This is the last time.

Cheat off of my homework.

The next day at school nothing changed . While Jaejoong was taking place at his table , Yunho , who had entered the class didn't looked at him. Jaejoong did not hope that things would change between them but expected a " hello " for all he has done for him. Forget it .
" Jaejoong - ah! " a voice made ​​his way through the final year students . Jaejoong rolls his eyes before turning back to the door and say hello to Heechul .
" Heechul .. " with a half smile , not fake, Jaejoong approached him .
" Jaejoong finally I can meet you. What do you do today? " Heechul as usual was in the mood to go out and have fun with Jaejoong . Too bad that Jaejoong had no desire at all to go out with Heechul . He knew that he had a kind of crush on him and he did not want to raise his hopes. At least Jaejoong didn't like men though he is better in their company. But Jaejoong did not know, the exact moment when Heechul began to talk, the look of Yunho was following him . That little kid in the fourth year was getting on his nerves and he did not understand why. Maybe because Jaejoong gave him attention , or rather, did not give him attention as he gave it to him? Yunho was on par with Heechul ? Yunho wanted to be something more. Not like everyone else . He wanted to be the worst and only enemy of Kim Jaejoong . Nothing more and nothing less.

" Um I do not know , why? " Jaejoong asks . He knew that saying no to Heechul was rude of him but what could he do? Maybe go out for a drink was not so bad.
" I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me," says Heechul a bit embarrassed. He had not expected such an answer from Jaejoong , who always take it apart in advance. Although Heechul was of the same height and build of Jaejoong , he was more masculine .
" Um .. " Yunho 's gaze was causing holes in the back of Jaejoong and the later turned, finding Yunho 's eyes focused on his back. Yunho , realizing what he was doing , run to the back of the class where Jessica and the other girls were and he begin to talk animatedly with them. Jaejoong rolls his eyes and turns to Heechul to give his answer.
" Ok .. when and where? "
Heechul did a little cry of happiness that came even to the ears of Yunho , who once again found himself staring at the back of Jaejoong . His expression was very interesting. Someone might say that he was almost jealous. Almost .

The day went smoother than usual. No one was more mess than usual and Yunho did not know how to pull off a topic to get to bicker with Jaejoong . Jaejoong instead for the duration of the lessons has looked out the window . He was thinking back to the morning when Heechul had asked him to go out. They had to meet in front of the cafeteria where the day before they,
Yunho , Yoochun, Junsu had and him had seen, and would then go to the new game store on the corner . Despite the happy vision of the appointment Heechul had in mind , Jaejoong  was really hoping for something to happen . Anything. It would have been enough to break the absurd ideas that Heechul could have on Jaejoong . Maybe if he was lucky enough Jaejoong would meet a beautiful girl with whom he pretended to tflirt and so would give a signal to Heechul that he did not like males . But who knows.
While Jaejoong daydreams Yunho was staring at him . If Yunho was the third in that picture would wonder what the hell he was doing but since he didn't realized he was staring at Jaejoong so much and so often, he had not the slightest intention of paying attention to the teacher or the lesson.

" Yunho , you'll make a hole down my head . " Jaejoong said as quietly as possible . At that time only Yoochun , Junsu and Yunho could possibly hear him.
"I was not looking at you ," Yunho is quick to respond .
" In fact, I'd not understand why would you . " Jaejoong says, and takes place in the chair more comfortably. Yunho was behaving strangely today. Above all it started headache to Jaejoong that , at times, felt really like hell and still Yunho's gaze was burning the back of his neck or his back.
This did not improve when, at the end of the lessons, while Jaejoong and Yunho waited for Yoochun and Junsu to say goodbye, came Heechul . He hugged Jaejoong and, with the voice of a girl almost, said "see you soon" and went on his way . Can you imagine the face of Jaejoong ? Yes, all red with shame. Can you imagine the face of Yoochun ? A grin that populated his face. The one of Junsu ? He was giggling. Now tell me , can you imagine the face of Yunho ? No, me neither. 'Cause, before someone could notice, Yunho had already started to go toward the house without saying goodbye or wait for anyone .
" Oh, Yoochun - ah, I have to go .See you tomorrow ! " and Junsu made ​​a race to reach the figure of Yunho .
" Jaejoong ... " Yoochun starts but is stopped by the finger of Jaejoong .

" Not a word , please. I can not wait this afternoon to pass . " Jaejoong said while going near Yoochun is heading towards home.
"In my opinion you should not accept the invitation. "
"Really? Yoochun , I know. Though I will say that I can be his only friend . I'll make him understand. " Jaejoong says . Yoochun did not know if he wanted to convince himself or Heechul .
" Where will you see each other? "
" In front of the cafeteria at three o'clock. " Jaejoong says annoyed . A big headache was already coming.
" Good luck heartthrob " chuckles Yoochun .
" Shut up ," Jaejoong says that cn not do nothing but smile in return. In what trouble was he ousted ? Not even he knew how big .

While waiting for the arrival of Heechul , Jaejoong looke at the mirror reflection of the glass in front of him. He was dressed normally , nothing "special" just not to draw the wrong conclusions but what could he do if he was wearing any cloth looked like it came from a magazine?
" Jaegoong ! " Heechul was running towards Jaejoong .
" You came ," said Jaejoong while watching at Heechul from head to toe. Hecchul was dressed well and seemed to have put time in to prepare , even his hair was more in place than usual.
"I'm sorry you waited so long? "
"No , I came by a couple of minutes, don't worry " Jaejoong smiles .
" Then we can go," and even before Jaejoong could rebel Heechul took Jaejoong 's hand . The embarrassment in which it was Jaejoong was huge, but it does not compare to the happiness of Heechul . Or, hatred in the eyes of Yunho who , from a distance, had witnessed the scene .
" Heechul , my hand .. " Jaejoong starts but Heechul is too intent to move among the people and to try a game that void him to pay attention to the words of Jaejoong .
" Oh, Jaejoong here , sit down here . " and the two took their places in front of the video game " angry birds ."
"I. .. I do not know how to play to be honest . "
" I'll teach you , you just have to press the buttons of the same color dell'ucello that is in front of you to be able to launch into the air, towards the pigs . " with a toothy smile Heechul gave a demonstration.
" Ok , I'll try "
Needless to say Heechul 's landslide victory in that game and the next three . The two took an ice cream and took their places on a bench in the park. Even though they were just six in the evening so it was dark outside with the dim lighting of the headlights you could not see much. The vanilla ice cream was melting fast so then every so often when he soiled his chin and his handkerchief was now used all over, Heechul rushed to clean Jaejoong . Jaejoong had a . Heechul 's face was less than five inches from him , and this did not give him a good feeling.

" Jaejoong , sometimes you know just being a kid ," he says , chuckling Heechul and carefully cleaning Jaejoong 's chin .
"Er .. yes, probably . " Jaejoong tries to look elsewhere and move away from Heechul . Finally, when he has finished the work Jaejoong thinks Heechul will go away. To his surprise , however, Heechul had approached even more and if it was not for the quick reflexes of Jaejoong , who in a flash turned his head , Heechul would come to kiss him on the lips instead of his cheek.
" Heechule .. what are you doing? " Jaejoong asked in alarm. Quitly departs towards one end of the bench.
" I like you . "
Jaejoong thinks and hopes to have heard wrong . His intent was not to make it clear to Heechul that he did not want anything from him ?
"I. .. do not think .. "
" I like you so much . Please .. " Heechul was getting closer and closer and the bench was now over. Heechul 's eyes were closed and his breathing was now over Jaejoong . Jaejoong was afraid , really. His closed his eyes narrow waiting for the next step of Heechule, that he knew, would come immediately.
Instead of the kiss came a scream. By Heechul . The latter was holding the right flank in pain. Apparently something had fallen upon him . While Jaejoong was opening his eyes and his ice cream was falling on the ground, a large amount of mud spilled on Heechul's chlothes .
" Oh god , what the hell ... ? " Heechul was looking around , but nothing caught his eye .
" Heechul , are you okay ? " Jaejoong helped Heechul to take off a bit of mud from his clothes and face .
"I. .. I think it will be better if I go home to clean myself " Heechul said with a bit of pain in his voice. He expected that the evening would end in another way.
" Okay , be careful " and Jaejoong looked the silhouette of the running Heechul who was disappearing among the people.
Jaejoong had not noticed to hold his breath as long as not a long sigh came out of his mouth. He felt so relieved that Heechul had not come up in the bottom of the thing, but for sure we would have tried again . And this time Jaejoong knew that he would not have allowed .
While he was rising and then directing toward the house, through the park , Yunho joined him .
" Hey , toad ! " Yunho shouted before stopping his run and keep walking.
Jaejoong heard the voice of the person who was calling him , and especially the cute nickname by which he had called, so he kept walking without even deigning to look at Yunho.
" Jaejoong wait!" Yunho started to run again and then stopped when he took the arm of Jaejoong .

" What do you want Yunho ? " Jaejoong was not in the mood for another fight with Yunho and above all he was the last person he wanted to see right now .
" I just wanted to ... but why you always have this hatred against me ? " Yunho asks angrily .
" Why ? Did you forget the last four and a half years affixed to stored in the hatred, why now you make me this question?" Jaejoong was shocked. This sort of idiot wanted to know why the hatred of Jaejoong now, after four and a half years ! There is the saying " better late than never " but not in this case . No.
"I. .. I never understood. I do not even remember why we started to fight . "
" Now I do not care . I just want to go home. " Jaejoong said and began to walk toward the house without waiting for Yunho . Yunho followed him , however, a couple of steps away.
" Yunho , your house is not on this side . " Jaejoong warns him .
"I have to meet someone and I have to take this route . " Yunho replied .
What the hell was wrong with Yunho lately? Why the hell was so interested in Jaejoong ? What did he want from Jaejoong ? Why was he expecting that Jajoong would be all right with him at his side ? Why did he hated the fact that Jaejoong did not wanted to be near him ? All questions that Yunho was doing in his mind.
All his thoughts focused Jaejoong did not allowed him to notice that Jaejoong stopped, cause he slamed against him.
" Ouch ! Watch where you walk Yunho " Jaejoong was rubbing his head, while Yunho did the same thing.
"I. .. I was thinking " Yunho said .
"Yeah, I noticed . But I beg you to stay -.. HeyYunho .. " Jaejoong took a handkerchief from his pocket and began unconsciously to clean a coat of Yunho .
" Why the mud between your fingers? " Jaejoong asked as he continues to remove the mud from between Yunho's fingers .
" Um .. I fell .. before .. the fault of the children," Yunho says with a nervous laugh . His face and his body was increasing with heat because of every touch with the skin of Jaejoong .
"Do not ruin your hands. They're Beautiful . " Jaejoong said without much thought. Even if a second after he said it he repented, he could not say that it was not true.
It was created an awkward silence between them and Jaejoong decided to leave the handkerchief to Yunho so he will clean by himself the other hand. Both continued to walk toward the house of Jaejoong in silence. Upon arrival at the house of Jaejoong Yunho stopped and watched as Jaejoong entered the courtyard of his house.
"Goodnight Yunho " Jaejoong greeted him with a half smile , for the first time that afternoon , not fake.
"Good night, Jaejoong . "
Yunho was about to tell Jaejoong of the homework, he was about to ask him help with the work that he didn't, he was about to tell him that he had stolen and he was going to deliver it. He was about to do this but was unable to because of anger that came over him . Why the hell would he feel guilty of copying Jaejoong's tasks? It was not the first time he did it ! Always with these thoughts in his head came the day of delivery.

"Guys good morning. Did you miss me ? " Professor VoldeMin tries to cheer his students as best as he can . Too bad they really missed him .
After recounting some of his seminary and boring courses in which he participated has asked his students to deliver the tasks .
In alphabetical order, each student gave their own tasks with a little comment by prof . Jung Yunho was before Kim Jaejoong . And the words of the professor shocked Jaejoong to the point of not being able to move his eyes or say a word.
" Wow Yunho , the Victorian period. A very interesting research , eight pages ! Think it will be one of the best . " With a smile, the teacher sends him back to the place. Returning to his desk , by mistake , Yunho interviewed Jaejoong 's gaze . Jaejoong was about to cry? His eyes were shiny  his nose pink and his teeth did nothing but devour his lower lip. Taking place and looking in front of him Yunho was waiting for the moment when Jaejoong would start to scream . It's been a while since they insulted each other and this Yunho was missing. But Jaejoong said nothing.
Yunho waited for Jaejoong to get up and go to deliver his research, so the prof would have noticed that it was the same as Yunho . Or better , than that of Yunho was equal to that of Jaejoong . Because let's be honest , the professor would have noticed that it was a job done by Jaejoong and not Yunho . But for the second time, Jaejoong did not move.
" Jaejoong ? " the professor was waiting for him .
"I. .. " Jaejoong was trying to speak without a voice choked with tears , which was praying to get out. Yunho felt a piece inside of him dying.
"I do not have it . "
The whole class began to speak softly , wondering why the model boy of the class has not finished his work on time.
"Ah ... Jaejoong it's a sin. I'm forced to put  you 2 . " Professor VoldeMin felt guilty . He did not agree to put two to Jaejoong whose research was now in his hands , and not that of Yunho that he took fom Jaejoong. . At that moment VoldeMin regretted having reversed the tickets and had put Yunho and Jaejoong together and not Jaejoong and Junsu , as it was actually released . He hoped that the boy had learned something by being close to Jaejoong but apparently he was wrong.

" Jaejoong ... "
" Yoochun go . Junsu go and take Junsu with you." Jaejoong was waiting for the class to remaine empty and to have in it only the traitor. Yunho knew that sooner or later it would happen. He knew the intent of Jaejoong and then began to put his things up in the folder slowly . By the time the last student in the class had gone Jaejoong burst .
" HOW COULD YOU ? " Jaejoong leaned against the window.
" Jae -"
"NO! I don't want to listen , I do not know your reasons, because there are not any ! You can't have excuses for a villain thing like that! "
Jaejoong was angry . Very . No other time was like this.
" Jaejoong - I "

"No, no Yunho ! Shut up , shut up and don't speak to me ! "
Jaejoong did not want to hear the voice of Yunho and no longer wanted to have anything to do with him.
"I 'll never forgive you . You did it before, you've always done it , but this , this will be the last time I let you cheatoff off my homework! " Jaejoong had started to cry. His eyes were very large pouring an incredible amount of tears and were becoming red . Exhausted , Jaejoong tried to wipe his tears with the back of his hand when the sudden embrace of Yunho took him aback . Jaejoong had never had his eyes opened this wider. What the hell was Yunho doing? What the hell was happening to him ?
" Yunho let go" punching Yunho into the stomach he realized himself fom Yunho's embrace.
"Do not ever touch me again ! Neither an apology nor an embrace will ever change what I feel for you. I'll Never forgive you ! "
With this Jaejoong took his briefcase and walked out of the classroom .
Yunho was paralyzed in the same place for a few minutes before waking from a trance. Why had he embraced Jaejoong ? Why his face , his tears, and his sobs were making him feel like a worm ? WHY?



A/N: It's the longest chapter for now and I am tired xD My internet connection is so bad I want to cry TT.TT Hope you'll like it <3 Love y'all <3

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Chapter 4: Ohhhh the twist....hahahaha this is nice...When I thought their relationships is going to be better,YunHo betray JaeJoong....nice one...
Thank You author nim I love it^^
Chapter 4: Jae is too gentle..I would have made yunho pay it if he had done such a thin to me nuhahahahah
Good job with the chapter dear..I enjoyed it a lot!!!!! ;)
Please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Seems like yunho is falling in love with jaejoong yuhuhuhuhuhuhuh but he needs to wake up and stop being a total jerk..aishhhhh that guy..!!!!!!!
HopeLoveFaith #3
Chapter 3: awww~ so cute <3
Thanks for the update <3 can't wait for the next chapter! <3
Chapter 3: Yeah!!!I see a progress in YooSu couple and YunJae but YunJae still not notice their feeling(well maybe Yun have know but being a ego he didn`t want to admit)but still I cant wait for the next chapter....hahahaha thank you author-nim love it^^
Chapter 3: Awwwwww yoosu so cute and sweet..I'm so happy for them heheheheheh
Nuhahahha I think yunho turned aroun to see jae hihihihihi
What will happen in the next chapter..I'm so curious so please update as soon as possibleeeeeeeeee dearrrrrrrrrr :)
Chapter 2: Awww yes...the time for their fate is coming near and I cant wait for that fate to become reality...hahahaha nice one and also I should said good luck to YooSu couple too...thank you dear for this update^^
Chapter 2: Hahahhahhha hate is the other face of love hahahahahahha
Cannot wait to see them fall in love nuahahahahahah
Update soon my dear!!! I love the story so far!!!
Chapter 1: Hohohohhoh I like rthe first chapter...hah their fire I love it!!!
Keep the good work dear!!! Update as soon as possible ♥
Chapter 1: Hohoho...this is interesting....hehehehe nice update dear...^^
hahahaha sorry I mean I do hope this dont end like me..hahaha sorry I accidently press the post comment button...haha