
Acquaintances Turned Lovers

As Yunho and Junsu were done with their classes, they decided to hang out first at the park.
Junsu held Yunho's hands, "Yunnie. I don't want to go home yet, I don't want to see Yoochun. I hate him. Why did he have to come back?"
"Then tell him you don't want him anymore." Yunho answered.
"Yunho-yah.. do you think that would be easy for me? I don't want Yoochun to hurt so much because of me.."
"He'll be more hurt if he thinks that you still love him but the truth is that you don't anymore."
Yunho sighed and he added, "Don't keep him hopeful, Su. Just tell him all your feelings, all your sufferings when he was away. Uhm, if you want I'll go with you---"
"No, don't. Please Yunnie.."
"Actually... Jaejoong----"
"Hm? What?"
"He..... came back this morning too."
Junsu was shocked, "R----- really?! H--- how... how they can be back at the same time? Could they met-- aish whatever I guess it's impossible."
"Yeah, he came back. Don't worry, I didn't say anything yet about our relationship. I won't allow him to hurt you, I'll protect you."
The serious atmosphere was gone when Junsu blushed, obviously flattered at Yunho's 3 last words.
Yunho suddenly laughed at Junsu's actions.
"You are the cutest when you blush." Yunho commented with a cheeky smile.
"Psh. You still have the guts to be cheesy despite of our problem." Junsu rolled his eyes cutely, a sign of joking. Then he smiled back.
"Let's go home, Su. I will go with you-----"
Ring ring. Yunho stopped talking when he felt his phone vibrates. Someone is calling. He hesitates to answer the call as he saw that it was an unknown number.
"Why don't you answer the call? It might be an important one." Junsu asked. The phone just keep on ringing, until Yunho decided to answer it.
"Who's this?"
'You know who is this. Can we talk?'
Yunho have an idea whom the voice belonged to. 'Jaejoong-ah...' he thought.
"There's nothing to talk about, we're done----"
Yunho stopped as he imagine Jaejoong's pleading face. And Junsu was still at Yunho's side, looking at him while he's talking someone at the phone.
Yunho sighed, "Fine. Where are you?"
'I'm.... at a coffee shop, beside Family Mart.'
"Okay. Wait for me there."
Yunho ended the call.
Junsu asked, "Who is that?"
Junsu felt a pang in his heart, 'Why did he called Yunho? What does he want?', he thought. But he erased those negative thoughts from his mind.
"S-so? Will you go there and see him? It's okay then, I'll be fine.. You can meet him, I'll just go home.." Junsu smiled despite the different feeling he's feeling right now. 'No please, don't go.. Stay with me Yunnie..' he thought again.
Yunho sighed. "Yeah, I'll go..."
Junsu tries to hide his disappointment to Yunho's answer by smiling. "Okay then, you can-----"
He stopped speaking when Yunho wrapped his arm around Junsu's waist.
Yunho looked at Junsu with a sincere look, "I'll go with you. I can't leave you alone."
"But Yun--- It's better if--"
Yunho transfer his hold on Junsu's hands, intertwining it with his, "Let's go..."

Jaejoong is just seated while waiting for Yunho at the coffee shop. He saw that man with a familiar figure for him entering the coffee shop. He wasn't sure who he is, but the man's so familiar for him. The man went to Jaejoong's direction and quickly saw him, the man quickly recognized Jaejoong.
"Oh! Jaejoong-sshi! I didn't know that I'm gonna meet you again.." the man greeted.
Jaejoong looked at the man that is familiar for him, "Uh sorry, are you the man at the bar I've talked to? I guess I drank a lot that time so I forgot who you are.."
"It's okay. Yep, my name's Yoochun, if you already forgot.. By the way, what are you doing here? Are you waiting for someone?"
"Yeah, I'm waiting for my ex..." Jaejoong smiled.
"Oh? Really? I see. Excuse me, I'll go first to the bathroom."
Jaejoong just nods and Yoochun walked away.
For a minute after Jaejoong talked to Yoochun, Yunho arrived at the shop. Jaejoong smiled as he saw Yunho coming in his direction.
"Oh, finally you came--", he stopped talking as he saw Yunho's holding someone's hand.
Jaejoong was stunned of the two figures at his front.
"Who is he? Y----your---- boyfriend?!"
"Yeah, and why?" Yunho answered confidently.
Jaejoong stared at the other boy's features. Almost the same height as him, this is the first one he noticed. He has the different kind of beauty, of course for him he's still prettier than him.
Junsu suddenly become shy, more likely becoming scared with the way Jaejoong stared at him.
The three became silent until Junsu just initiated to greet Jaejoong, "Hello--- Nice meeting you, Kim Jaejoong-sshi.. I'm Junsu.. Kim Junsu.." then Junsu slightly bowed. But then Jaejoong just ignored Junsu's formal greeting.
Yunho saw the whole scene, he angrily asked Jaejoong "Hey! How dare you to ignore him? Don't you see he's greeting you nicely?"
Jaejoong didn't answer and chuckled bitterly instead, "So, Jung Yunho... is he the one you've replaced me?!" Jaejoong asked back as he pointed at Junsu.
Much as their surprise, Yoochun came out of the bathroom and went back to Jaejoong. But instead, Yoochun saw the 3 men talking. He quickly recognized Junsu, he clenched his fist as he saw his loved one is holding other's hand, which was Yunho's.
"Junsu-yah?! What are you doing here and--- why are you holding other's hand?!" Yoochun asked, trying to control both his anger and sadness.
Yoochun added and raised his voice, "I-- I cannot believe Junsu... How you could do this to me?!"
"Ah... so, Junsu-sshi, you are Yoochun-sshi's legal boyfriend? Ah.. what a small world it is then! Isn't it amazing Yunho-yah?" Jaejoong said sarcastically, like an evil stepmother in a movie.
Yunho was hurt at Jaejoong's statement, but he just hide it for Junsu.
"Let's talk outside instead, I'm not comfortable with this place." Yunho said.
"Interesting." Jaejoong smirked and stood up from his seat.
The four went out of the coffee shop and their footsteps took them to the park. Children's playground to be exact.
Jaejoong started, "So, Yunho-yah.. Is he really your new boyfriend?!"
"W---what did you just asked Jaejoong-sshi?!" Yoochun was surprised at the sudden revelation.
"How many times did I answered your question Jaejoong-ah? Did I already answered it?" Yunho said, obviously frustrated.
After he finished his sentence, he pulled Junsu closed enough for him to be kissed. Yunho kissed Junsu lightly on the lips. Junsu just let Yunho kiss him, not a hot-wetted kiss, then Yunho pulled away.
"Isn't that clear for you two?! I guess you two now know how much we got hurt for not understanding us and for leaving us. Now excuse us, we need to go home."
Yunho pulled Junsu walked away from the scene. Leaving the two left men.
Yoochun clenched his fist more for what Yunho did to his one and only love. He wants to cry, totally. But he just kept his feelings and just realized that maybe this all was his fault.
For Jaejoong, he still can't accept everything. He is obviously hurt. He was suppose to call back Yunho, but Yunho walked away fast enough.

When the two walked far away enough from the playground, Junsu suddenly stopped walking that made Yunho stopped walking too.
Yunho looked at the now worried Junsu. "Hm? Junsu-yah, what's wrong? Are you----"
Junsu quickly back hugged Yunho, "Yunho-yah... I'm worried."
"Uh? What do you mean, Su?"
"Yunho-yah... don't leave me, please..."
Yunho pulled away from Junsu's hug, he turned around and cupped Junsu's face, "What are you talking about? I'll never leave you, I promise." then Yunho kissed Junsu's forehead.
"Don't worry about them, Junsu-yah. They'll never separate us and I will always be here for you, hm?"
Junsu's tears suddenly fell, "Thank you Yunho-yah..."
Yunho wiped Junsu's tears by carressing Junsu's cheeks, "Aww, you're crying again? How many times did I tell you don't cry in front of me? Hm?"
Junsu chuckled as he wiped his tears, "Sorry Yun.. I just cried because of happiness", Junsu smiled and held Yunho's hand. As Yunho felt that Junsu touched his hand, Yunho kissed Junsu's back part of his hand.
"Okay, those were enough for today, hm? Now let's go home. Oh gosh I need to review for my quizzes tomorrow! Aish~~"
And the two walked hand-in-hand on their way home.

The two men left on the playground next went to the bar to drink again.
Jaejoong already drunk many shots of soju. And Yoochun drunk too, but not as many as Jaejoong did.
Yoochun just stared at Jaejoong, concerned about of what the other felt at that unforgettable scene.
"Will you just leave Yoochun?! I want to be alone. I deserve to be alone!!"
"I know what you feel, Mister. And I guess we should accept the fact that they already left us. It's our fault-----"
"Why?! Do you think it's easy for you to just let your feeling for someone you love for over a year disappear like a bubble?! I still love Yunho! What will I do Yoochun-ah....."
Jaejoong started to cry and added, "I know.. you still love Jun---"
Yoochun interrupted and calmly begged, "Please, stop."
"How I cannot stop, Yoochun?! Well, if you won't go, I'll just go first." Jaejoong stood up and left the bar.

(A/N: hello dears!^^ an update for you all. hihi. this was a very, very, very long update XD worth indeed haha i edited many parts here and this was suppose to be the ending tbvh :3 but it'll turn out bad if i did hehe i decided to extend this story woho anyways, comments and subs are all loved! okay.. see you all again at the next chappie! loveee *heart sign*


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dbsk5Lover #1
Chapter 16: I like this ff ^^~
Hosu.. Hosu.. Hosu ↖(^ω^)↗

Thanks Author-nim <3
Chapter 16: omg so sorry guys D: i am done fixing it..

*kim_rara and kimminah89 try to open it again ><
kim_rara #3
Chapter 16: I can't open the Link....
Chapter 16: I can't open the link
prinsesamaria23 #5
Chapter 15: yay for HoSu! ♥
beautiful st0ry auth0rnim! ^^
kim_rara #6
Chapter 14: Yeeeeyyy....
Hosu finaLLy make up....
Junchan's so cuuuuttteeee....
Chapter 14: awwww.... they finally make up. thank you jejung for your explanation.

authornim, why finish it soon? T.T
Chapter 14: what...almost finish already?????
omo i gonna miss this story
i love how hosu show their love for each other
where's my love making chapter author-min???? :p
i gonna wait for your final update
thank you for creating hosu love story
Love this!!!
Chapter 7: Kisses!! And a bunch of them too!! Whoa!!

Su! You should at least tell uchun thst you gave up on him. That way.. you n yunho are free from the tangled past.
Authornim, I'm sorry. Just read the chapters n leave comment here. Thank you for the sweet story.