Prince of the toilet

Cheat off of my homework.

Kim Jaejoong as every day was the first to enter the classroom among all his comrades. While others remained near the gates to finish the last shot from the cigarette, he was heading for the stairs and then turned to the right toward his section. Being the last year of high school heartened him. At last he could say goodbye to that stupid school, stupid fellow teachers and especially ignorant. students They were not all bad though, certainly could have found the elements affixed but they were not easy to come by as if they were always in class during recreation time.
The fact is, however, that Jaejoong had a concern. And it was one of the most ugly, boring and nervous of all the time. Jung Yunho itself was so much less damage when he opened his mouth. His voice, his laugh, his gaze from "know it alls", well, everything about him disgusted Jaejoong. Still regret choosing this school, and above all, this section.

In his class were still a few students. Twelve to be exact. The others were stopped during the journey. Twelve students were divided into three rows of two decks. Jaejoong was able to take the place near the radiator and close to the window, and as a classmate had Park Yoochun. Yoochun was a brilliant guy and gifted but like most of today's kids did not want to apply. His desire to come to school one day, however, came on suddenly. The day when a student moved to another institution. Kim Junsu, a boy of small stature was one of the most joyful and fun creatures of the class, now without him we might not have had this spirit of lightness. Well, apparently caught Yoochun's attention, and not only that of Yoochun, since then he turns around like a wasp. Junsu do not mind, in fact he is probably very honored.

Jaejoong also would like to be close friends with Junsu but the fact that he sat next to that idiot Yunho gave him the urge to spend . Yes, because since the gentleman has discovered the great entertainment capabilities of Junsu has not given up on him more than a moment. Reason ? It was a magnet for the beautiful girls. So , to see him dribble around five or more girls at every pause for recreation was a tremendous hassle .
Speaking of the devil, with the corner of his eye he saw Jung Yunho enter the classroom . Jaejoong could not help but admit that this guy was stylish and well dressed . Because, unlike some pigs who did not know the hygiene, he was a clean boy . But other than that, nothing, absolutely nothing , interested him.
As usual, for five years now, Yunho did not greet him or looked at him . On the one hand Jaejoong was more than happy , the other was a pain because of the feeling of "do not exist." He passed over as usual and took his place at his desk . Taking off the headphones turned off the song O.Jun.Ban.Hap of DBSK , a musical group that worshiped . Looking forward the clock , eight twenty-five , he knew that there were exactly three minutes for the class to fill with laughter and warmth. The radiators would rekindled and would bring a bit of heat between them. It was the beginning of January so it was cold outside . Jaejoong unconsciously stretches the sleeve of his uniform over the palms , covering half .

"Jaejoong," Yoochun says hello. Every morning they gave five and then snappe their fingers. It had become a habit now.
"Yoochun, how are you today?" Jaejoong asks. Yoochun for a couple of days had a cold so it felt like a ghost to say the least. Perhaps, because of this status, he did not realize to find himself staring at Junsu for whole quarters of an hour without so much of understandible as he does not even look at Professor Shim Changmin. But Jaejoong did not want to turn purple Yoochun's ribs by dint of elbowing, and Yoochun at the end of almost every hour founds himself with additional work for the next day.
"A marvel," Yoochun answered and sits on the chair like a sack of potatoes.

Jaejoong laughs and lowers his head to avoid being noticed by Yoochun . His best friend had this ability to make him go crazy every concern only with his presence , and that Jaejoong would have been grateful for a lifetime .
"Today, we have the third meeting of the class remember?" Jaejoong asks . At the third hour Professor VoldeMin as they prefer to nickname him must vacate the room and leave it in the hands of the class representatives who were at the moment Junsu and Yunho , theloved ones.
"Seriously? I had forgotten . I had done my homework for English till yesterday late" complains Yoochun with half his face on the bench .
Removing his hair from his eyes Jaejoong smiles and reassures him .
" An excuse to tell Junsu that you can help him in English , what do you say? "
" Jaejoong -ah you're a genius . "  Yoochun replied , with which wanted to be a smile.
"I know"


" Class standing " Professor Shim Changmin makes his entrance . All stand up, but there are empty seats , including that of Yunho .
" Who is absent? " Chied the professor and the students take place .
" Only Siwon , Professor," replied Jessica , a cute girl with black hair .
" And Jung ? "
"He 's in his royal chambers " I say annoyed.

The whole class was giggling and also the professor has been added but the exact moment when Yunho enters the classroom , they shut down all .
" Yunho you think it's time to enter the class ? "
"Excuse me Professor, I was in the toilet ," he says with a half bow.
"Yes, someone had informed us ," replied the professor and can not hide a smile.
Yunho also notes that his companions are laughing and so ask around what 's wrong . A spy, as usual reveals the comment Jaejoong did, and Yunho , as always turns to the window in the direction of Jaejoong .
" Hey, you toad . " Yunho calls .
Since who knows when, Yunho has always called so Jaejoong . When they met for the first time a couple of years ago, Jaejoong had a round shape , not as streamlined as now . His hair were shoulder-length and short not like now . He also had his eyebrows together , a touch of class that today no longer had. We can say that his change happened this latter year the beginning of summer. The metabolism began to work more, then in Jaejoong, little more than six months he had lost those twenty pounds in effort to revealing a slim figure, with broad shoulders but with a narrow waist , feminine . His face was heart-shaped , big eyes and gray , a little nose and  cherry lips. With his new hairstyle he was considered one of the nicest guys in the school. It could also be considered the most beautiful of the school but as the prejudices about his physical appearance first circulated yet no one ever came to congratulate him. And he could not care less.

" You talk to me?" Jaejoong asked as he turns to the piano bench that Yunho for a freak of nature was close to Yoochun .
"Yes, I would like to ask you to shut up the next time a question is asked on me," Yunho said in a threatening manner . Jaejoong was tired of it .
" Yes your highness " Jaejoong replied rolling his eyes. The class laughed again this time not trying to stop the hysterical laughter .
"You and I talk about it later ," said Yunho as he turns his face in anger.
Jaejoong knew that the great quarrel was about to arrive at the third hour but very little cared about him . The only thing perhaps , was fed up with the constant bickering . Couldn't they ignore themselfs like every enemy that respects and send one back to hell the other ? But no, of course. Both took by the personal pride bigger than a castle would not let the other have the last word .An admirable thing on the part of both.
"Yeah, whatever," Jaejoong replied looking out the window . He wanted to go home and continue to read a book.
" Be good boys " warns Professor Changmin .

The first part of the day was so peaceful if we remove half of the assassins gaze that remained constant between Yunho and Jaejoong . They were , however , offset , from those between Yoochun and Junsu . Yoochun had always that stupid smile as he stared at the small Junsu and Junsu with his red cheeks did fall in love every girl that passed near his desk .
The third hour has come . Unleashing hell.
" Jaejoong . " Yunho just screams when professor Changmin was out of the room .
"You're so in abstinence attention that the only thing you can do is make jokes on me? "
" I do not say . That was true . " Jaejoong replied nonchalantly.
"You can shut up cause no one cares about your opinion. " And of course , as always, no one but Yoochun was ready to argue .
" Stop Yunho , Jaejoong did not want you to go through what you think . It was just a joke , is not it Jaejoong ? " Yoochun tried to save the situation.
But guess what 's his Jaejoong's answer ? Huh? Bravo!
"No, I just said what I thought, " Jaejoong replied with a shrug .
Yoochun rolls his eyes and leans against the counter, giving up on discussing with Jaejoong .
" Keep it to yourself , no one cares . " Yunho said .

" What do you know? What do you want from me? Keep doing jokes and dirty tricks on me but when someone makes them true about you it burns right?You have to put a little clear your conscience and realize that you're not the king who sovereign over all . I can say what I want and for sure you will not make me shut up. " Jaejoong said pissed . The speech was always ending like this , anywhere it began .
" Shut up ugly toad ! I can do what I want and I can say what I think. You're not a in this class and no one gives a damn if you would left or not. You're Disgusting even though you have turned into a kind of Prince " Could it be a compliment?
" Stop Yunho , Jaejoong has done anything wrong ," Junsu with his voice as a child trying to protect Jaejoong .
"You do not get in the way Junsu , I do not want to discuss with you"
" Junsu everything's all right ," Jaejoong reassured him with a smile.
But not all was well . Yunho was about to jump to Jaejoong's gorge while Jaejoong, because of the offenses that he was suffering he was going to cry . But neither of these things happened . The class fell into a deathly silence and Junsu with his dolphin voice went ahead on points and goals of the day. As always, the questions were the same . If someone had a problem with the classmates, if someone had a problem with a teacher , what proposed for school assemblies and trips .
The first question you may think that Yunho and Jaejoong would cry out the other's name like it is ok to think. But no, never . This was the strange thing . Although sometimes the insult was an inch from the other's face , never , not even once one has written the other's name on that piece of paper .
Everyone was curious why. Jaejoong because of Yunho and Yunho because of Jaejoong . But the truth was that no one knew why, not even themselves.



A/N: This sort of thing happened to me too even if I am still fat  and I am not a butterfly like Jaejoongie :D What do you think? Thanks for the supports <3

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh the twist....hahahaha this is nice...When I thought their relationships is going to be better,YunHo betray JaeJoong....nice one...
Thank You author nim I love it^^
Chapter 4: Jae is too gentle..I would have made yunho pay it if he had done such a thin to me nuhahahahah
Good job with the chapter dear..I enjoyed it a lot!!!!! ;)
Please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Seems like yunho is falling in love with jaejoong yuhuhuhuhuhuhuh but he needs to wake up and stop being a total jerk..aishhhhh that guy..!!!!!!!
HopeLoveFaith #3
Chapter 3: awww~ so cute <3
Thanks for the update <3 can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 3: Yeah!!!I see a progress in YooSu couple and YunJae but YunJae still not notice their feeling(well maybe Yun have know but being a ego he didn`t want to admit)but still I cant wait for the next chapter....hahahaha thank you author-nim love it^^
Chapter 3: Awwwwww yoosu so cute and sweet..I'm so happy for them heheheheheh
Nuhahahha I think yunho turned aroun to see jae hihihihihi
What will happen in the next chapter..I'm so curious so please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeee dearrrrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 2: Awww yes...the time for their fate is coming near and I cant wait for that fate to become reality...hahahaha nice one and also I should said good luck to YooSu couple too...thank you dear for this update^^
Chapter 2: Hahahhahhha hate is the other face of love hahahahahahha
Cannot wait to see them fall in love nuahahahahahah
Update soon my dear!!! I love the story so far!!!
Chapter 1: Hohohohhoh I like rthe first chapter...hah their fire I love it!!!
Keep the good work dear!!! Update as soon as possible ♥
Chapter 1: Hohoho...this is interesting....hehehehe nice update dear...^^
hahahaha sorry I mean I do hope this dont end like me..hahaha sorry I accidently press the post comment button...haha