003: Walls

"That was so beautiful.."

Upon hearing those words, Jongin slowly looked back at the older boy who stood there with a warm smile. He felt a fluttering feeling on his stomach which confused him a lot. He was often praised for his dancing skills, it was not new to him, but when it came from the boy standing across him, it felt different.

It was already too late when Baekhyun realized what he just said. It's not like he doesn't mean it but it was just too embarrassing to say it right away. Hoping to change the topic and lighten up the awkward atmosphere, he decided to invite Jongin to eat lunch with him.

They were about to go to Baekhyun and his friends' usual table in the cafeteria but Jongin didn't want to. He can't blame the poor boy though, he probably thinks that those idiots hate him.

After settling on a very cozy and relaxing spot in the school's garden, Baekhyun realized that he had just made a really big mistake. He was supposed to eat with his friends so he asked Kyungsoo to bring his lunchbox earlier.

"S-sunbaenim, is there a problem?" Jongin asked. 

Baekhyun almost chuckled at the way Jongin stuttered but he has no time for that now, "Well uh, you see, I left my lunchbox with my friends earlier and I have to get it--"

"Wait, uhmm, we can just share with my lunchbox, sunbaenim.." the younger boy offered shyly. 

Jongin doesn't know what has gotten in to him. The older boy looked surprised at his sudden offer and he immediately regretted what he has done. He was expecting Baekhyun to give him a weird look but instead, the other boy smiled warmly before saying, "But are you sure you won't really mind? You looked really uncomfortable.."

Baekhyun's statement made him come back to his senses and he quickly handed his lunchbox to the other boy. The older happily opened the lunchbox and was greeted by the delicious foods inside. His eyes grew wide and he began to dig in almost immediately. 

A few minutes have passed and the lunchbox that was overflowing with food earlier was now empty, without even a single trace of a grain of rice or something. Jongin got only a few bites because Baekhyun devoured it all like a pig.

Baekhyun looked satisfied and even though Jongin already knows what will be the older's answer, he still asked anyway, "How was it, sunbaenim?"

"Mhmm~ It was so good, Jongin! And c'mon, can't we drop the formalities now? Just call me hyung, okay?" Baekhyun said while still having that satisfied smile on his face.

"Ah, o-okay then, h-hyung.." Jongin hesitated.

"There, that's better!" Baekhyun said as he patted Jongin's head like a little child which earned a pout from the younger.

Baekhyun felt that strange feeling again. The boy sitting across him was so adorable, even more adorable than Kyungsoo does. This feeling wasn't something he already felt before.

Whatever that feeling was, he'll probably know it soon. He's sure of one thing though, he's happy. He doesn't even know the reason why, he's just happy and he knew that younger boy beside him was feeling the same as well.

"Hey, Jongin, you should definitely smile more! You know, you'll have so many admirers if you do!" Baekhyun complimented Jongin's blinding smile out of nowhere.

Jongin just sighed, "I don't need more of those admirers, hyung. I had to throw tons of letters this morning.."

"What?! You threw them? Without even reading them?" Baekhyun asked, bewildered. He's quite popular too so he knows the feeling but this young boy beside him was just too heartless.

"Uh, yeah?" Jongin answered hesitantly. Baekhyun looked at him like he just murdered someone. "Hyung, why do you look at me like I just made a serious crime?"

"You did!" Baekhyun said a bit louder. "Those letters were made from the bottom of your admirers' heart! You could've at least kept them or something!"

"You keep yours, hyung?" Jongin asked, amazed at the older.

"Of course!" Baekhyun said proudly. "And, I read them every night before I sleep!"

Jongin wasn't able to stop himself from laughing out loud because of Baekhyun's stupidness. They laughed together and clapped like retarded seals. 

It was the magic that only the Byun Baekhyun of Seoul National Highschool can do. He can make anyone laugh, even the most quiet people becomes noisy when they're next to him.

Jongin can't deny the fact that he enjoyed the older boy's company but even though they have gotten closer, there's still this invisible wall that separates them. The wall that Baekhyun wants to break.

"But kidding aside," Baekhyun started as he fixed himself, "If there's anything that bothers you feel free to talk to me, okay?"

He waited for the younger boy's reaction but the boy's face was already void of emotions. Even the smile that he liked so much earlier was not on there anymore.

"Uh, like if my idiots friends bothered you or family problems or maybe.. if you're just feeling lonely.." he continued, hoping to get a reaction from the boy.

When Baekhyun mentioned those things, Jongin's aura darkened and he unconciously clenched his fist.

Baekhyun knew there was a problem and there's no way he'd let this poor boy go through it alone. 

"What's the matter? Jongin, are you alright?" he whispered with a low but caring voice while trying his best to loosen the boy's fist.

Upon hearing those words, Jongin snapped out of his trance. He looked at the older boy's face which he regretted immediately. He suddenly felt like an angel was looking at him, waiting patiently for him to tell all of his worries and problems but he can't.

He slapped the older boy's hands away on instinct and stood up from the bench that they were sitting on. Baekhyun's hurt expression made him regret what he just did but there was no turning back anymore.

He can't let the older boy into his world. He won't let himself suffer the same pain again. For a moment, the walls that he created almost shattered but there's no way he'd let that happen again.

"I-I'm okay. Please don't mind me.. I'm sorry.." 



That's it. Baekhyun thought that they have already gotten closer but with just a few words from Jongin, everything was back to where they started. Strangers.. they're back to being strangers again and he hated it.

He wants to talk to Jongin but the boy kept on avoiding him. He's nowhere to be found during lunch time, he's not practicing in the practice rooms anymore, and during classes, he's studying very hard that he was just ignoring everybody.

This bothered Baekhyun very much. He wanted to help Jongin but what can he do when the boy completely shutted him out of his world?



Days have passed without Baekhyun noticing it. He was too bothered by what happened between him and the mysterious boy. What's worst was that he was keeping all of it, not wanting his friends to be worried too.

No matter how much he wanted to tell them but he simply can't.


After what seemed like forever for Baekhyun who was always spacing out, the classes have finally ended. It was that day, the day of Jongin's performance that would determine if they would accept him or not.

"Hyung, you seem so out of it lately? Are you sure you still want to stay and watch? If you're sick--" Chanyeol started but was interrupted by Baekhyun.

"No, no! I'm fine! I was just.. thinking of something.."

"I wonder though.. have you been really with us these past few days? You're there but at the same time, you're not." Kyungsoo said sadly which was not heard by the older boy because he got distracted when he saw the practice room just a few steps away from them.

"Oh, you guys are here!" Suho greeted but it seemed to them like it was just only for Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun doesn't have the energy to greet them back or notice Suho's favoritism so he just sat on the far corner of the practice room, carrying an imaginary dark rainy cloud above his head.

His friends may be idiots but they're not that dumb to not notice Baekhyun's gloomy aura. It was as if he was carrying the problem of the whole world on his back.

Suho, Baekhyun's closest friend, was about to approach him but he was stopped by Kyungsoo. "Just let him be for a while. I'm sure he'll tell us when he's ready."

After a few seconds of hesitating, Suho just followed Kyungsoo's advice and gathered everyone instead of approaching Baekhyun. They discussed things that would be necessary for the school club that they're trying to make.

An hour already passed but the boy that should be showcasing his talent was still not there.

"Is he kidding us? No one has ever made the almighty Tao wait before!" Tao whined like .

"Hyung is that boy for real? If he doesn't want to do it, then fine. Let's just go find some real instructor." Sehun suggested.

Everyone was getting annoyed and Suho can't control their whines anymore. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was waiting patiently for the boy.

"He will come." he announced firmly.

"What? How can you be--"

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the door being opened, revealing a panting boy who was almost drowning from his sweat. "I-I'm sorry for being late.."

Author's Note: Happy Valentines Day everyone! So yesterday, EXO's Showtime has officially ended and this have caused many of us to be sad but on the bright side, there was a Kaibaek moment! Omfg, I couldn't contain my feels yesterday! Anyway, I'm thankful for your positive comments and I'll always try my best to improve for everyone! Thank you so much! See you on the next chapter!

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Chapter 5: Update soon author nim~~~~~
Chapter 5: *sighs*
Galaxies88 #3
Chapter 5: UPDATE SOON ~~~
please don't be late .. hurry up . *someoneherecan'twait* XD
Chapter 5: yuhuuuuuuuuuuu..... i love a y ing XDDD so much
Chapter 5: the kyungmyeon oh!!!
Chapter 5: U updated...*throwsconfetti*
Thank u so much author nim....:)
Jongin is opening up...n the eleven of them will be able to break the walls he has built up around his heart fr sure....❤ :D
Chapter 4: Update soon plz..:)
Chapter 4: it's sad... but i like it... please update soon.. i'll be waiting...
ourLoveStory #9
Chapter 4: Such a beautiful chapter! I really like how you described their friendship and strong bond!
I'll be waiting for your next update! ^^~
Chapter 4: Awwwww! They're so kind! /shed tears/ And I really hope that the boy Kai fell in love with in the past is Baekhyun. That would be so cool. *A*