Almost feeling guilty. Almost.

Cheat off of my homework.

Jaejoong and Yoochun agreed with Junsu and Yunho to meet at a café in the center . They would spend a bit of time before splitting , Yunho with Jaejoong and Yoochun with Junsu , to go to the house of one of the two to do the work assigned . Yoochun was excited at the thought that in only ten minutes he would spend an entire afternoon in the company of Junsu . In the end there were only two o'clock in the afternoon on a Saturday , a week before the nineteenth birthday of Jaejoong, Junsu would help as well to think about the gift to do to his bestfriend. Too bad that all the happiness and the joy of spending an entire afternoon with Yunho , Jaejoong did not have and there never will have be . Being forced to be cooped up in a tiny space bothered him . All that Jaejoong did on the way to the cafeteria was snort and roll his eyes .
" Jaejoong calm down. It will not be so bad " Yoochun reassures him when he noticed the strange behavior of Jaejoong .
" You are the one talking about. Try to spend an afternoon with a person who you hate from the bottom of your heart. "
"In fact it will not be easy. Yet hwaiiting ! It'll be okay because you can only help someone like Yunho and he will be grateful . "
" Grateful ? Yoochun , we are not talking about Kim Junsu but Jung Yunho. Yunho will never say " thank you " or " excuse . " Never , it is in his nature. "
"Things you know in fact "
"What do you mean by that ? You know him like I know him too."
" Sure, sure "

" Yoochun , what the heck ? " Jaejoong was starting to get angry. What were these strange insinuations that Yoochun did ?
But before he could ask another question the view of Junsu and Yunho has increased the pace of Yoochun . By losing Yoochun's sight among the people Jaejoong moves towards the entrance of the cafeteria . This causes him a fight against someone. While massaging his right arm and raises his head to apologize, Yunho is looking at him with a annoyed face .
"Aren't you going to apologize ? " Yunho asked as he opens the door for him and Jaejoong to entere.
" Sorry," Jaejoong said softly. Unfortunately,Yunho heard him and small smile populated his face .
" Well guys , what do you want to drink? " asks Yoochun and takes place in front of Junsu . At this point also Jaejoong and Yunho were opposite to each other .
"For me a vanilla coffee ," says Jaejoong and looks elsewhere after he has greeted Junsu with a smile "
"For me a mint coffee ," said Yunho while in return turns somewhere else .
"I take what you take Yoochun -ah ," Junsu says and, unlike the two is looking straight in the Yoochun's eyes . The latter almost lost track of time , being immersed in the sea of Junsu 's eyes , and does not notice when the waitress callshim .
On the way back of Yoochun , to the two were brought to the table coffee with vanilla and mint and two strawberry milkshakes . While Yoochun and Junsu were discussing animatedly of the work assigned for homework, Jaejoong listened to his music with an earphone and followed the speech between Junsu and Yoochun . Yunho instead was flirting with his eyes with a girl. She had entered the room since a quarter of an hour and he did nothing but stare at her all the time .

" ert ," said Jaejoong slowly not wanting to be heard .
" Did you say something ? " Yunho asked who, despite the intent of Jajoong, heard .
"Yes, you're a ert. Do you find yourself in the description ? " Jaejoong asks sketching a fake smile and drinking his coffee.
" Partly . When I'll take her clothes off I'll let you know so you can call me a ert for a valid reason . " Yunho says with a gnash .
"Yeah, whatever," Jaejoong rolls his eyes and looks towards the exit.
" Jaejoong , Yunho we are ready to go, what do you think ? " Yoochun begins .
" Where are you going ? " Jaejoong asked with a smile.
" To my house . " Junsu replied .
" We go to your house. " announces Yunho .
" Invitind yourself to someone else's house is rude you know?"
" If I cared I would withdraw what I said ," Yunho replied as he gets up from the chair.
"As you wish , I don't want to argue in vain . "
" All right, then I'll see you here at six o'clock ? " Yoochun asked with a huge smile .
" See you later, good job guys. Hwaiting ! " Jaejoong greets them .
" Hwaiting ! " Yoochun and Junsu said in unison .
It 'seemed to Jaejoong or did Yoochun really took Junsu 's hand in his as he made his way through the crowd ? Unconsciously a smile appeared on Jaejoong's face that Yunho did not miss . Yunho was a bit angry with Jaejoong for becoming so beautiful in such a short time . Now it was more difficult to get to quarrel with him, and that bothered him . Sometimes he did not like seeing the face of Jajoong become sad after a malice fom his part. But most of the time Yunho tried to ignore these feelings and to continue to treat him badly. How started this hatred between them he doesn't remember either . Yunho probably resented the fact that Jaejoong was the only one not hanging on his every word , to be the only one not laughing at his jokes , or worse, to be the only one not wanting to be his friend. Yunho thinking back to the moments of hatred between them begin to start walking more quickly, leaving behind Jaejoong . The latest shooting stops and waits for the other to notice his disappearance . But Yunho was about to get to the end of the road without having ever looked back in search of Jaejoong .
" Hairball ! Look, we have to go to my house and it's certainly not in the vicinity of your own so, you should follow me. "

Yunho without saying a word followed Jaejoong while he was heading back toward his house . The journey was not embarrassing. Ok, maybe a little . But little by little . No, ok, it was pretty damn embarrassing. Neither wanted to be the first to begin to say something , and none of them wanted to really start talking with each other. It ended up that on arrival at the home of Jaejoong neither said a word .
" Come in. " says Jaejoong as he takes off his jacket and then hangs it . Yunho did the same and took off his shoes as well . Looking around Yunho was a little disappointed . He thought that Jaejoong was one of those rich kids and simpering, he was thin and more beautiful because of the operations. Instead, the home of Jaejoong was really small , not too much furniture and a small but fully equipped kitchen tools. The living room was spacious and it was not traditional . Passing through a corridor you came to the stairs that would lead the family to their bedroom .
"Let's go to my room to do the job or do you prefer the kitchen?
" Your room is fine ," said Yunho .
" Ok . "
Jaejoong opens the door of his room and goes to a cupboard where he kept his laptop and his school books. The doors and walls were covered of DBSK's photos , a group that Yunho had heard and admired U -know, even if he had a crush on Hero. On the contrary, Jaejoong seemed infatuated with U -know for its numerous photo sticked over his desk . Jaejoong had a kind of red blanket saying " BigEast " taped to the wall next to his bed , a bunk bed .
"You have a brother? " Yunho asked , seeing that the top was used .
"No, why? " Jaejoong asks after turning on his computer.
" Why a bunk bed ? " Yunho asked taking a seat beside Jaejoong .
" Ah .. one of my sisters was in the room with me. We were an odd number and to her touched to be put up with the newcomer . " Jaejoong said with a sad laugh.
" Sisters ? How many do you have?" Yunho asked surprised. He had never heard that Jaejoong had sisters .
"Seven . " replied the latter .
"What? " Yunho was left speechless.
" They all have at least five years more than me. The youngest has been married for the last two years, and lives in Seoul. " Jaejoong said while turning on the second computer.
"In fact you have this aura of feminility around you ," Yunho says , chuckling . This was not true .

Jaejoong has been shown to have more balls than a boy bigger than him . Yunho is simply enjoying to . But strangely this time Jaejoong has not replyed back .
"It might be so " answers Jaejoong . Yunho does not continue his game and is attentive to the work to be done.
"I have already searched the material for the Victorian period , on what would you do yours ? " Jaejoong asks . Yunho was in the . He had not read the book , and certainly was not going to do it now. But he could take 2 , so the only thing he could do right now was to seek help from Jaejoong .
"I do not know . I've never read the book. What do you advise me ? "
"Me? This is your problem. " Jaejoong responds without deigning a minimum look .
"I know, but we're a team, right? We must help each other ," says Yunho with puppy eyes .
" Why" the help " includes only me who has to hel you? " Jaejoong asks . In fact it was not right .
"I 'll help you .. with another thing"
" Like what? "
" I do not know, anything? "
"I'm better than you in everything so no, you could not help me in anything. I'll help you. But I warn you . I'm not going to get the ob done for you. I will help you to find the information and that's it. "
"Okay . Okay . "

Yunho's expression is not too happy ,with the two set to work he gets more and more bored by the thing . Jaejoong from his computer is looking for information on oppyum diet while Yunho was starting to write an essay .
Yunho sometimes asks questions to which Jaejoong replied without making strange faces , like usual, and therefore sometimes they were able to have a dialogue without getting into a fight. But is it too much to ask to two guys who can not stand to not insult each other half an hour after they've been together.
" Yunho you ! "
" What have I done ? "
" You have canceled my folder You had to create a new one, moron! "
Jaejoong was in a panic. Yunho erased a folder with all the songs of the last two albums of DBSK .
"You can take it from the trash! "
" Are you stupid ? You just emptied it ! "
" Jaejoong do it for me because I don't know how to! "
" I don't care! "
It continued for quite a while until they both stopped and restarted to work.
Jaejoong was a little thirsty from all that yelling and talking , therefore he decided to go into the kitchen to prepare tea .
"Do you want some tea? "

" Ehm .. yes" Yunho replied embarrassed by the kindness of Jaejoong . Jaejoong while working had his hair tied in a ponytail on the head with his glasses and looked like one of the characters in the manga. It is now two hours Yunho has to hold off his hormones to not jump on him . Thing that made him remain like , because he was the one that would have killed this guy a couple of days ago if he had the chance. But now , after spending a little time with him, with his strange hair, his strange glasses and his eyes focused .. well .. Yunho was starting to think that Jaejoong was not so bad. Realizing that even a quarte of his work was done and that Jaejoong had already finished his , Yunho had an idea. A very bad one. He'd borrowe the theme of Jaejoong from which he would have used to help him and then he would have told him. Always using the pendrive, with which they shifted things from one computer to another, Yunho copied the file search of Jaejoong and put it in his pocket. A few minutes later Jaejoong was coming into the room with two cups of tea piping hot with two slices of strawberry cake .
"Wow, you made it ? " Yunho asked in amazement. It did not seem caught in a market but also to be done in the house was too nice .
" Uh .. yeah. "
" It 's deliciouse ," said Yunho .
Jaejoong did not understand this strange behavior of Yunho and let's face it , it seemed so strange, even his enthusiasm or the fact that he was smiling for real. It was not a fake smile on him .
"Thank you, do you want more ? " Jaejoong asks politely. He would never have imagined the face of Yunho though. Yunho was nodding his head with a puzzled expression and then Jaejoong with a half smile gave him his share of the pie.
"And you? " Yunho did not want to eat Jaejoong's piece too . At least , he was sorry a bit.
" I have another one in the kitchen. Eat " and Jaejoong is back to his work without realizing the lack of his pendrive .
At six thirty Yoochun called Jaejoong to inform him that they were heading toward the cafeteria. Yunho and Jaejoong left minutes later. This time the journey was not too quiet.
" Make a nice essay I'm warning you. " warns Jaejoong .

"It will be better than yours you'll see," says Yunho.
Jaejoong laughed softly and the soud of it shaked Yunho, who has never heard it. Yunho is almost tempted to say the truth to Jaejoong. Almost.
Entering the cafeteria Jaejoong noticed Yoochun and Junsu at a table in the back. Their hands were clasped under the table. Jaejoong's smile was even bigger when Yoochun had approached the face of Junsu to give him a little kiss on the cheek. Seeing Junsu blush Jaejoong decided to interrupt.
"Guys, have you waited for long?" Yunho and Jaejoong also takes place.
"No, we just arrived. You?"
"Just finished" Yunho replied.
After a bit of small talk Junsu decides to go home and Yunho wanted to lead him back. After a long greeting between the two lovebirds and wasted no words between the ones who hate each other, the couples took their own path. Yunho and Jaejoong have not greeted each other again. And, like the last time any of them turned. Or maybe someone did? But who?




A/N: I like this story so much that today I uploaded it twice xD How is it? Do you like it?  Tell me what you thin ^^ Thanks for the new subscribers and comments <3

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh the twist....hahahaha this is nice...When I thought their relationships is going to be better,YunHo betray JaeJoong....nice one...
Thank You author nim I love it^^
Chapter 4: Jae is too gentle..I would have made yunho pay it if he had done such a thin to me nuhahahahah
Good job with the chapter dear..I enjoyed it a lot!!!!! ;)
Please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Seems like yunho is falling in love with jaejoong yuhuhuhuhuhuhuh but he needs to wake up and stop being a total jerk..aishhhhh that guy..!!!!!!!
HopeLoveFaith #3
Chapter 3: awww~ so cute <3
Thanks for the update <3 can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 3: Yeah!!!I see a progress in YooSu couple and YunJae but YunJae still not notice their feeling(well maybe Yun have know but being a ego he didn`t want to admit)but still I cant wait for the next chapter....hahahaha thank you author-nim love it^^
Chapter 3: Awwwwww yoosu so cute and sweet..I'm so happy for them heheheheheh
Nuhahahha I think yunho turned aroun to see jae hihihihihi
What will happen in the next chapter..I'm so curious so please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeee dearrrrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 2: Awww yes...the time for their fate is coming near and I cant wait for that fate to become reality...hahahaha nice one and also I should said good luck to YooSu couple too...thank you dear for this update^^
Chapter 2: Hahahhahhha hate is the other face of love hahahahahahha
Cannot wait to see them fall in love nuahahahahahah
Update soon my dear!!! I love the story so far!!!
Chapter 1: Hohohohhoh I like rthe first chapter...hah their fire I love it!!!
Keep the good work dear!!! Update as soon as possible ♥
Chapter 1: Hohoho...this is interesting....hehehehe nice update dear...^^
hahahaha sorry I mean I do hope this dont end like me..hahaha sorry I accidently press the post comment button...haha