" sorry hor... I only made one...didn't expect someone to like this revolting dessert like Shoko...hehe...sorry... I know! Share with Shoko..." Shoko's mom began.

"NO!!!!!! ITS MINE!!!!!!" Shoko snatched the bowl into her  arms.

" I want it too!!!" Taecyeon tried scooping some banana out of the bowl which Shoko had shielded with her arms protectively.

"Why don't you two play a game? Shoko eat at one end and Taecyeon at the other end!" Shoko's mom grinned as a plot brewed in her mind.

" I won't disturb you then! Bye!" As Shoko's mom walked out of the house, Shoko and Taecyeon stared intensely at each other.

Suddenly, Taecyeon took one banana and stuff one end into while he ate the other end. Just as their lips were 2mm apart, Shoko jerked back and smacked his head away.

"Aigoo! Hahahaha! You look so adorable when you are angry and flushed!" Taecyeon laughed heartily while rubbing his forehead.

Then he pinched her cheeks instinctively. Shoko stoned again. This isn't good, she thought that she was already falling into his pit of LOVE.

"Shoko! Let's go school together tomorrow!:) See you!" Taecyeon gently hugged her and quicly went back into his room, to avoid showing the shade of red that was forming on his face.

There was silence in the house. What was left was only the sound of Shoko's thumping heartbeats and heavy gasps of breath.


"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh....What did I just do? I just involuntarily hugged her! What's happening to me?!? And I even requested her to go to schoo, together with me? ARRRRGGGHHHH!!!!! SO EMBARRASSING!!!!" Taecyeon mumbled furiously to himself, not understanding the warm feeling that was coming up from the bottom of his heart.

Shoko walked aimlessly in the kitchen. Was he just flirting? Does he do that to every other girl? Or....does he have feelings for ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! NONONONONO!!! CANNOT BE!!!" Shoko flushed a darker red as she thought of that possibility. But deep down in her heart, she felt a tinge of sweetness.

(Next day...)

"Knock Knock. Are you ready for school? I brought sandwiches Auntie made for us!"Taecyeon announced as he rapped on the door. But there was no answer. Did she leave without me? Let's see...Taecyeon opened the door. He saw Shoko, in her CUTSEY pyjamas with her long silky hair down, fast asleep on the bed. Walking over to her bed to wake her up, he stopped and observed her defined features. Long eyelashes, smooth hair, fair skin, considerably high nose, rosy lips...lip? Taecyeon fixed his eyes on her lips and immediately shook the thoughts away. What am I looking at? When have I become a ert? But..what a beautiful creature she is......wearing such a cute expression while sleeping. She looks so innocent that I feel like protecting her...Taecyeon thought. He reluctantly awoke her. Shoko opened a tiny slit of her eyes. When she saw his face, she shrieked and threw pillows at him. Surprised, Taecyeon screamed too!

"You Brat! What are you doing in my room????!!!!!!??????" Shoko hid under the blanket.

" was just is time for school..." Taecyeon whispered.

" WHAT??!???" Shoko looked at her clock, jumped out of her bed and rushed into the toilet, without caring about her appearance. All the while, Taecyeon stood at a corner, watching her run here and there with interest. When she finally finished, he grabbed her hand and ran to school.

(On the way)

"'t...go...on....any..anymore..." Shoko panted heavily as she dropped to the ground...

"Okok! still have 15 minutes...Oh ya! Your sandwich! :)" he handed her breakfast into her hands.

" Thanks!" Shoko wolfed down her food.

"Shoko...will you be my girlfriend?" Taecyeon asked abrptly. Shoko stopped munching and looked straight into his eyes.

She felt her soul mingling. She couldn't forget that painful name, but with Taecyeon, it only felt like a memory, not a nightmare..

"Ok." Shoko answered without thinking.

"Ok? Really? YAY! Shoko is my girlfriend now!!! Hurrah! Put your hands up! Put your hands up! Shoko, you must obey a few rules:

- Only say 'i love you' to me

- Only talk to girls no guys except me

- Only confide in me.........." he listed many rules till shoko was almost buried under the burden of remembering and abiding by them. They were so distracted that they did not realise many camera flashes behind a wall nearby... 

Who was it behind the wall? What did he/she want? Read on! :)

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Wow !!!!! Nice
taecyeonobsessed #2
aww, the ending so mushy, i like~ (Y) :D
TghooshY #3
:P thanks gal
wheee hee yayyy update!!!! :D
heyyyyy tzeeee yeeee update yeahs? :DDD must hor!!! and check out my fics ^^ heehee. nice story ^^
TghooshY #6
Thank you! :)
bluemoon #7
nice title ^_^
TghooshY #8
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