
Destiny's Sorrows




The rain poured down heavily. Not that it mattered to Jessica. Pouring rain or no pouring rain, she didn't mind it. She looked down to the city. Millions of people moving about, all of them so worried about hiding from mere water drops...

Like they run and hide from these...Jessica could only think that she herself hides from other things...

Things like...love. Jessica got up from the railing. She walked slowly and steadily down the hill that had a view of almost all the city. She thinked of what she always thinks...Kwon Yuri. She was always in Jessica's thoughts...what they had. They...at least she can't forget that relationship...she can't forget Yuri.

She wonders why she let Yuri go. Why she didn't confess. But the truth is that all that she did, she did it for Yuri.


2 years ago



-"Sica" Yuri called as she got inside the apartment.


-"Look" She said as she gave Jessica an opened letter.


Jessica's heart, downed a little. She somehow already knew what was coming next.


-"I've been accepted" Yuri said as she hugged Jessica.


-"Congratulations" Jessica said. But it was in a lifeless tone.


Yuri had applied to go to New York to study. She was accepted. Jessica wanted to stop her, she wanted Yuri to stay with her...forever.

But it seemed like it wasn't possible. And so until the last day...Jessica fought a battle inside her mind. Confessing and destroy Yuri's dreams or not confess and let her go. Jessica as it's seen chose the second.


And so on the airport at the last day, Yuri's family was there to say goodbye. But Jessica never came. It slightly disappointed Yuri...

Jessica was home, trying to mend her broken heart and crying her sorrows away.



Jessica stopped walking. She looked up. This was her apartment. She went inside and into the elevator. She got off on her floor. She went inside her apartment. It used to be their apartment, but now it was just Jessica's alone. She thought sometimes...you know, would Yuri look for her? If she ever came back would she look for Jessica? Well Jessica....yes.



Out of the airport, a young woman dressed in quite expensive clothes, stepped out. She grabbed her luggage. She came to the outside. The weather was...awful.

Raining all over the place and it was quite cold. She got inside a cab that disappeared in the rainy night traffic.



Jessica throwed herself in bed. She looked at the ceiling...today would be one of those nights. Those nights when all the little feelings she had would surface and tears would pour down her face. She hated these nights. Nights when she would miss Yuri, she would miss the most trivial things.


What she didn't knew was that Yuri was...back? What would Jessica do? What was there to say?

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This is good. Looking forward more of your works.

The last chapters' event felt sudden but I understood... Like my friend said before... "Soulmates don't always marry."
Dyomatic #2
Chapter 7: Just found out this story. But I think it's nice,very nice.
Chapter 7: so sad.... i tot of happy ending... author u shd say sad ending as a tag so I will not read... argh.....
angeliana89 #4
Chapter 7: Why to be soosic..?
Really bad..