002: Kim Jongin

It was so awkward inside the room. Everyone kept silent while the new boy fidgeted uncomfortably on his seat beside Baekhyun and Minseok. The boy could feel several stares boring through his skull, it was scary for him. If only it wasn't for the kind Student Council President that asked him, he would've said no.

Baekhyun noticed this and decided to break the silence to lighten up the mood, "So will he be our dance instructor or something?"

Suho stared at Baekhyun for a moment before slowly shaking his head, "No, he will join us and I decided that he will be our main dancer."

Again, Suho's statement earned a what-the- faces from everyone, including the involved boy as well.

"Why is that though? I swear, Yixing's dance is the best!" Sehun complained. 

"Not only me, Luhan hyung, Minseok hyung, and Sehunnie dances really well too!" Yixing added.

And their rant continued on and on, completely forgetting the fact that the boy they're talking about was just right there, hearing everything they're saying. Everyone were too busy to pay attention to the boy's reaction but Baekhyun noticed it. 

The boy was looking down and was slightly trembling which made Baekhyun's heart ache. Before even realizing it, he already found himself offering his hand in front of the shaking boy, "Hi, I'm Baekhyun. What's your name?"

The boy was caught off guard. He wasn't really expecting anyone to talk to him when all of them seemed to think like it was a bad idea for him to join them. He slowly looked up and met the eyes of the boy who called himself Baekhyun.

Baekhyun was pretty. His smile was pretty. Everything about him was pretty but what really caught the boy's attention was the sincerity of the older boy's eyes. It was so caring and warm.

"K-Kim Jongin.." he stuttered while hesitating whether to grab Baekhyun's hand. The latter found Jongin's actions cute and his smile immediately got brighter.

When Jongin spoke, despite all of the noises in the room, it felt like everything went in slow motion and Jongin's voice was all that he could hear. It was strange.. really strange. He has never felt like this with anyone before. 

So, Kim Jongin was his name..


No one knows how many minutes or hours have passed until all of them finally agreed on one thing that seemed to be fair for both sides, they will only accept Kim Jongin as the group's main dancer if they will get impressed by his performance which was scheduled the following week.

One by one, with furrowed brows and stressed faces, everyone left the Student Council's room leaving the three who were really a part of the Student Council.

"I'm glad that you're agreeing on this, Baekhyun." Suho expressed his relief.

"I honestly don't mind. Besides, I think Jongin dances really well!" Baekhyun beamed.

Kyungsoo, who was starting to pack his things, stared at Baekhyun for a moment and saw that familiar spark on his eyes. A smile appeared on his heart-shaped lips. Did he finally found someone to share his lifetime with?

Baekhyun ignored Kyungsoo's weird stare and approached Suho instead to have a serious talk with him. "Hyung, can't we really do anything about it though?"

"About what?" Suho asked, confused.

"Those idiots are pressuring Jongin so much and the poor boy was trembling earlier!" Baekhyun said worriedly.

"That will be just for now, Baek. Our friends might be idiots but they all have kind hearts." Suho spoke like a wise man.

"So how did you know the boy? I mean, he's a new student right?" Baekhyun asked out of nowhere.

"I accidentally saw him dancing in one of the practice rooms. Wait, why are you so interested in Jongin, huh? Don't tell me that you like him?" Suho asked with a mischievous grin.

Baekhyun immediately blushed and looked away. "T-that's not it! I was just curious.. if.. h-he really dances well.." 

It was a lame reason and even Kyungsoo, who was just listening to their conversation quietly, knows that it was a lie. Baekhyun is a very transparent person and everyone could read him like an open book.

Suho chuckled slightly, "Well, I'm afraid I can't help you with that because that will be for you to find out."

Baekhyun felt severely wronged and annoyed. He was about to whine like a kid when Kyungsoo called their attention saying that he's going home. Of course, being the gentleman that he is, Suho immediately stood up from his chair and offered Kyungsoo a ride home leaving Baekhyun staring at their lovey dovey in disbelief.

"And those two are saying that they are not dating? Who are they kidding? If they act like that, even an innocent kid would know that they're in a relationship!" He mumbled to himself before deciding that he should just go home too.

Everything that has happened so far greatly confused him. What's happening to him? Why does he care so much for a boy who's a complete stranger?

He drowned on all of his questions that night. He needs his sleep, he wants to sleep, but his plea wasn't heard. It was another sleepless night for him.



"Yo! Wassup! Why are you like a walking corpse there, Baek?" a very energetic voice greeted Baekhyun as soon as he entered his classroom and sat on his usual seat. It turned out that it was Chanyeol who was very hyper that morning.

"Boo hoo! Someone wasn't able to sleep last night! How dare you watch those Rated M videos without me!" Jongdae teased.

Baekhyun grimaced. He was not in the mood to troll with them. "Please, not now. Go annoy Kyungsoo instead or something."

"No. Go away." Kyungsoo said firmly upon hearing his words. He was reading his favorite manga, Prince of Tennis, and there's no way he'd let those trolls ruin his little haven.

Baekhyun couldn't even give a though. He wanted to sleep so badly and so that was what he did. A few hours later, he woke up from Kyungsoo's voice saying that it was already lunch.

"It's lunch already? Woah, that was fast!" he exclaimed while stretching his arms. They're on their way to the cafeteria to meet with the others.

"You were sleeping the whole period, idiot." Kyungsoo scolded like a mother.

"Heh, you were sleeping so soundly too. I thought you're sleeping beauty." Jongdae joked which earned a sarcastic laugh from Baekhyun.

It was so noisy in the hallway even though it was only the four of them. That's exactly the reason why Kyungsoo hates being with them because he thinks that he won't be able to handle the shame that they will bring to him.

Still in a bad mood, Baekhyun was in the middle of arguing with Jongdae when he saw a familiar figure heading towards the practice rooms. His legs stopped moving and his eyes followed the figure, immediately realizing who that person was.

"Hey guys, go to the cafeteria first. I forgot something!" he said as he handed his own lunchbox to the confused Kyungsoo. He just made another lame excuse and without waiting for their responses, he quickly ran to the practice rooms to catch up to that person.

There were only a few students on that part of the building because it was already lunch time so he easily found the person that he was looking for. It was so obvious because the quiet hallway was filled with music coming from a certain practice room.

Jongin's moves were smooth and perfect. He was just wearing a plain white shirt and black pants but he still looked like a y beast. Baekhyun watched the younger boy with awe. He didn't expect the boy to have such an overflowing charisma. It looked really.. y.

Baekhyun was really enjoying watching Jongin's mini performance but as soon as the younger boy noticed his presence, he stopped dancing and stood there awkwardly while looking at him.

"Uh, hi?" Baekhyun awkwardly greeted. "I was just passing by when I heard music coming from here so I thought I should check it out." he lied.

Jongin just gave him a small nod and bowed slightly before picking up his bag from the corner of the room and made his way to the door, passing through Baekhyun like a cold gush of wind.

"Jongin.." the older boy called softly which made the younger stop in his tracks. "That was so beautiful.."

Author's Note: So, uhm hi. I'm back again~ I don't have much to say.. just my thanks for all of your support! Thank you for subscribing and leaving your comments! Please don't hesitate to tell me what you think of this fic, thank you!

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Chapter 5: Update soon author nim~~~~~
Chapter 5: *sighs*
Galaxies88 #3
Chapter 5: UPDATE SOON ~~~
please don't be late .. hurry up . *someoneherecan'twait* XD
Chapter 5: yuhuuuuuuuuuuu..... i love a y ing XDDD so much
Chapter 5: the kyungmyeon oh!!!
Chapter 5: U updated...*throwsconfetti*
Thank u so much author nim....:)
Jongin is opening up...n the eleven of them will be able to break the walls he has built up around his heart fr sure....❤ :D
Chapter 4: Update soon plz..:)
Chapter 4: it's sad... but i like it... please update soon.. i'll be waiting...
ourLoveStory #9
Chapter 4: Such a beautiful chapter! I really like how you described their friendship and strong bond!
I'll be waiting for your next update! ^^~
Chapter 4: Awwwww! They're so kind! /shed tears/ And I really hope that the boy Kai fell in love with in the past is Baekhyun. That would be so cool. *A*