A Stranger's Home

Khuntoria 2

Victoria Song

Slowly, Victoria regained unconsciousness, she had been knocked out by the foul smell of the alcohol Brian Lee Kwong Mi had smothered her face with. She only just remembered that once ago she was in the alleyway, about to be by the regular drunk boys at her high school. She felt around her body to see if she still had any clothes on, but instead felt a white soft blanket and pyjamas dressed on her. Very very slowly, she opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a room, everything was white, the furniture, the bed, even the curtains! Bedazzles by the sudden contrast from the night light, she quickly sat up. And then she heard the door open.

"Hey Hey Hey! You're awake" shouted an unknown voice.

What appeared to be Taecyeon from 2pm walked through the door, then Chansung, Wooyoung, Junho, Junsu, and Nickhun. All of the 2pm members walked through as well, crowding around her bed. 

She stared at each and every one of them, dazed and still wondering how the hell she got there.

"Well looks like the alcohol ain't wearing off yet." said Junsu.

"Listen, are you alright? Those s back there kind of gave you a hassle." said Junho.

"Who are you?" said Victoria.

"WOAH you don't know us? The coolest hottest boyband ever? 2pm?" said Wooyoung.

"I know who you are, but why did you save me?" said Victoria.

"Maybe I find you attracting." said Nickhun.

"Maybe I don't." said Victoria.

"OHHHH she's hard to get man." said Junsu.

"Aww come onnn, were 2pm! Who doesn't like us. And you are a pretty thang young lady, would you like to have a date with me sometime maybe?" said Nickhun, stretching out his hand and gently Victoria's face.

Nickhun Horvejkul

Too Nickhun, no other girl has ever satisified his selfish pleasures, but Victoria was different. He somehow felt attracted to her in a way, maybe because of her gentleness, how pretty she is, and how well she sang at the audition tape she heard. Before he knew it, he was already caring for the girl like how he cared for his family. However just as Nickhun was about to her delicate face, Victoria hit it away.

"Don't touch me." Victoria said.

"Woah...okay okay chill." said Nickhun.

Somehow Nickhun felt a great weight and dissapointment in his heart, he felt that Victoria would have fallen in love with him straight away. Most of the 2pm members were feeling very weak as Victoria didn't prove to be an easy girl target.

"Listen I think we heard of you before, you're auditioning for f(x) right?" said Chansung.

"Thats kinda none of your business" said Victoria.

"Well it kinda is since were on the same company if you do get picked." said Taecyeon.

"That's unlikely. Who knows maybe I would maybe I won't, Oh and listen here. I appreciate for you saving me but i think I could have handled this one myself." said Victoria.

"Oh really? You were just about to get in an alleyway, if we didn't come to save you no one would have!" said Nickhun.

"Well thanks for your great care but no thanks. And I would appreciate it if you give me my clothes back, I'm hoping you guys weren't the ones that changed me." said Victoria.

"Well it wouldn't have made much difference since you're t-shirt was almost off when we got there." said Junsu before getting slapped in the stomach by Junho.

"No Nin changed you, she's my sister" said Nickhun.

"Then can I have my clothes back?" asked Victoria.

"Woah woah whats the rush? I mean you could stay here longer, this room is avaliable anytime!" said Nickhun

"I have a family to go back home too...unlike you playboys." said Victoria in disgust.

"Woah why so much hate?" said Wooyoung.

"Your reputation for playing with girls is pretty obvious in the news circle, I don't think I would like being played around my jerks like you either." said Victoria.

"Maybe you should just relax a little, or maybe I should sing you a song?" said Nickhun, reaching out once again to put his hand on top of hers. But Victoria managed to slip her hand away just in time.

"I said no thanks. And if you could please show me the exit please." said Victoria.

With that, Victoria stood up, pushing her way through the 2pm members until she got to the door all the 2pm members entered through,  picking up her clothes that were actually hung by the door, she exited.

"Dude that girl is such a waste! We could have gotten so much out of her!" said Taecyeon.

"I don't know...I don't want to give up on this girl." said Nickhun.

"Woah, that's a change...what happened to the playboy Mr. Nickhun huh?" teased Junho.

"None of your business." said Nickhun.

"Woah man you're even starting to sound like her!" shouted Taecyeon.

Nickhun had felt a tingle, feeling that he should have saved her first, he should have been the one that carried her and gently placed her on the bed, not Junho. He should have saved her first and noticed her being carried into the alleyway, he should have taken better care of her. And he would, sooner or later.

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haha the conversations between the members is so funny ^-^ please continue! and your writing skills are great! ♥<br />
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chu~~ ♥
nickhun how could you?! the 2pm boys are mean! they are no better than brian and hisi buddies. Luckily, my bias is the nice one. Go Junho!
please continue!!