
Missing Piece

It was another mundane day in Jusang where class were as per normal. 

" you want to stayback after school to dicuss on the project? " Kyung Ri asked while packing her bag. 

" Oh sure. How about we head to the library to do it? " 

" O...okay. " Kyung Ri was a little surprised at Kai's response. She definitely did not expect him to agree so readily. Well as you know Kai is the cool, quiet and mysterious guy in school. 

" Kyung Ri! " Dara burst through the classroom doors. 

" Oh Dara! You're here! I told you not to call me like that! " Kyung Ri frowned. 

" Opps i didn't see him there. " Dara pointed. " Hi Kai! " She waved. All she got back was a cold stare from Kai. 

" What are you doing here? " Kyung Ri eyed at Dara. 

" Have you forgotten? We have a lunch date today. " 

" Oh gosh i totally forgotten. I'm doing project with Kai today. " 

" You're in the same group as him? " Kyung Ri nodded. " Well then i'll go have lunch with other people! I'll text you! " Dara raced off.

Kai grabbed his bag and made his way through the classroom doors. Kyung Ri followed suit and struggle to keep up with his pace. 

When they were in the hallway, a loud thud followed with scattering of books could be heard and Kai quickly turned to see what happened. All he saw was an image of Luhan standing right next to Kyung Ri, laughing at her fall. Kyung Ri's books was scattered all over the floor and her spectacles fell and was crushed beneath her books. When she picked them up, there was a crack across the lenses. 

" Well how did that feel? That was to pay back for what happened yesterday. " Luhan scowled. 

" Hey shame on you. " Kai spoke. " Fancy a man bullying a girl here. " Kai stood in front of Luhan. 

" Stay out of this, newbie. " Luhan moved closer to Kai, leaving a few centimeters apart. 

Kai shook his head and could not be bothered with Luhan's childishness. He bend over to help Kyung Ri up and when he held her arms, she flinched a little. 

" Are you okay? " Kai was genuinely concerned about her. 

Kyung Ri nodded her head but Kai did not buy that. He took her arm and carefully inspected her elbow. He then helped her up carefully and brought her to the school's garden. While they made their way to the gardens, Luhan just stood there looking at their backviews. Well, he wanted revenge but he didn't mean to hurt her in any way. He then turned and made his way to find his gang of friends. 

" Wait here. " Kai instructed as he quickly ran to the nearest convenience store in the school campus and bought water as well as band-aids. He returned and carefully rinsed Kyung Ri's wounds and she winced a little. Sensing that she was in pain, Kai blew on her wound hoping that it will help to soothe the pain. He then opened up the box of band-aids and carefully stuck them on her elbow. While Kai was doing his thing, Kyung Ri was studying his features unknowingly. 

" There! " Kai broke the silence. 

" Oh! " Kyung Ri snapped out of her thoughts. " Tha...Thank You! " She managed. 

" It's nothing. " He pursed his lips and touched his neck. " Do you want to continue to discuss the project or shall we do it on another day? " 

" I'm fine. Let's do it today! " She took her stuff and lead the way. 

Kyung Ri had a little struggle to hold her books and seeing that, Kai reached over and help Kyung Ri hold her stuff. His hands slightly brushed against hers and her heart was a little flustered at the skinship. Why am i reacting like this? Kyung Ri calm down and get over it. Its just a little skinship. 



" So our topic is on love right...?" Kyung Ri gave a nod. 

" Shall we do on pros and cons? " She gave another nod. 

" I'll do on cons and you'll do on pros. Is that fine with you? " She nodded, again.

" Other than nodding your head, do you have anything to say or comment? " He looked at her. And she shook her head, just like he what he guessed.

Pros...i've never been in love. How am i supposed to do on the pros of love. Kyung Ri wondered how she could give a good speech on love when she have never been in one, or at least she thought so. 

Kai reached for his bag and took out his laptop and began typing his thoughts on what he was going to talk about. In fact he have so much to talk about, he want to talk about everything he knew and everything that he have been through. 

" So..." Kyung Ri trailed off. Kai took his eyes of his laptop and look at her, waiting for her to continue. " Have you ever been in love? " She was curious how it felt like to be in love.

" Um...yea i guess." He shrugged. " Have you? " He eyed at her. 

Kyung Ri shook her head. " I have never been in love. " She creaked. Kai heart dropped when he heard that. So all along she didn't love me and didn't treat me like her boyfriend. What was i to you huh Lee Kyung Ri? Am i just a toy to you? " So are you still with her? " 

" That girl...she's my exgirlfriend now. " Kai confessed. " Oh i'm sorry. " Kyung Ri was sorry that she mention about his exgirlfriend. 

" Well its okay. I used to live in the same town as my exgirlfriend and then one day she left the town. I have no idea why she left without saying a word. I tried contacting her but i couldn't. We were so happy together but her parents never approved us being together. " Kai recalled. 

" Then...what is it like to be in love? " She tried to cheer Kai up upon seeing him being moody as he explained. 

" Love is a really weird thing. It makes you want to see the other person so badly, and yet when you do, you feel really nervous. You will never get tired of the other person even though you meet each other every day. You just want to give all the love you have to him or her and the best thing to know is that the other person loves you back. " Kai smiled and recalled the happy moments that he spent with Kyung Ri in the past. " I can't describe it to you. You need to experience it for yourself to understand. " He added.

" Thank you. " 

" Uh...for what? " 

" I wonder why your exgirlfriend left you. I mean you're such a nice person. Well, i thanked you just now for standing up for me. I thanked you for helping me to clean up my wound. " 

" Oh that was nothing. If anybody saw Luhan bullying you, they would stand up for you too. And for that..." He point at her elbow, " it's something that everyone else would do too, if they saw what happened. " 

" No. " Kyung Ri shook her head. " Nobody would help me like you did. " She sneered. " Just because i'm not popular enough, nobody takes notice of me. But that's alright because i don't want those attention anyway. Its so stressful to live in the limelight every single day with people noticing every detail about you. " Kyung Ri looked up and saw Kai staring at her. 

" Well anyway, it's your exgirlfriend loss that she left you. You can definitely find someone better! " Kyung Ri smiled. 

" Yea i believe too. " He broke off eye contact and brought his gaze back to his laptop. Kyung Ri, its amazing how you can make me fall in love with you, twice. 

If i was his girlfriend, i'll never let him go. Wait...What am i thinking? I need to get this out of my head! Kyung Ri mentally slapped herself. 


From: Dara 

Ri ah, so how's project with Mr Kai? I bet it must be fun!


From: Kyung Ri

Nothing. Its just project, not a date. I know what you're thinking about.


From: Dara

Oh please i don't even care if its a date or not. I want information about Kai. I think he is interesting.


From: Kyung Ri

What information do you want? I don't even know anything about him. 


From: Dara

Okay. So does he have a girlfriend? What is his favourite food? Favourite colour? Favourite item? Hobby?


From: Kyung Ri

Okay you need to calm down. All i know is he have no girlfriend now. As for the rest... i really don't know. 




Soon the skies grew darker and the school's library was about to close. 

" C'mon pack up i'll send you home. " Kai offered.

" Oh there's no need to do that. I...I can go back on my own! " Kyung Ri packed her stuff. 

" Well it's pretty late now and its not safe for a girl to go home alone. " Kai looked at Kyung Ri.

" But where do you stay? If its far, don't bother sending me okay. "

" Well you may not believe this but i stay 1 or 2 stops away from you. " 

" How do you know where i stay? " Kyung Ri asked. 

" I board the same bus as you consecutively for the past few days and i noticed you were in the same bus so...yea " 

" Oh okay then let's make our way back! " Kyung Ri initiated and they both left.


" Thanks for sending me home. " Kyung Ri thanked Kai as they were walking down the lane towards Kyung Ri's house.

" Its no big deal. I kind of realize that you like to thank people alot. " Kai said. 

" Its manners... " Kyung Ri trailed off. 

" Ah there! We have reached your house. " Kai looked at the house in front of them. " Hurry in. Your parents must be worried! " Kai patted her head.

Kyung Ri heart flustered at Kai's actions.What is that supposed to mean? Why did he pat my head?  She nodded and made her way to her house. She opened the gates and turned to look at Kai. " Goodnight! " Kyung Ri waved. " Have a safe trip back home! " 

" Goodnight! " Kai waved and motioned her to quickly go in. 

Kyung Ri smiled and make her way into the house. 

Mr and Mrs Lee, I'm back. Kai looked at the house that stood right before him and smirked. 





Author's note: 

Hi guys! So sorry for the late updates as i'm having my exams now. Cheers to this chapter. Recently i'm having writer's block as well cause i can't think of how i should continue the story. Anyway, my exams are ending in 2 days time! YAYYYY *Pops champagne* 

*Take note*: Kai and Luhan are both 18 and in the same class as Kyung Ri because:

#1: Luhan is from China and he have to attend a grade lower. This is the education system in my country though so yea...

#2: Kai moved from another town and previously in the old school, he stayed back for a year. So hence he is a grade lower now.

I hope that clears up why they're in the same class even though they are older than Kyung Ri! And imagine his friends to be same age as Kyung Ri alright! 

Thank you to all readers, subbies! Saranghaeyo 사랑해요 <3 






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