
Worlds Apart

“Over” by Miss $ (feat. JiEun from Secret): http://www.aimini.net/view/?fid=X7eav8uGDIhOMXsnGQsb

Translations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7TFF_pHgI0




When we broke up, did you think you hurt me?

I already knew it was going to happen.

Besides, we never developed any romantic feelings for each other when we were together; you knew it, too.

So what were you so guilty about?

My only goal was to see you happy with him.

Don’t mull over something that wasn’t there to begin with.




“Chic…OPPA!” HaNeul cheered happily as she jumped on his back, awarding him with a bear hug.  She kissed him on the cheek and cuddled him.  He laughed at her antics and pecked her on the lips.

“What favor do you want now, Puppy-dog?” he smiled knowingly.  HaNeul pouted and whined.

“You always assume I want something!”

“So what is it?” he continued, ignoring her protest.

She sighed and started with a cute tone.

“Well~ you know that other day…”

“If you’re asking about the necklace, go ask TaeIl to buy it for you,” MinHyuk responded, returning to his work on his laptop, feigning indifference.  HaNeul smacked his shoulder.  He called out in pain and winced, overacting the tap on his shoulder.

“Oppa~!” whimpered HaNeul.

“C’mon, let’s go,” MinHyuk suggested, packing his laptop up.  He put his arm around HaNeul as they made their way out of the café.  Just as they were about to leave, MinHyuk stopped and looked into the café with a frown.  HaNeul glanced up, noting the grave gaze he had.

“Oppa…what’s wrong…” HaNeul whispered softly.  Before she could trace the direction of his stare, MinHyuk pulled her shoulder toward him, turning her around and walking out.

“Ah, it’s nothing.  I thought I saw a ghost,” he blatantly lied, which made HaNeul unhappy.  She figured it was something she wouldn’t want to see though.  MinHyuk always acted like this in this sort of situations.

It must have been something pretty bad though since he was in a bad mood for the rest of the day.  HaNeul tried to make him feel better with her aeygo and cuddles.  He appreciated the comfort, but he feared the confrontation he will be having soon.




YooKwon hummed as he made his way over to MinHyuk’s house.  Since HaYoung was out with her friends today, he went to go hang out with the MinHa couple.  When they revealed they were going out, YooKwon was ecstatic.  He felt a sense of responsibility over HaNeul as her best friend and therefore thankful for the fact that his hyung was the one dating her, knowing she would be well taken care of.  HaNeul also seemed much happier and MinHyuk has become more relaxed than he used to be.


A pillow aggressively welcomed him in the face.  When he spotted MinHyuk glaring at him with HaNeul resting peacefully in his lap, he giggled sheepishly.  The sleeping girl stirred a bit as MinHyuk did his best replacing his human pillow with an inanimate pillow.  He kissed her on the forehead before leading YooKwon up to his room.

“What’s up, Hyung?” asked YooKwon, checking out the pictures of MinHa with a giggle.

“How are things with HaYoung?” MinHyuk questioned cautiously.

“Things are okay.  I see that you and HaNeul are doing well too,” YooKwon laughed, picking up a picture of the couple.


He lost his smile at the grim tone of MinHyuk’s voice.

“…what…” YooKwon responded warily.




Don’t regret anything.

You never did anything wrong.

You’re just different, so don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.




“ YOU!”

HaNeul woke up abruptly to a loud bang of a door.  She looked up and realized MinHyuk had disappeared.


Worried something was wrong, HaNeul jumped out of the couch and ran toward MinHyuk’s room.

“MinHyuk-oppa, what was that noi-”

Her eyes widened as she felt the passing wind of a blurred blond hair individual.  When she snapped out of her daze, the front door had already been slammed shut and whoever was there disappeared, leaving a deafening silence behind.


HaNeul figured it would be easier to get answers from the one that hadn’t run off.


She hugged him the instant she walked in.

“What happened just now?  Why did Kwonnie-oppa storm out?  When did he get here?  Did something bad happen?” HaNeul fired questions like a machine gun with the trigger stuck shooting.

“It’s nothing…I hope…” MinHyuk answered ambiguously.  HaNeul pouted.  She turned his face toward her

“Why won’t you tell me…is it really that bad…does it have something to do with Kwonnie-oppa?  Did you two fight?” she continued, caressing his cheek lovingly as an act of support.

“Am I going to lose you to him?” MinHyuk mumbled bleakly.  Her face contorted with disapproval and sadness.

“You’re still thinking about that?  I already told you that I won’t leave you for anything, didn’t I?”  She felt hurt that he didn’t seem to trust her.

“Even if YooKwon and HaYoung break up?”




He was lying.

HaYoung would never cheat on him.

They were a happy, functional couple.  They always did everything together, always laughing and enjoying themselves.  There was no reason for her to cheat on him.  He really liked her and she really liked him.

There weren’t any signs that she was upset with him.  He would always be there for her when she needed him and vice versa.  They never even had a fight, so why would she cheat on him?

If there was something she didn’t like, she would tell him.

MinHyuk probably just mistook her for someone else.  He barely even got a glance.  It was just a mistake.

Everything was fine.

…so why does he feel so uneasy…

He looked at his cell phone.

Should he call her?  Just to see how she’s doing.  It’s not that he doesn’t trust her.  But only to see how she’s doing.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself.


He smiled at himself just hearing her voice.

“Jagiya~ how are you doing?”

“I’m doing okay.  Why did you call?  Is something wrong?” she asked, sounding worried.

“No, I just wanted to hear your voice.”

“Ah, is that so?” Her voice sounded a bit distant.

“Can I come see you right now?  I miss you,” he whined with a pout.

There was a pause.

“…Jagiya?” YooKwon called out when he didn’t hear a response.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.  I’m really busy right now,” she answered with an apologetic voice.

“Didn’t you say you went out with your friends?” YooKwon didn’t like the way this was going.

“Ah?  Oh yeah, I was with them earlier.  But my boss called and asked me to fill in at the café for someone who was sick,” was her reply.

“Can’t I at least drop by and see you at work?”  He was beginning to feel troubled from the odd responses he was getting.

She sighed and whined cutely, “Oppa~ I need to get back to work.  I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

With that, she hung up.

It was just MinHyuk’s nagging voice that was bothering him in the back of his head.  If it weren’t for what he said, he would never feel like this.  This was all MinHyuk’s fault for putting such a thought in YooKwon’s head.

Just to prove it, he changed the direction of his path to the café she worked in.




“We’re a happy couple.  HaYoungie would never cheat on me.  MinHyuk-hyung is just being paranoid,” YooKwon repeated over and over again.  He arrived at the café and looked around for HaYoung.  None of the waitresses walking around were HaYoung though.

“Maybe she’s in the bathroom…” YooKwon mumbled, still searching for her.  As he continued scouting for her, he walked around the place slowly.  Just when he thought she wasn’t there, he saw her emerge from the restrooms, like he predicted.  He smiled widely and was about to approach her when he realized she wasn’t wearing her waitress uniform.  Maybe she just got out of work.  With that thought, he happily closed in on her.

“Ready to go, Yeobo~” HaYoung flirtingly asked, sitting down on a guy’s lap that wasn’t YooKwon’s.  She even kissed him on the lips like she would with YooKwon.  YooKwon was frozen in his spot even as they were walking in his direction.

When HaYoung finally saw him, she froze, completely mortified.

“YooKwon-oppa…” she whispered, her voice quivering.  He swallowed, throat starting to hurt at the sight before him.

“Why…” was all he could get out of his cracking voice.  Without thinking, he grabbed HaYoung by the wrist and led her outside.  He panted heavily at the feelings in his chest that were itching to explode out.

“YooKwon-oppa…I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…” HaYoung cried out, covering her face in shame.

“I wanted to believe you…I told MinHyuk-hyung off because I believed you…why…why are you so busy these days…why can’t I see you at the café…HaYoung…” YooKwon rambled, no purpose in mind in what he was trying to say.  He just couldn’t think straight.  His emotions were getting in the way of any rational thoughts.

“Oppa…we should just break up…”

HaNeul, it’s time we just break up.  My job here is done.

“What did I do wrong?  HaYoung…why are you doing this?  Aren’t you happy with me?  You never said anything…you never told me anything, so why is this happening…” he questioned, voice wavering as he went on.

HaYoung shook her head and gave him a regretful stare.

“I’m so sorry, Oppa…it’s all my fault…I-I shouldn’t have fallen for you so quickly…I was too caught up in the moment and you were just too kind…I couldn’t…I didn’t have the heart to hurt you…” she confessed, finally breaking down into tears as she fell to her knees.

“All this time…it was just me that had feelings for you…” YooKwon murmured to himself in disbelief.

“We can’t keep going anymore.  I’ve tried, Oppa…this relationship is hopeless when I can’t treat you the same way you treat me.  It would be too much for you, YooKwon-oppa…I can’t do it…I’m sorry…I really am sorry…” HaYoung whispered between her sobs.

He felt lifeless as he stood there, burning a hole into the ground.  He didn’t do anything when the other guy came and picked HaYoung up, leading her away from him.  He didn’t stop it because he couldn’t move.  His whole body felt numb.  Was this really happening?


The sad voice brought him back to reality.  With it, an explosion of emotions he couldn’t control.  He ran forward, past the one that woke him up and snatched HaYoung’s wrist away from the girlfriend stealer.


He saw the fear in her eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to tear himself away from her.

“Kim YooKwon!  Get a hold of yourself!  Have you lost your ing mind?!”

A pair of arms looped around under his arms and pinned him back, forcing him away from the terrified girl.  YooKwon fought him like crazy.  He just couldn’t accept this.  All of this was too much for him to take in at once.  He wanted all of this to be a horrible nightmare.  He would wake up soon from it and HaYoung would be smiling back at him again.

“Get out of here.”

HaYoung looked up to see HaNeul with an expressionless face, helping her up.


“I don’t want to see your face again.”

The ice-cold voice brought chills down her skin.  She suddenly became more afraid of what the younger girl would do to her than her ex-boyfriend.  Something told her it was taking everything HaNeul had to not kill her.  She didn’t need to be told twice and took off with the unknown male.

She turned around to have one last glance at YooKwon.

She would be lying if she said it didn’t break her heart seeing him falling apart like that.  She didn’t want things to end like this.  But it would never work.  Not when her heart belonged to someone else.

“I’m sorry, YooKwon-oppa…”




“No, no!  I can’t let her go!  This isn’t right!” YooKwon yelled.

“Get a hold of yourself, YooKwon!” MinHyuk screamed, using all of his strength to keep YooKwon from running after her.


A soft whimper muffled in his neck immobilized him instantaneously.

“I’m sorry, Kwonnie-oppa…”

MinHyuk look down at HaNeul, who threw her arms around YooKwon’s neck and buried her face in his chest.  He knew she was crying her eyes out already.  And he knew it finally sunk into YooKwon when he didn’t move.  MinHyuk let go and let HaNeul comfort YooKwon.  Honestly, he wanted to tear her away from him.  HaNeul’s heart always went out to YooKwon.  He didn’t want to lose her to the younger male.  But it would be too selfish to take away the only person that could provide any consolation in his weakest state.  So he just watched with an aching feeling in his chest.

YooKwon’s legs gave out and he fell to his knees, bringing HaNeul down with him.

He gave in to the unbearable truth.

And he cried in HaNeul’s arms.

He cried until his voice gave out.

HaNeul cried with him.







As an apology for being away for so long (and since it’s 11/11/11 XD), I’ll update again later today at 11:11 (am updating at 11:11 right now because I'm cool like that).

Anticipate the next chapter because things are about to EXPLOOOODE.


Updated: 11/11/11

~Kira :3

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qinyin1023 #1
Chapter 16: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 15: Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!
Finished catching up to this story last night!
And i have to say, i love it~~ :D
It's interesting and there were some parts where I got confused, but I think I caught up with everything after reading all the chapters! :D Such a total twist in the whole story. Tbh, I got scared at some parts.. lol.. IDky though.. I just did.. hahaha..
But I have a feeling that she doesnt like Kwonnie at all and that by the end of the story, she will end up with BBomb? idk.

But omg.
are you ever gonna conitnue this story??
It says that the last time you updated this story was like a year ago.. lol. you should totally update some time soon again.. :) I really enjoyed reading this story.. ^^
Geez~ you did make dongjun a significant character xD
So...Haneul doesn't love Kwonnie? D:
But that was...
unexpected O-o
Can't wait for next chapter :D
ShadowYin - In due time it will be revealed...I'm glad you enjoy Kwoneul~ :D They are very cute and cuddly...Ch 16 will have super cuddly makes you want to barf cute and cuddly Kwoneul. :P
hahaha~ So curious as to what happened that no one wants to tell her about it D:
Kwonnie and Haneul are really cute together~ kekeke ^__^
Awesomeness unnie~ update soon :)
ShadowYin - Yeah..."Heart for 2" is such a wtf chapter in general...>>
LOL! All the way xD!!!
Chapter 12 was awesome xD so random though, and yes, confusing!!! ><!!!
RinDesign - Yeah, his explanation was a bit fast because he just wants to tell her the parts of their meeting that he thinks left the biggest impression on her to trigger her memories.<br />
ShadowYin - Yesh, that was the point. XD She's supposed to be very different from how she was first portrayed. :) I'm glad you enjoy this chapter. ^ ^
Ohh, well it's interesting! It took me a little while to realize who was who in this chapter since the point of view changed but I figured out it was Kwonnie telling her the story in 1st person. It's a bit weird, it all went kinda fast, I mean the explaining of how they met and all that, but I get it, well at least I think so, haha.
Awesomeness chapter :P<br />
Haneul seems so different from how she was portrayed before O-o <br />
But it's cool~<br />
update soon~~ ^_^<br />