You'll beat me with your stupidity

Cheat off of my homework.

Jaejoong was walking down the hall the next day to head always in class when suddenly an arm rested on his shoulders. Kinda curious as to who could be turned and saw a boy. Heechul the fourth year that takes advantage of every spare moment ofJaejoong to be with him . One day he was found under Jaejoong's house as well . What a crazy thing.
" Jaejoong, man, how are you? " Heechul cheerfully greeted Jaejoong.
" Heechul.. fine and you? " Jaejoong increases the speed of his steps to escape him as much as possible .
'Well, do you feel like going out this afternoon ? Could we go to the new center of the video game in town " offers Heechul .
"No I'm sorry I have an appointment," Jaejoong answered quickly and enters the classroom without returning the head to the exit. Heechul in return continues to look at Jaejoong with hope and regret , but in the end hr turns on himself and goes in the opposite direction.
Jaejoong puts his phone in his pocket by unplugging the headphones and getting ready for the new lesson . It's two hours to the end of the day and he could not take any more because of the fatigue.
Yoochun was not in sight and this worried him . Jaejoong was not one hundred percent sure that Yoochun was okay but certainly in case of need would have called him , right? To be honest, with the arrival of Junsu , Jaejoong was not so sure.
Looking inside the classroom and inspecting the faces none resembled that of Yoochun or Junsu . One in particular has caught his attention , but only because at that moment he met his gaze. Perhaps by accident. Or maybe not .

Yunho , from the back of the room was staring at him in return giving no impression of wanting to turn his gaze elsewhere. Jaejoong did it for him , sitting down and looking out the window . Just the feeling of his eyes on him unnerved him, let alone his presence.
At that moment, the laughter of Junsu widespread in the classroom along with that of Yoochun that was hitting Junsu's back with his back flips . Jaejoong wondered why Yoochun has not declared at this point. It was so obvious that he was infatuated with this guy that even a blind man would have realized it. Not to say that he is a good boy, calm and beautiful . But of course, like any male who seeks another male, he is afraid of being rejected , to disgust the other person , and especially to lose the friendship created . In the end , knowing Yoochun , Jaejoong knew that for him was enough to be around to that creature to feel happy .
After a brief greeting and imperceptible touched hands with Junsu, Yoochun latter sat down next to Jaejoong .
" So?" Jaejoong begins . He had painted with a meaningful smile .
"So what?" Yoochun asks looking in front of him , knowing his friend's expression and wanting at all costs not to see it.
"When will you confess ? " Jaejoong asks . Yoochun almost had a and he quicks to close the mouth of Jaejoong with the palm of his hand.
" Are you crazy? Don't say it loud! "
" Sorry, sorry . " But Jaejoong chuckled anyway and this also brought a smile to Yoochun . A smile that just the thought of Junsu could bring .
"You rather.. "

" What about me ? " Jaejoong asked curious .
"You see not to start a fight . For once, can a day end without your and the prince of the bathroom quarrel? I've had enough of you , I swear." he confessed.
Jaejoong remains silent and sends a quick glance towards Yunho . The last was flirting with the girls, not in the least calculating him and he was smiling . He was normal now . Not the usual that came out when the curtain fell . Maybe Jaejoong was lost in his thoughts he did not notice the questioning look on Yunho 's face when he noticed that Jaejoong stared at him for the second time today. But Jaejoong looked away with dreamy eyes .
" Class , sit down, I have an announcement to make ," says the professor VoldeMin taking place on the chair .
" As you know, next week I will have a seminar , which will take me to be absent for the entire duration of the courses. I know that you would prefer not to have homework and rest but I can not let your soul free unattended for too long. "
A collective groan outlet in the classroom.
"Silence. We will assign the work to be done. I'll Give you the topics and you have to search information and then introduce me with a paper your work on the first day of school when I am available . "
" What kind of work professor ? " asks Maya, a little girl, a whisper-quiet .
"It will be a work on" The Picture of Dorian Grey . " That nice book that you had to read for the holidays. "
Lots of heads were turning to meet other pairs of eyes empty . Including that of Yunho . Jaejoong puffed up and smiled mentally. Yunho will never read the book in one week and be able to do the work assigned .
"The work you do will be in pairs. It will be you to choose your partner ," announced the professor.
Jaejoong knew that even if he wanted to be on the team with Yoochun, he wanted to be with Junsu.Yunho would have asked him first, and the latter would not have said no. He never says no. Consequently Yoochun finds himself paired with Jaejoong . Not that he was sad for God's sake, but love is love.
"Write your name on a sheet of paper and then fold it in two. When you did it, you bring it to me. "
So it would have been a draw. The teacher will pair two people randomly. At the end of the hustle and bustle all pupils passed the white sheets to the teacher who put them in a box specially prepared by mixing and pulled out the names. Can you imagine the surprise and happiness of Yoochun happen to team up with Junsu ? Yes? Yeah, it was huge. But now , can you imagine the horror and hatred to happen in a couple of Jaejoong with Yunho ? Yes? No, wrong . It was even bigger.
"NO!" Jaejoong and Yunho shout in unison . A quick look between the two says a lot about their mood .
"I do not even want to think about working in a team with him, let alone actually do it ! "
" Are you afraid of becoming smarter, honey ? " Jaejoong asks a little offended.
" You wish. "

" You'd do a favor only to you, and anyway I do not want to stoop to your level to do this job ! "
" Why ? Are you afraid that you'll be beat on this subject? " Yunho says, chuckling .
" I hope you're kidding. The only thing I fear is starting to argue with you over a stupid argument! I would lose just because you have more experience in this field ," Jaejoong says as a matter of fact.
" What did you say ? " Yunho did not understand what he was saying and the latter rolls his eyes and sling into the chair angry.
"Repeat what you said toad ! "
" Yunho before coming to school wash your ears or should I say: supply some neurons? The train has passed and for sure it will not wait for you! "
"Guys stop it otherwise you peck more work " warned professor VoldeMin .
Neither man opened their mouth, more precisely because they know that the punishments of VoldeMin are not easy to accomplish.
" And these are the couples. I recommend you to do this job well because I rate it at the end of the year. Who does not deliver it takes 2 and it will not be recoverable . "
With this, the professor begins to do his lesson . Neither Yunho nor Jaejoong looked at themselfs and thus to this day no more bickering .
At the sound of the bell all students moved as fast as possible to get out of school, while four people in the pews were doing everything calmly.
Jaejoong as he replaced his books in the folder listened to the conversation between Junsu and Yoochun . Both were happy to be able to spend more time together and it seems, mostly, to be alone . Too bad you can not say the same thing about Jaejoong and Yunho who in turn tried to ignore and not look at each other. Jaejoong put the earphones in his ears and plays Rising Sun. Now I cry under my skin . Yes, now he was really crying inside him . Why Yunho ? Why that dickhead of Yunho ?
The same thing was asking Yunho to himself, adding curses here and there.
" Jaejoong , shall we go? "Yoochun calls Jaejoong. The last attempt to listen to DBSK with his eyes closed does not hear it, and needed a piece of paper thrown to his head to wake him up . Piece of paper pulled from Yunho .
"You have to stop " Jaejoong warned him .
" Or what? " Yunho asked .
"Just stop. I'm tired of having to argue with you. I'm really tired , give me respite. "
"Yes sir .. " Yunho rolles his eyes .

Yoochun and Junsu out of the gate, other greeting each over for a long time, they were looking into the eyes like two lovebirds . This, which was heartmelted Yunho and Jaejoong at this time made them feel embarrassed , and above all they wanted to go home as soon as possible . While the two pairs were heading their way , neither Yunho nor Jaejoong greeted each other or looked at each other. Neither of them turned around.
"You're in a mess now, you know that? " Yoochun says, chuckling beside Jaejoong .
" Do not remind me , I will go under the ground just at the thought of having to spend even five minutes in his company. "
" Five ? Thought that even seconds were already too long for you"
"Yes, even those "
" Jaejoong - ah"
"Hmm ? "
" Hwaiting ! "




A/N: Here we go with the second chapter. How was it? :) Thanks for the subscribers and for the comments guys, I appreciate it so much <3

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh the twist....hahahaha this is nice...When I thought their relationships is going to be better,YunHo betray JaeJoong....nice one...
Thank You author nim I love it^^
Chapter 4: Jae is too gentle..I would have made yunho pay it if he had done such a thin to me nuhahahahah
Good job with the chapter dear..I enjoyed it a lot!!!!! ;)
Please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Seems like yunho is falling in love with jaejoong yuhuhuhuhuhuhuh but he needs to wake up and stop being a total jerk..aishhhhh that guy..!!!!!!!
HopeLoveFaith #3
Chapter 3: awww~ so cute <3
Thanks for the update <3 can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 3: Yeah!!!I see a progress in YooSu couple and YunJae but YunJae still not notice their feeling(well maybe Yun have know but being a ego he didn`t want to admit)but still I cant wait for the next chapter....hahahaha thank you author-nim love it^^
Chapter 3: Awwwwww yoosu so cute and sweet..I'm so happy for them heheheheheh
Nuhahahha I think yunho turned aroun to see jae hihihihihi
What will happen in the next chapter..I'm so curious so please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeee dearrrrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 2: Awww yes...the time for their fate is coming near and I cant wait for that fate to become reality...hahahaha nice one and also I should said good luck to YooSu couple too...thank you dear for this update^^
Chapter 2: Hahahhahhha hate is the other face of love hahahahahahha
Cannot wait to see them fall in love nuahahahahahah
Update soon my dear!!! I love the story so far!!!
Chapter 1: Hohohohhoh I like rthe first chapter...hah their fire I love it!!!
Keep the good work dear!!! Update as soon as possible ♥
Chapter 1: Hohoho...this is interesting....hehehehe nice update dear...^^
hahahaha sorry I mean I do hope this dont end like me..hahaha sorry I accidently press the post comment button...haha