
Worlds Apart

“Deadly” by 10 cm:


U-Kwon sang this song with his guitar for his re-audition into Block B.  Here’s the link if you want to check out him singing it.  Unfortunately, a crazed Japanese fangirls him in the middle and you can’t hear him as clearly.  =.=  We take what we can get, I suppose…




So…I don’t know where to start…I guess I’ll just continue from where MinHyuk left off…yeah, somehow that rascal convinced us it would be a great idea to have you in our dorm…because clearly it wasn’t crowded enough…I still wish Cho PD-hyung would get us the room next to us…we need more room.  More bonding for us, I guess…it’s amazing we haven’t tried to kill each other yet from living in each other’s faces like this…and then adding you into the picture…not to mention since you’re a girl…oh goodness, why did we say yes?!  I’m gonna blame this on YooKwon.  That kid can’t say no to ANYTHING you say.  Seriously, he’s more whipped than a red- !  (HaNeul: HyoGoon…mind actually telling me the events that occurred, not a personal statement?)

…geez, even with memory loss, you’re still snarky!  Hmph!

Well, since I don’t even remember how MinHyuk managed to persuade us into letting you in our dorm, I can’t exactly tell you.  It’s not important anyways.  But the greatest shock was when he brought you into the dorm, slung his arm around you, and claimed you to be his girlfriend.  Seriously!  I thought you had a thing for me so I was really disappointed!  (HaNeul: You’re a skirt chaser, aren’t you?)  Yah!  How dare you say that to me?!  Be quiet and listen to my story!  (HaNeul: Yes, sir~)

Anyways, what was I saying?  Right, you came into our dorm with just a pair of jean shorts and a cut-up t-shirt.  You looked really hot, by the way.  And so we could do nothing else but welcome you since we already agreed and clearly we’re all too stubborn to go back on our word.  Our poor manager-hyung relinquished his bed to you, which you tried your best to refuse because you were already imposing enough as it is.  He insisted that if you were going to stay here, then you would have the bed.  He chuckled and patted you on the back saying it was the spot next to MinHyuk to entice you to agree.  We laughed when you shot MinHyuk a disgusted look with your tongue out.  MinHyuk put you in a playful headlock and shook you around a little.  You looked over at YooKwon, who was smiling widely and seemingly enjoying himself.  But his laughter sounded off…like watching you two together was something he had to accept and didn’t want to tamper with…or maybe something he realizes he shouldn’t tamper with…his two best friends going out with each other…he couldn’t say anything otherwise and had to mask his emotions of-


Okay, seriously, Hyung…you didn’t even NOTICE YooKwon-hyung was suffering the whole time!  It was only after we discussed it that night that you did!  Aish, seriously, I wonder how you can be so clueless yet so talkative about things you don’t even fully understand.  Really, you’re quite the rare one.

Yah!  How can you treat your hyung like this, JiHo?!

Anyways, I’ll continue the story for him since he’s going to take a week to finish.  You were already falling asleep, weren’t you?  (JaeHyo: Hu, hu…so mean…  HaNeul: *giggles and pats JaeHyo on the back*)

I was kind of pissed off at MinHyuk-hyung for dating you because EVERYONE except you apparently knew that YooKwon liked you and EVERYONE except YooKwon apparently knew that you liked YooKwon…although you might not have known at the time.  You were a great addition to our family though, I have to say.  I’m glad you weren’t overbearing for one thing.  In fact, you were quite the opposite and perhaps a bit too austere for your own good.  The U-Bomb pair had to keep buying new things for you or else you would just use the same things over and over again even after they were broken…really…how are you supposed to use a watch that doesn’t run?  Fashion statement is the last thing I will believe when it comes to you…

It was kind of awkward at first having you around…because really, 9 guys with one girl is not exactly a good ratio…I’m thankful you’re such an adaptive girl.  You were kind of like our dorm mother.  In fact, you forcefully gave yourself that title, stripping it from YooKwon, who whined at you for taking his title from him.  You quickly shut him up by smiling sweetly and batting your shiny, saucer eyes at him.  He huffed one more time before finally passing the “Dorm Mother” baton to you.  Even if he didn’t agree, I’m pretty sure you’d kick YooKwon’s in a fight.  That would have been awesome to watch…

We definitely had a very interesting first night as all the guys from our room protested avidly against having you sleep in the bed next to MinHyuk.  TaeIl and YooKwon were especially keen in keeping the two of you apart even though you guys were technically going out.  By the way, you two are probably the worst couple I’ve ever met.  I think about 4 hours into your relationship, everyone (but YooKwon, of course) already knew it was all a hoax to get you and YooKwon together.  Eventually we somehow agreed to the sleeping arrangement.

It’s funny though.  Even after you and YooKwon started dating, you still slept in the bed next to MinHyuk.  Were you sleeping with him behind YooKwon’s back or something?  (YooKwon: Hey, hey!  For the record, she slept in MY bed 90% of the time!)


Yah, JiHo!  Stop tainting our girl’s innocent ears!  You’re done talking.  (JiHo: Exactly how are you better, Grease Kyung?!)

It’s amazing how you had time and energy for us.  We’d always see you in your practice room.  You’d always have your hair pulled back in a cute fuzz (since your hair was a bit short).  Man, those shorts really showed off how y your legs were.  They confirmed just how hard you worked as a dancer.  Especially when you started sweating and they glistened in the light…oh man…it just accented the hotness that were your lower limbs. (Zico: …agreed…  TaeIl: Please stop ing on my baby cousin…please…)

Oh, my favorite part of having you in the dorm was all the meals.  Ahhh~ gazing at your back as you cooked our meals was the best.  Waking up to the sweet scent of your labor… (JiHo: …no seriously, Kyung…you’re so greasy we might as well use you for cooking…)  Ah, but you were so amazing!  It must have been really tiring to cook for 10 mouths three times a day…not to mention you did your best to tidy the dorm when we weren’t home.  There was no point in trying when we were home…we destroy the place…sorry about wasting all your efforts by the way…ah, and your food was always so delicious…be sure to rest up so you can make food for us, okay?

I love you, HaNeul~ (YooKwon: Park Kyung!  What did I say about flirting with my girlfriend?!)

Sorry…your overprotective boyfriend will chop my head off if I continued…


Noona, why are all my hyungs so crazy?  (HaNeul: I wonder, JiHoon~)

I was glad to have you around because you were always so full of energy even if you worked long at the studio.  You would always play with me when you had time.  That was really nice of you.  You made me feel like I was your oppa because sometimes you acted more childish than me.  Although I guess I can be pretty mature for my age, right?  You knew I was close to TaeIl-hyung so you treated me really well and always stood up for me whenever the hyungs tried to punish me for playing a prank when I got bored.  Thank you, Noona~

You were the prettiest when you got me 2NE1’s new CD with Sandara-sunbae’s signature in it.  It is my greatest treasure, you know?  I don’t know how you did it.  You said that it took some persuading some people but you knew how much I loved Dara (you got JaeHyo one too because you said he would never forgive you if you didn’t get him one).  We said in an interview that you would like to raise a dongsaeng in our dorm.  Perhaps we forgot sometimes that you were someone similar to our dongsaeng and my noona because you were so mature.  It felt like you were taking care of us instead of the other way around.

In fact, you even made sure that our manager-hyungs were taking good care of themselves and made them tea every now and then, telling them to relax.  Ah, I miss having you around in our dorm…it’s very lonely without you even though there are 9 people…

Oh, a close call we had was when MTV came to our dorm!  Ah, but MinHyuk-hyung should tell that story!


Ah, when Match Up came?  Wow, it’s a good thing we were close to the PD…

Our manager-hyungs attempted to trick you in staying with a friend’s for the night because they didn’t want the cameras around filming a girl being in the dorm with Block B.  You agreed because you wanted to hang out with your dancing crew.  But you came home much earlier than they expected.  You got into the dorm before MTV did and because you were so tired, you went straight into our room and plopped right on top of me (which caused me to groan in pain) before rolling over to the side.  By the way, I didn’t appreciate that.  JiHo happened to be sleeping in your bed since you weren’t supposed to be there for the night so you ended up falling asleep between the two of us.

MTV snuck into our dorm like a bunch of ninjas with bulky equipment.  When they saw you sleeping there, they didn’t know what to do.  I guess I’ll just have to be thankful that you’re such a light sleeper even when you’re exhausted.  When you heard movements from the cameras shuffling around, you groaned and bothered me, mumbling something along the lines of puppy needs its nails trimmed.  I didn’t budge even a little, so you had no choice but to stop this puppy you claim to exist.  You would have screamed in complete shock at all the cameras if the PD didn’t put a finger to to silence you.  Looking around, you finally realize JiHo is on your bed, you were sleeping on top of me, there are a bunch of cameras around, and , you were caught more red-handed than a delinquent that regularly gets his hands smacked with rulers by the teachers.

‘Oh , that’s why manager-oppas wanted me out of here…, should have picked up on that…’ you thought to yourself as you followed the PD out of the dorm.  You apologized sincerely and bowed so many times the PD could only laugh and pat you on the back.  She said that it must be an interesting story and she’d like to hear about it next time.  You nodded and apologized again before sliding down the door after the PD went back inside with a long sigh.  Match Up went on as planned.


Ah!  And then you ended up sleeping outside of the door!  …I’m sorry about opening the door on you…I was half awake and had to go buy breakfast with JaeHyo-hyung… Although really, you should choose better places to sleep.  (HaNeul: *smacks* Hmm, something inside said I should hit you.)  …Ouch…

Since we were all supposed to be awake now, I picked you up and put you back on your bed next to MinHyuk-hyung, who went back to bed apparently after getting his damn flag.  You looked really tired and the PD already agreed to not include any film with you in it.  I felt bad because you always had to compromise for us…I’m glad the PD was so understanding.

I was just happy to see you again…


Awkward silence…


Umm…so…we’ll just ignore YooKwon as he daydreams about you with that look on his face.  I’d rather not know what he’s thinking…

I agree with YooKwon though…I was just happy to see you again too…it had been so long since…the last time we saw each other…

Don’t question him.

You looked healthy, so I was glad.  Even if you were sleeping next to MinHyuk, I was just happy to have you so close to me again.  You know you’re like my dongsaeng, right?  Even if we’re cousins, I always treated you as if you were my own dongsaeng.  You deserved it after all… (JiHoon: Hyung…please don’t cry…)

Don’t question him.

It was almost a full time job keeping all of them off your back.  It didn’t help that you did nothing to stop their advances!  Why must you be such a tease sometimes?  This is why guys flock you when you don’t keep your cold front!  You know how hard it is for Oppa when you don’t make any effort~

You always act so mature to all the other guys but then suddenly use aeygo on me for no apparent reason.  I think some of the guys were jealous because you were surprisingly good at it.  Although I already knew that.  Ah, there are times you would climb up on my bed and watch movies together.  All the guys complain that we have a cousin complex but they don’t know what they were talking about.

Sometimes, when the guys weren’t home, I would go over and hug you tightly because I knew you were having a hard time.  You never showed it.  I was just used to knowing these things after all these years.  A few times, you shed a few tears but nothing more than that.  You always smiled up at me afterwards.

Did you know it broke my heart every time you did that?

It just attested for all the pain you kept inside of you.

One night, you even came up to my bed and woke me up with apologetic eyes.  You said you couldn’t sleep because you had a nightmare and were afraid to fall back asleep alone.  (Yes, you used the word, “alone,” even though you slept next to MinHyuk because really, you two were the worst couple ever.  At least he treated you well, I guess…)

So I sang you a lullaby.  You smiled while listening to me sing and cuddled up against me like a kitten looking for warmth from its mother.  I your hair to lull you to sleep.  When your breathing slowed, I grinned with content and held you close.  I had a feeling you needed to hold another warm body that night to felt secure.

The next morning, you were back to your original state and I never asked about the nightmare.  I wasn’t sure if you forgot but some things are better left as is.

You gave us a moral boost every day.  We felt energized just seeing you happily working hard.  Every meal was prepared with love and care.

Things would have been perfect if nothing interesting happened…




“What happened?” HaNeul asked the boys.  They merely looked at each other and avoided her confused stare.

“Does any of this sound familiar to you?” YooKwon wondered, realizing that she had been listening to them talk as if they were telling her a story.  His suspicions were confirmed when she just shook her head.

They all sighed, at a loss of what to do.

“Maybe it’s better if she doesn’t remember…” TaeIl mumbled.

MinHyuk looked over at s.  He glanced at HaNeul.  Finally, he decided to voice their opinions for them.

“It’s not an accident that you don’t recall anything.  Before we bombard you with more memories, perhaps you should decide if you want to remember or not.”

She looked up at him sadly, clearly unable to completely absorb everything that they’ve been telling her but trying her hardest to do so.

As they waved goodbye, TaeIl hugged her.

“Do what’s best for you.  I’m always here to support you.”

HaNeul hugged back and whispered, “I love you, Tae-oppa…”

He chuckled, “I love you too, HaNeul.  Rest up, okay?”

She smiled and nodded.  Her eyes followed them out as she was unable to physically see them out.  As they left, she noticed YooKwon staring at her.  To her surprise, he wasn’t smiling, which she found odd.  His forlorn eyes were glued to her almost vacantly.  Once he realized she saw him staring, he smiled widely and waved like a child.

The curiosity was eating her up.

What exactly could have happened to cause her to forget?

Was it really something better forgotten?




There was a lot of changing between first person point of views around here. Hopefully no one got lost. :P I tried to make it pretty clear who was talking most of the time. I figured it would be a bit more interesting if it was more of a story-telling like format so it’s like how they would tell it to HaNeul.

…why don’t I ever have anything to say?


Updated: 01/21/12

~Kira :3

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qinyin1023 #1
Chapter 16: update soon~ ^^
Chapter 15: Wahhhhhhh!!!!!!
Finished catching up to this story last night!
And i have to say, i love it~~ :D
It's interesting and there were some parts where I got confused, but I think I caught up with everything after reading all the chapters! :D Such a total twist in the whole story. Tbh, I got scared at some parts.. lol.. IDky though.. I just did.. hahaha..
But I have a feeling that she doesnt like Kwonnie at all and that by the end of the story, she will end up with BBomb? idk.

But omg.
are you ever gonna conitnue this story??
It says that the last time you updated this story was like a year ago.. lol. you should totally update some time soon again.. :) I really enjoyed reading this story.. ^^
Geez~ you did make dongjun a significant character xD
So...Haneul doesn't love Kwonnie? D:
But that was...
unexpected O-o
Can't wait for next chapter :D
ShadowYin - In due time it will be revealed...I'm glad you enjoy Kwoneul~ :D They are very cute and cuddly...Ch 16 will have super cuddly makes you want to barf cute and cuddly Kwoneul. :P
hahaha~ So curious as to what happened that no one wants to tell her about it D:
Kwonnie and Haneul are really cute together~ kekeke ^__^
Awesomeness unnie~ update soon :)
ShadowYin - Yeah..."Heart for 2" is such a wtf chapter in general...>>
LOL! All the way xD!!!
Chapter 12 was awesome xD so random though, and yes, confusing!!! ><!!!
RinDesign - Yeah, his explanation was a bit fast because he just wants to tell her the parts of their meeting that he thinks left the biggest impression on her to trigger her memories.<br />
ShadowYin - Yesh, that was the point. XD She's supposed to be very different from how she was first portrayed. :) I'm glad you enjoy this chapter. ^ ^
Ohh, well it's interesting! It took me a little while to realize who was who in this chapter since the point of view changed but I figured out it was Kwonnie telling her the story in 1st person. It's a bit weird, it all went kinda fast, I mean the explaining of how they met and all that, but I get it, well at least I think so, haha.
Awesomeness chapter :P<br />
Haneul seems so different from how she was portrayed before O-o <br />
But it's cool~<br />
update soon~~ ^_^<br />