Couple Then Couple Now?




"We will miss you!" My friends told me and some of them jumped on me and hugged me. "Yah! Don't worry, I will text you, and you guys will be coming soon." I laughing. "I DON'T CARE, Our "little brother" is going ! I will of course miss him! OUR MAKNAE!" He jumped at me." Yah! Don't" I pout and he chuckle. "I hope you will find the girl you have been missing and say hey from me to your aunt"  " I definitely find her, I will never give up." I give them the hwaiting sign and the repeat. "Good luck maknae!" We all took our last goodbye. "See you soon in Seoul"I told them and they all nod. I then flew to Korea. Once I was on the airport I got many stares and glances, not in a bad way, but kinda creepy. 

"MY NIECE!" I hear a woman yell and I see a woman , named as my crazy aunt running towards me. I laugh and open my arms. She ran and hugged me tightly. "You have grown so much!" She said proud and I nod while laughing. "Missed me?" She tease and I laugh hugging her again." Yes I have."  We was done hugging and we found our car and begin to drive to my aunt's new house. I looked at my aunt who were focused on the road. "Why you keep staring at me, Are I'm a beautiful aunt. " She joke and I laugh nervously. "Ehm.. I have to ask you something... About my mom- " I got cut off " Don't think about it now, she was ill, it wasn't your fault. She have it better now, don't need to struggle of her illness but peace. "She simple, but could tell she was really sad. I nod and smiled. My mom got cancer when I was 13, I couldn't do anything. 

I put the mind away and we arrvived the house, it was big but not likke a mansion. "Welcome to my paradise and your new home. "She winked and I chuckled. It was beautiful. She had a good taste. "Waa So pretty !" I say when I saw my room. "Right, it is just for you, Good I painted the walls white, before it was pink. " I nodded and smiled. " I hope you will have a great time, don't be messy, you have wardrobe there."She pointed towards a black wardrobe

images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRW6kOg_fkl4_F2AtCHywE Juuuusst had to show you guys what I meant by black wardrobe. :D

I thanked and she walked out. "Dinner ready in 10 minutes." She yells and I fast changed to some comfortable clothes and ran down to the kitchen.It smelled good and see her making spicy chicken (Buldak) with rice. "Mmm it smells good." She nod and we begin to eat.

"Thank you for the food, it tasted delicious ! " "Good to hear, just let the plates be, you can go and unpack your things.

I listening to her and walked to my room and begin to unpack. As I took ut my family album I see the picture, the most special picture for me. I took it up and see the girl and me, she was kissing my cheek. *I will find you Kim Shin Ji, and when I do I will never leave your side, I promise.* 


You now may know who this "uknown" person is ;D haha It is obvious lol

I hope you like the story so far.. It haven't even begin the fun, but yeeass ^^

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