school for like 4 four weeks now. Wait.. YEAH FOUR WHOLE WEEKS. >.< <br />
I hope Minwoo is going to be erted and greedy and ask for a KISS! Or a hug that LOOKS like they're kissing and IU sees. :V