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How did I fall in love with you
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       "Jiyeonnie! Wait up!" Eunjung yells across the school hallway.A bunch of students are blocking her walk way. Mostly fan girls and fan boys. "Unnie! Don't you want to date me?" A random girl threw herself at Eunjung. Eunjung didn't pay any mind and push through the crowd. "Sorry! Excuse me! Coming through." Hyomin rolled her eyes and made a smart remark. "I don't see what those people see in her." Jiyeon just laughs. "Hahaha, are you jealous?" "What!?Of her??Yeah right!." Eunjung finally reaches them. "Are these girls/boys always this crazy??" She slouches and gasp for air. "Either they're blind or just idiots" Hyomin mumbled. "Yah! Are you calling me ugly!? You toothpick! "I didn't say that. you said it yourself." Hyomin smirk. "Alright! No more fighting! There's not a time when there's peace and quiet when you two are together." Jiyeon sighs. " let's all try to get along before you end up biting each other heads off."  "Humph!" Hyomin turns away with an attitude. Eunjung heard it so she purposely bump into her shoulder. "Whoops, didn't see you there." Which made hyomin even more furious. In class Eunjung was tired of seeing Hyomin's annoying face next to her so she slept the entire time while the other two chat. "Hyomin unnie, are you staying after school for the photography club meeting?"  "Ah! That reminds me! It almost slipped my mind. I have something to do later on today. I got a job offer!" Hyomin says excitedly. "Omo !! That's good. Your first gig!!Do you need help?? I'm willing to help but I'm only able to stay for a little while because of chores." Jiyeon pouts. "Don't you have math club?"  "Not tonight. Sorry if it won't be long though." "Any kind of help is appreciated! Thank you Jiyeonnie!" Hyomin had a smile stuck on her face. She really didn't need help at all, all she have was a stinking ol' camera but eventually she'll think of something for Jiyeon to do. She didn't care as long as she get to spend more time with her beloved best friend. Maybe that way she can win her over, over time.  "So what's the theme Unnie??" "The couple wanted a photo shoot under the sun set. So we'll be heading to the park." "Kyaaaa!! That's so romantic! Now I'm even more excited to see the outcome." Jiyeon was fangirling. After school the two went to Hyomin's home to pick up the equipment. Just a really outdated camera and a few different lenses and stand.

      Meanwhile Eunjung had something to do after school so she parted ways from Jiyeon. She promised to take Qri out for lunch. While sitting in the cafe. Qri worked up the nerve to ask Eunjung for advice. "Jungie.." "Yes Unnie??" "Can I ask you for some dating advice?" Eunjung was surprise. "You know I'm no good at those things. I can't even get Jiyeon to like me." Eunjung laugh nervously. "You're kidding right? Seems like you had no trouble at all courting all those other girls from before." "Yah! Unnie.They were all just for fun. I just needed something to distract me while I waited for Jiyeon, so time can pass by faster. Now that I'm back in Seoul, I don't need to do that anymore." Qri folded her arms in disbelief and gave Eunjung the look of shame. She didn't like Eunjung's way of thinking. "Tsk..tsk.. I can't believe you Hahm baekgu!! You're such horrible person !" She turns away angry. "Wae?? What did I do?" Eunjung didn't realize she made Qri jealous. "Unnie!" Eunjung pouts. "Unnie look at me." She tries to turn Qri to face her. But she didn't budge so Eunjung hugged her from behind which made Qri jumped a little and her heart began to race. Her face was fully pink from blushing too hard. "As your Unnie I thought I taught you better than that." "Sorry. C-utieee! Pre--ttttty." She calls out childishly while being silly, trying to make Qri laugh. Which she succeeded in. Qri slaps eunjung's arm away. "Yah, let's be serious now. I wasn't done asking yet." "Okay. Okay." Eunjung laughed and backed away. "But seriously Unnie. You and love problems don't go together. You're gorgeous, anyone would be lucky to have you. And if that person doesn't see that, than he or she is just plain stupid." "Youre stupid then pabo.." Qri continued on with her dilemma. "I like this person a lot,but they're  in love with someone else...and I don't think that person would ever notice me or like me in that way." Qri sighs. "What should I do? Keep fighting or just let go?"  Qri stares intensely at Eunjung and sighs again. "Yah! Unnie! Who is it? So I can teach em a lesson! Anyone who doesn't notice my Unnie should have to deal with me ." Eunjung says seriously with her fist clenched. Qri giggle at her statement, knowing that Eunjung is just so clueless." Wait, then...there's this other person, that person makes me feel like I'm important. Like I actually matter. I think maybe if I gave it a chance, maybe we can have something real. But I don't know...should I move on and give it a try? "Unnie." Eunjung reaches for her soft warm hands. "I think you should move on. A person who doesn't appreciate you don't deserve you. You're really special to me and I want to see you happy. Arasso??" Eunjung pinches the other girls cheek. By her actions you can tell she really adores her cousin. Qri was upset with her answer but what can she do? But to just try and understand. "Thank you." The older girl stood up from her chair and leaned forward towards Eunjung,giving her quick sweet and soft peck on the lips. earning a surprise expression from the ham baekgu herself. "I have to go." "Goodbye Eunjung" Qri really meant it. Of course Eunjung is still dense as ever and was left dumbfounded. She touched her lips and thought about the kiss. "Why was it so different this time?" Eunjung couldn't figure it out. But quickly she shook off the feeling. Not long after she thought of Jiyeon and drove straight to her house. She knocked on the door and

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Eunyeon12 #1
Chapter 17: Will this still be updated?? Huhu
liaaharada #2
Chapter 17: This story is great :)
Thanks so much for this story...
Good luck for next chapter, author :D
Hahmcha #3
Chapter 17: many many hearts involved..i like it a lot..can't wait for the next chap..
Chapter 17: Everything is messed...Why Hyomin doesn't listen to her heart sound???
like the story... thanks for it
Chapter 17: luckily I can still remember the last chapter so i didn't have to re-read it... you're a good author so please update soon~ :)
1122 streak #6
Chapter 17: Poor Jungie but luckily Jiwon is always there forher even if it hurts her... why do Eunjung keeps on blocking out? Authourssi make Hyomin realize that her feekings for Eunjung is stronger than for Jiyeon...
finna57 #7
Chapter 17: I think eunjung is sick :(
Chapter 17: Oooohhh yeessssss!!!!! You update this!!! Its been awhile, i missed characters appearing in this chapter... I wonder what will be their role in this story... This is really interesting... Anyway thanks for updating this... Will wait for the next chapter :)
J_T-ara_M #9
Chapter 17: I used to be like minyeon but... recently eunmin is really so attractive... so.. i'm give 100% support for eunmin!!!
Can't wait too for reading your other eunmin!!
greenjade21 #10
Chapter 17: Thanks authorssi for the update! I really missed this story! I'm glad that Eunjung finally confessed her feelings to Hyomin, and I hope she doesn't stop! And maybe, the idea of making Hyomin jealous by being close with James and Yoona seems a good thing! Well, she doesn't have to be with them but, befriending them wouldn't hurt! Hopefully, Hyomin will realize how strong her feelings for Eunjung were! This is getting more interesting every time you update! Can't wait for the next update! Good luck authorssi! :)