Couple Then Couple Now?




I could finally hug her again, cuddle with her and talk to her. I have truly loved her for 11 years and I will keep on loving her. 

"She was laying on my lap as I took my fingers through her hair. She was relaxing and smiling to the sky.  I was sitting on the gras beside school and we looked up at the sky, the sun was right above us and you could hear the bird singing. Maybe you think it is going really fast,but me and her new we love each other, so why waiting? "Oppa?" She asked curious. "Neh? Yeobo?" She giggle at the nickname I called and then asked me ." Why did you come back." Just then my smile faded slowly. She sat up and looked at me worried. "Something wrong?" I shake my head as I replied " I..I come because my mom..."I started,she hugged me. "If it's hard don't tell me."She says ,but I feel I had to tell her. "You must know, My mom..Had cancer and ..and she is gone so I had to leave to my aunt and then I thought I might findinf you so I was planned already before my mom's death to leave to Seoul." She hugs me tighter around my waist. I hear her whispered "I know, you don't need to say anything." I could feel my tears coming, I tried to hold in. *don't cry, be strong.* Just when Shin Ji let go I smile and she saw my sadness so she kissed my cheek, like at the picture we was taking. She smiled and speaked "Don't cry, okay? " I laugh and ruffled her hair. "I wouldn't" She smiled and patted her lap , sign to lay my head on her lap. She played with my hair as she spoke " You don't have short hair longer. " I giggle. " I know.. I wanted to have it longer. " She chuckle. "Wae?" She shake her head and tried to hold in her laughter. 


Kim Shin Ji POV

He have been more handsome,but sill looked like a girl since he was young. You think it is cute though. "Shouldn't we go to class?" He ask. "Do we have too~" She whine and I nod "Yes we have to!" I got up and helped her up as we walked hand in hand to the class. Many stares and glares was coming but I didn't really cared , but when the famous queenka Lee Minji glared, I got nervous. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This story is getting really bad, I'm not good in making stories -APOLOGIZE-

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