Fateful Encounter

Khuntoria 2

Victoria Song

Krystal have offically been missing for 2 days straight, and Victoria unable to forget about her best friend's dissappearance worriedly searched every area that Krystal would usually be in. Victoria tried the regular froyo bar her best friend went to, the department store where they both used to try on clothes together and give fashion advice, even the supermarket where they would shop for groceries together. Today she was going to try the midnight drinking bar where she and her best friend usually go to as a place to chat and talk. Victoria walked up the usual late night road leading to the drinking area, looking left and right for the right shop, when suddenly a figure blocked her path. Gee, it was Brian Lee Kwong Mi his brother Lee Kwong Ha and his usual drinking buddies: Hector, Dillian and Dexter. 

"Oh look who it is...the fiesstttyy girl." Lee Kwong Ha said.

"Aren't we lucky today? To have this pretty little girl to play with us today." Brian said, her face, only to be pushed away at by Victoria.

"Don't use your filthy hands to touch me." she said.

"Oh really? Well its 5 against 1, who do you think would win?" Brian said, attempting to her face again.

Victoria took a step back just in time to avoid Brian's hands touching her delicate face.

"You can't run, you made the wrong decision turning into the midnight street tonight. Didn't ya?" said Dexter.

"Yeah well what are you going to do huh?" she said.

"Well maybe you'll get the change to experience soon" smirked Hector.

"Wow we got ourselves a good catch today!" said Dillian.

And before she knew it, they surrounded her. Brian had his hand around Victoria's mouth, making sure that she won't be able to scream but just a little gap to let her breath. Dillian and Hector had launched themselves at Victoria's legs, hoisting them up with weak drunk strength. The smell of alchohol was reeking and it made Victoria want to puke on them one by one. Lee Kwong Ha (Brian's brother) was following her, staggering and smiling at the same time as they carried Victoria to the alleyway.

Nickhun Horvejkul

Nickhun was planning to go on a guy's nights out to celebrate his new found freedom as a single man with his 2pm members, Junho, Chansung, Junsu, Taecyeon, and Wooyoung. Most of the 2pm members look up to his playboy ness and his player personality and follows in his wrong footsteps, so they mostly agreed on Nickhun breaking each and every girl's heart. 

"I still can't believe you broke up with that girl...I mean she was so hot." said Taecyeon.

"You can have her, I've had enough of her, all that clinginess..." said Nickhun.

"Dude, maybe you should think about not being such a player? I mean breaking these girl's hearts...thats bad." said Junho.

"Awwww come on...don't be such a wussy Junho. Who cares, its easy enough for us to get girls so why not satisfy our pleasure?" said Chansung.

Most of the 2pm members, Taecyeon, Chansung, Junsu and Wooyoung agreed on what Nickhun did to every girl, break their hearts. But in the group, one member Junho disagreed with Nickhun's impeccable actions. He thought that each girl should be treated equally, even if the members were famous.

"But seriously you should have at least apoligized or something." said Junho

"Well she slapped me so thats that, if she slaps then no apology." said Nickhun.

"Maybe you should have gotten one last kiss before she left huh?" Wooyoung winked and Nickhun.

"Yeah i guess...to bad I didn't though, ah well do you boys want to go to the club downtown tonight just to pick up some girls?" said Nickhun.

"Sure man! I need a girl, I'm getting jealous everytime seeing you with a different one everyday." said Chansung.

"Huh. Maybe you should fix that eating habits of your's first." said Wooyoung.

"Nah, girls only like rappers like me. And dude have you seen my six packs? They got big!" said Taecyeon.

"Are you serious? I'm more the main singer in 2pm, most girls look up to ME." said Junsu.

"Hello? I'm the one with the girls all the time here...Lets have a competition then, whoever manages to get the most dates at the club tonight would win!" said Nickhun.

"Sounds interesting." said Wooyoung.

"Don't worry, I'll get my tank ready so I could rip off my shirt anytime!" said Taecyeon.

And with that , they set off to the regular club they go to. Arriving at around 12:15 or so, they jump out of each of their shiny new cars. 

"Ready to party kids?" said Nickhun.

"Dude whats going on!?" said Junho.

Junho had just witnessed a girl being carried away, the girl was Victoria, she was yelling and screaming and scratching but the drunk boys paid no attention. They wanted to get what they want.

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haha the conversations between the members is so funny ^-^ please continue! and your writing skills are great! ♥<br />
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chu~~ ♥
nickhun how could you?! the 2pm boys are mean! they are no better than brian and hisi buddies. Luckily, my bias is the nice one. Go Junho!
please continue!!