I Need To See Her

Destiny's Sorrows




It was morning, Yuri was already up. She left Yoona still sleeping on the bed. Yuri left the hotel in her car and drove to a place where she thought she would never be again. She stopped the car and got out. She looked up to the humble looking apartment complex. This...this where she had lived with Jessica.

She wondered if...she was still here? Maybe? Who knows?

Yuri just let herself be there. Looking at that building reminiscing times that were now long gone.


Jessica felt a strange feeling. She suddenly woke up. She looked around. Nothing was going on, everything was...the same.

Except for the sound of a snoring kid like girl in the living room. Jessica sighed. Why did she let her stay here anyways?

That girl had left her for someone else. Even so after their relationship Jessica did come to realize that the best person for Taeyeon was indeed...Tiffany.

Where was she now? Wait? How the hell did that shorty lose her girlfriend? Aish...

Jessica got up and opened her curtains. Her eyes opened wide, not because of the sunlight but...because of what she saw...

It was her, she was right the, she is right there. Jessica didn't even thought, after a second her legs were already moving, she was running.

She left the appartment, barefooted, it didn't matter, nothing mattered. She ran down the stairs as fast as she could.

She got outside. She...was still there. It wasn't a dream. Jessica ran to her.

She stopped. She was right in front of her...she wasn't dreaming.


-"Yuri" Jessica said.


-"Hello Jessica" Yuri said in a heart warming tone.


-"I missed you" Jessica said.


-"I know you did" Yuri said.


-"How's the old place?" Yuri said as she looked at the apartment.


Jessica just wanted to hug her and kiss her right there and then. But...Yuri was taken now...she had someone else. Jessica seemed to notice that...she lost her opportunity. Perhaps Sooyoung was right.


-"I kept it just the way it was" Jessica said.


Suddenly Yuri hugged Jessica.


-"You missed me a lot didn't you?" Yuri said as tears threatened to fall.


-"I did" Jessica said as she almost broke into tears aswell.


-"Say...Jessica, that day on the airport...I want you to tell me the truth" Yuri said.


-"Did you really wanted to let me go?" Yuri asked as she cried.


-"I...I...I" Jessica stuttered.


She could tell her the truth. Or she could lie...


-"I didn't...I wanted you to stay" Jessica said.


But of course she couldn't lie, she loved Yuri too much to lie.


-"Why?" Yuri asked her.


-"Because...I loved you" Jessica said.


-"You...said...loved? You don't love me anymore?" Yuri asked.


-"I still do...deeply and caringly, but you have someone now" Jessica said.


-"I went to see you on the day you arrived, but Sooyoung stopped me" Jessica said.


-"She did?" Yuri said.


-"Yeah, and maybe...it was for the best" Jessica said.


Yuri just felt her heart sink as she heard those words.


-"I'll be back" Yuri said as she let go of her embrace.


-"I know you will" Jessica said as she cleaned her tears.


-"See you" Yuri said as she got inside the car and left.


Jessica went upstairs. Surprisingly...she was smiling.

She felt good after talking to Yuri. They hadn't talked to each other in such a long time...

Jessica got back to her appartment to find a clapping Taeyeon.


-"Very good, very good" Taeyeon said.


-"You were watching weren't you?" Jessica asked.


-"What do you think? I woke up with someone running out somewhere" Taeyeon said.


-"Yeah, sorry about that snoring midget" Jessica said.


-"Yah! I'm not a midget" Taeyeon said.


-"You two back now?" Taeyeon asked.


-"No, I don't even know if we will be" Jessica asked.


Meanwhile Sooyoung woke up. Her head hurt after she had been wasted by a couple bottles of Soju yesterday. Well...maybe not only a couple.

She grabbed phone and called Jessica.


Jessica picked up.


-"It's me" Sooyoung said.


-"What do you want? Are you going to explain?" Jessica said.


-"Yes..." Sooyoung said.

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This is good. Looking forward more of your works.

The last chapters' event felt sudden but I understood... Like my friend said before... "Soulmates don't always marry."
Dyomatic #2
Chapter 7: Just found out this story. But I think it's nice,very nice.
Chapter 7: so sad.... i tot of happy ending... author u shd say sad ending as a tag so I will not read... argh.....
angeliana89 #4
Chapter 7: Why to be soosic..?
Really bad..