005: The EXO Club

 It was a very unusual morning. Baekhyun, who was not originally a morning person, was already wide awake even though the alarm clock has not rang yet. After bathing and getting dressed, he immediately ran out of their house and made his way to the school which was only 15 minutes away.

That day was a very special day for them. It was the day where they will officially open their very own school club. Of course, having 3 members who were part of the student council made the registrations a lot easier. Their leader, Suho, once said it before, that they were not cheating, they were just using their advantages.

When Baekhyun arrived at the school, he quickly proceeded to the vacant room just beside the Student Council's room. Again, it was a decision made by Suho. His reason was that so he could watch over them whenever they're practicing while he's doing some school work. No one complained because everyone knows that Suho will never make a decision that would be bad for them anyway. 

That's how much they trust him. That's how much they trust each other.

Baekhyun suddenly thought of Jongin.. 
Will he trust us? Will he treat us as his friends and brothers? Will he let us in his world?
Those kind of questions filled his mind. He got so nervous, afraid of the feeling of being rejected once again.

When he reached the 3rd floor of the school building, he was surprised at what he saw. It was Jongin, standing in front of the door of their club room, hesitating whether to knock or not.

All of his worries got washed away because of the cute actions of the younger boy. A warm smile crept up his face as he approached the boy.

"Hey, Jongin!" Baekhyun beamed.

Jongin was startled and looked away from embarrassment. He didn't see any of this coming. He knew it, he should've left earlier or he shouldn't have even bothered to come here in the first place.

"Uhm, I-I was just.."

"They don't hate you, Jongin." Baekhyun reassured. "Come on, let's go in.."

The older boy took the honor of opening the door and it revealed a sight that greatly surprised the younger, even Baekhyun himself was surprised as well.

"Welcome to the EXO club, Jongin! Wooooooo!" All of them shouted as several party poppers were popped.

They were wearing party hats and there were so many balloons and other kids party stuffs scattered around. They started singing random songs as they crowded the younger boy. They wanted him to feel like he was at his home, like he was with his family, and that he was really welcome in this place.

Baekhyun managed to get out of the crowd to see the weird couple, Minseok and Luhan, not so far away from them.

"W-what's all of this, hyung?" Baekhyun asked the two eldest who were already devouring a slice of cake.

"Suho made Jongdae and Chanyeol in-charge for the welcome party of the new boy." Minseok explained while chewing.

"Hyung, don't talk when your mouth is full!" Luhan scolded as he wiped the icings off Minseok's face.

Baekhyun sighed. Forget everything he just said earlier. Suho would sometimes make decisions that would cause chaos just like he did now. This was supposed to be their practice room but it looks like a dirtied playground with a bunch of retarded kids playing around.

He looked around to look for Chanyeol to scold him but what he saw almost melted his heart. The guys were chasing each other with icings and they didn't even spared the new boy. His face was full of icings and he was going after everyone to put icing on their faces too.

I'm glad.. you were not void of emotions afterall..

Jongin was smiling happily like a child. It was just like back then, when both of them ate lunch together. Baekhyun didn't even think of scolding them anymore, instead he got icings too and ran around with them.

The whole room was filled with shrieks, laughter, and lots and lots of scattered icings. All of them were too hyper to even remember that Suho and Kyungsoo will comeback any moment soon.

They collapsed on the floor, panting, but they still have the smiles on their faces. "That was fun.." Kris, who doesn't usually play around with them, said.

"It is! Let's do that again some other time with Suho hyung and Kyungsoo!" Jongdae exclaimed which caused all of their eyes to widen as they look at each other.

"Uh-oh. We have a really really big problem.." they said in unison.

Jongin doesn't have the slightest idea on what was happening. Everyone suddenly ran around, panicking. They picked up the trashes quickly, some ran out to get mops while some got tissues and started wiping the icings off the wall.

Baekhyun noticed that the new boy wasn't moving at all. "Hey, Jongin! Hurry up and help us clean the room if you still want to see the sunrise tomorrow!" he shouted while wiping the walls.

The younger boy hesitantly grabbed another tissue and helped the older boy to wipe the icings off the wall but in truth, he doesn't have any idea why he has to. 

After a few minutes, a voice was heard from door.

"Wha- What happened here?" A quiet but dangerous voice suddenly spoke. It wasn't a shout. It was so calm that it made all of their hearts skip a beat.

They all looked at the door with horrified faces only to see Suho's face turning red in rage. Uh-oh.

"Forget seeing the sunrise tomorrow. I want to at least see the moon tonight." Baekhyun mumbled his silent prayers.

"Oh dear God, please save us." Yixing said as he tightened his grip on Sehun's arms.

Jongin finally understood why everyone started panicking earlier. The Suho in front of them wasn't the same Student Council President that asked him if he wanted to join a club before.

It was indeed scary. Even the very famous tall picasso that looks really tough was shaking just by Suho's presence. Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was staring at them with pity in his eyes.

It's as if he wants to help them but he has no power to do so. Just like a real father and mother, Jongin can't help but think that way. He should be scared but he wasn't. In fact, he was feeling really happy, he feels like an empty part of his heart has been filled. It was the part of his heart that was longing for the warmth of a family.



"Aish hyung, I don't think I can do this anymore!" Baekhyun complained while he collapsed on the floor.

"Stop complaining, Baekhyun. You only did 10 push-ups and you're already complaining?" Suho scolded. "Just think of it as a part of your training and not a punishment."

"No way! I want to go home! I don't want to train anymore!" Tao whined as he rolls around on the floor.

"Tao! Get back to your place or I'll add 20 more push-ups for you!" Suho shouted, starting to get annoyed. Looking after his idiots friends was really tiring and stressful. He can't believe that they're already in high school because all of them acts like brats in kindergarten.

"Hmp. What a satan!" Tao cursed quietly. He obediently returned to his place and started doing push-ups again. Knowing Suho, he knows that the strict leader would really make him do more push-ups if he won't follow.

"Uhmm, Suho sunbaenim?" A quiet voice called. "I have already finished the push-ups, is there anything I should do next?"

Suho, who doesn't seemed surprised at all, smiled warmly at the boy before saying, "Oh no, nothing at all. Just sit there and relax while we wait for these idiots. Oh, and by the way, just call me and everyone here 'hyung', okay? We're a family here anyway."

Jongin was taken a back. A family..
It took a moment before he was able to nod and walk towards the empty table. The other boys whined that Suho was being unfair but he wasn't offended at all. A small smile appeared on his face. Yes, just like a family.. just like how real brothers treat each other..

Soon, the other remaining boys finished doing push-ups too. Kyungsoo, being the one in-charge of taking care of them, handed out a water bottle and a towel to everyone.

"I never thought dancing would be this tiring.." Jongdae said as he collapsed on the chair.

"If only I knew, I shouldn't have agreed on it!" Chanyeol exclaimed while drinking all of the water in one gulp.

"We're still not dancing though.." Luhan muttered quietly.

"Gah, whatever. So what's your plan, hyung?" Chanyeol asked their leader.

"We still have a long way to go. We have to learn how to dance in sync, learn how to compose a song, and other stuffs. I have already arranged our respective positions in the group though." Suho announced.

Everyone looked at him with expectant eyes. "But first, I must inform you about our group name first.."

"Eh?" they all said in unison.

"I thought Chanyeol and Jongdae already decided on it?" Yixing asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"I don't remember asking them to make a name for us--"

"It's 'The EXO Club'!" Chanyeol blurted out.

"And it's really with the 'The'." Jongdae followed.

Suho looked at them with furrowed brows and he gave them an are-you-kidding-me look.

"Aw c'mon, hyung. We were thinking of names like 'Suho and friends' but since we just finished our Science homework earlier, we used the word EXO instead!" Jongdae continued like he's the next Einstein.

"Uh, okay?" Suho answered, quite unsure of what to do.

"Let's just decide by voting." Kyungsoo suddenly said.

Suho's face brightened as he nodded to Kyungsoo's suggestion. He looked at his vice president like he's the most genius person in this world. 

Kyungsoo ignored Suho's stare and proceeded on conducting the voting, "So, please raise your hand if you think that 'The EXO Club' is a good name for us."

The room was met with a long silence. No one moved until one boy dared to break it and raised his hand.

"I- I think it's pretty cool.. I mean, Jongdae hyung and Chanyeol hyung worked hard to come up with that name." Jongin explained shyly.

Chanyeol's smile grew wider as he ran to the new boy and pulled him in to a hug. "Aigoo, our Jongin is so cute! I'm your fan! I'm your number 1 fan oppa!~"

Baekhyun chuckled at the sight before raising his hand as well. "I agree too! We know our Jongdae and Chanyeol, they always come up with really weird but cool names!"

Then one by one, all of them raised their hand including their leader himself. With a smile on Suho's face he announced, "Our club's official name is 'The EXO Club'! I shall announce our positions then.."

Suho, Kyungsoo, Jongdae, Baekhyun, and Luhan were placed in the vocal line while Tao, Kris, and Chanyeol were in the rapper line and lastly, Jongin, Sehun, Yixing, and Minseok were in the dancer line.

"And that concludes our first meeting. I'm expecting everyone here tomorrow and strictly no playing around, understand?" Suho said like a strict father.

After Suho's long speech, they were dismissed but even though all of them are already tired, some of them still wants to play.

"Hey hyungs! How about we go to a Noraebang or play arcade games before we go home?" the maknae asked with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"No way, Sehun! I'm so tired! I swear, I'll be in so much muscle pain tomorrow!" Tao disagreed.

"Then don't come. Tsk, too bad, Suho hyung will treat us pork slices today!" Sehun exclaimed excitedly, surprising Suho who doesn't remember saying that he'll treat them.

"Woah~ it's been a while since I ate pork slices! Let's eat pork!" Minseok joined Sehun and a little bit later, all of them were already chanting 'pork' like a mantra, leaving Tao with no choice but to come with them.

Baekhyun smiled because of many reasons that time. Maybe it was because of his friends' stupidness, maybe because he was happy that they're going to play.. or maybe it was because he was walking side by side with Jongin. It was a very precious moment that he wants to treasure forever.


"Let's play well, everyone! The last one to exit the school gate will pay for the noraebang!" Chanyeol shouted excitedly as he dashed forward, leaving everyone behind.

Author's Note: Uhm hi guys! I'm really really really really sorry for this super late update! T__T And oh my gosh, it's been a year! So.... about this chapter, idk lol. To be honest, this story still doesn't have an ending but I'm already working on the next chapter~ Hopefully, I can continue writing this story this coming vacation! Please bear with me~ Thank you so much! \O/

Ps. I know. There's too much typos... T_T sorry..

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Chapter 5: Update soon author nim~~~~~
Chapter 5: *sighs*
Galaxies88 #3
Chapter 5: UPDATE SOON ~~~
please don't be late .. hurry up . *someoneherecan'twait* XD
Chapter 5: yuhuuuuuuuuuuu..... i love a y ing XDDD so much
Chapter 5: the kyungmyeon oh!!!
Chapter 5: U updated...*throwsconfetti*
Thank u so much author nim....:)
Jongin is opening up...n the eleven of them will be able to break the walls he has built up around his heart fr sure....❤ :D
Chapter 4: Update soon plz..:)
Chapter 4: it's sad... but i like it... please update soon.. i'll be waiting...
ourLoveStory #9
Chapter 4: Such a beautiful chapter! I really like how you described their friendship and strong bond!
I'll be waiting for your next update! ^^~
Chapter 4: Awwwww! They're so kind! /shed tears/ And I really hope that the boy Kai fell in love with in the past is Baekhyun. That would be so cool. *A*