I Can Only Handle So Much

15 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

We had been there an hour or so and they were still going strong. "How can they go on so long?" "Didn't you practice today too?" "Yeah, they have a lot of energy." "I see." I opened my purse and dug through it. I found a folded up piece of paper. I opened it. I stared down at the list. I read through it. I pulled out a pen from my bag and crossed out number fourteen. I didn't really want to stay here until dawn. I crossed out numbers twelve, eleven and ten. Then I looked up at them dancing and singing. I crossed off number five. Reading through the list made me sad. I stuffed it back in my bag.

There was a knock on the door. "You're really loud." My eyes shot up. I recognized them immediately. "What are you doing here?" Jonghyun asked. "We thought we'd stop by for a while." "You're missing a couple members." "SeungHyun and JungHun went to sleep instead." Taemin sat down beside me, "They're going to take up the whole room." HongKi laughed, "I heard that!" Taemin smiled innocently. He noticed me and reached out his hand, "Hi, I'm HongKi." I blushed as I shook his hand. "I'm Lydia." "American? Cool." "This one takes the most room," Taemin whispered to me. HongKi didn't seem to hear. "I know," I whispered back. HongKi spun around, "You're a fan?!" I cowered in the corner behind me. He squatted in front of me and gave me a smile, "That's so cool! Lydia, right? Who's your favorite member? What's your favorite song?" "MinHwan? Would you mind talking to my friend? She's a huge fan?" HongKi looked crushed. He pouted before getting up and joining Onew, Key, and Jonghyun. "It's kind of late to call her but why don't I sign something?" "Would you? That'd make her so happy." "Sure," he was thinking. He pulled off one of his gloves. "I can't really sign it but here." "Thank you so much. It'll mean so much to her." "Of course," I put the glove in my purse satisfied. Kim Young would be so happy she'd scream.

"Lyd, are you sleeping?" "No," "Then why are you so quiet?" "Because I've been sitting in one spot for two hours and my 's numb." Key started laughing. HongKi walked over and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "It helps if you move it," he teased. "Oh! You still owe me a Bo Peep dance!" "No!" I whined. Taemin just laughed. "There's lots of people here. I'm just going to sit back down." Key ran over to stop me. "Here." He pulled me up to the karaoke machine. He started the song. I hung my head. "I'm tired." "Come on." The chorus started and they began to dance not even bothering to notice me. They got caught up in it. When they turned back to me expecting, "I totally did it. Didn't I, Taemin?" He shook his head. "Why are you in SHINee again?!" He just smiled. I shook my head. They got caught up in the song again and when the chorus came again I actually did the dance even the part. I heard someone laughing and found HongKi on the floor. "You're a little exaggerated, aren't you?" He didn't reply. "Ya!" I shouted. "Yo!" Key teased.

"I am so out of here," I said in English. Onew laughed. HongKi walked right up to me and put his arms around me, "It's okay." I felt my face turn to stone. I couldn't help it. Then a blush rose. He let go and I grabbed my purse and hurried for the door before they could tease me about that. I started talking as fast as I could in English, "Stupid idols, think they can just tease anybody and get away with it! I can only take so much!" I made it outside in the cold. I stumbled aginst the wall. The added stress had released a burst of pain. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I needed my medicine. I fumbled through the purse. Not here. I must have left it back at the apartment. I hurried home.

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Chapter 88: Awww that's so sad.... :000 i could imagine this as a drama.. At least it doesnt have the typical drama ending where everyone lives happily ever after. But its still so sad.. You're a talented author!!
Chapter 88: I agree with leekayu_noona. This would make a great drama!
But I think I'll cry even more watching it happen than reading it! Haha. <3
leekayu_noona #3
Chapter 88: This is the most beautiful story/fanfic ive read here! This may be too o.a. but let me just say the truth... that a tear just rolled down my cheek after reading this! You moved my heart dear... please pass this on to a producer somewhere in korea... maybe let them add their professional touch and im sure~ itll be a hit kdrama!!!

Please continue to move the hearts of your readers dear!!! <And im proudly one of them>
Chapter 88: Oh, you're welcome! ^_^
I didn't even know you wrote back. Heh.
Just had to re-read this again. :)
kgirl916 #5
@K_KeyLove, wow thx, that means a lot to me :)
I know this story may be a lil old, but I really love it! :)
One of the very first stories I read before I joined AFF.
AWWWW so sad!! *tears forming* SOO GOOD!!
kgirl916 #8
lol u shouldn't read it all in one night-blow to the heart lol
This is a really cute and fun story im enjoying reading it<br />
Great Job <3