
             Shoko's mom rushed to the hospital at first notice. It was only the next day did Shoko regain consciousness. She looked around aimlessly and expressionlessly.

              Life seemed to be out of her. She had nothing left. Those that she held dear were either lost or just an illusion. To think that I was the happiest girl in the world to accept his love....Shoko laughed. She had once forgotten the pain that Gikwang left her, just for happiness, but even the happiness dumped her. Pain was inevitable, it was her companion throughout life......

             "Shoko?" Shoko's mom asked worriedly when she saw Shoko regaining consciousness and laughing to herself.

              She didn't answer. She was afraid that as soon as she speaks, she would give in to her sorrow. What was there to worry her mom when she had not learnt the previous lesson?

               "Shoko? Are you alright? Do you feel okay? Doctor~ She has woken up!!!" Shoko's mom clutched Shoko's hand tightly, frightened that Shoko might lose her sanity anytime. 

              The doctor rushed in. It was Gikwang. As the familiar face seared into Shoko's vision, she stared but went back into her trance. Gikwang stood rooted to the ground. He never thought he would have the chance to bump into her again. The innocent girl whom he had hurt so much, was right in front of him. Gikwang strode over to Shoko.

                "How are you feeling?" Gikwang probed.

                No answer.

                "WAIT!!!!! Aren't you that stupid 小屁孩 that broke our princess' heart and brain and body and..and..and.." Shoko's mom ran out of words.

                "Auntie...i'm very sorry for that cause. For now, would you excuse us for a while?" Gikwang pleaded.

                Shoko's mom couldn't say no to his cute little plea. When only Gikwang and Shoko was left alone in the ward, he spoke.

                " i the cause of your pain? I am sor..."Gikwang held her hand.

                Shoko flicked his hand off.

                "Why? Are you trying to laugh at me? And that now you canbe successful as a doctor without me? FYI, you are NOT the cause! You are not fit to be!" Shoko's limit exploded as her misery, hurt of betrayal came rushing through her.

* What will Gikwang do? What will happen to Shoko? Is Taecyeon ever coming back? Next chapter coming soon! ;)

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Wow !!!!! Nice
taecyeonobsessed #2
aww, the ending so mushy, i like~ (Y) :D
TghooshY #3
:P thanks gal
wheee hee yayyy update!!!! :D
heyyyyy tzeeee yeeee update yeahs? :DDD must hor!!! and check out my fics ^^ heehee. nice story ^^
TghooshY #6
Thank you! :)
bluemoon #7
nice title ^_^
TghooshY #8
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