15 Things I Want To Do Before I Die

"I can't believe you bought that." I stood there staring at the small Christmas tree decorated with all sorts of decorations. It was definitely an FT Island tree. "Well, you really liked the one at the mall," JongHun said. "I don't remember the last Christmas tree I had," HongKi said. I wrapped my arms around him. "It's okay. Many people are also deprived in this world." He laughed, "So you always had one?" "Of course. In America it's a must." "What about Christmas cookies?" MinHwan asked. "I've never made Christmas cookies." "Yay!" HongKi pulled me over to the kitchen. "Okay, so..." The phone sat in the drawer beside him and he discreetly looked at it. I pretended not to notice. "So we put these in here together and use this to mix it." JaeJin put in music and everyone danced around. HongKi had a giant smile on his face. "So, do you prefer this to whatever you'd normally do?" I asked. "Absolutely," he smiled. "Okay, now we add powdered sugar."

I tried to flatten the dough. "It's not working!" I whined and pouted. HongKi tried and couldn't either. "The counter's too tall," I said. HongKi suddenly lifted me onto the counter. "Now try," he laughed. I did and it worked. "Yay!" "Get off the counter," MinHwan pulled on me. "No!" I smiled like a little kid. "Hyung!" MinHwan pouted. I laughed and continued to flatten the dough. "Is that good?" I asked HongKi. He nodded. I screamed as JongHun pulled me off the counter. "Oppa!" I screamed to HongKi. He ran to rescue me and tackled JongHun. I got stuck underneath. I squealed as the wrestled on top of me. My phone rang. "My phone!" I reached out to it helplessly. JaeJin answered it, "Yeobeseyo?" He looked at me, "I can't understand what they're saying." "Gah!!! Give it!" My parents would be furious. JaeJin ignored me and tried his hand at English, "I no understand." "Say, 'Lyd is busy.'"I told him. He tried it, "Lyd is besy." I screamed as an elbow was jammed into my stomach. Everyone froze. They rolled off me and I ran to the restroom holding the bile in my mouth. HongKi was by my side in a moment rubbing my back. "Are you alright?" I nodded. "Sorry, must have ate something upsetting," I lied. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Do you want to go to the doctor?" "No, I'm fine. Can you go change the mood for when I get out?" He got up and left. (i'm sorry readers that i always have to ruin the mood :p)

I took the phone from HongKi who was talking in broken English. "Hello?" I asked. "Yes, Mom, I'm fine." I went out into the hall. "We're making cookies and I just cut myself." "Making cookies? Don't lie to me." "The cookie cutters are sharp. I thought they were plastic. Look, I'm sorry. But we're busy and so I can't talk right now. I'll call you after Christmas? Bye." I hung up. I went back inside. "No, I was using that." They started fighting over th cutters. I snuck up behind HongKi and jumped on his back.. He caught me. I reach over his shoulders and started cutting cookies. "What should I make?" I asked him. "If you say a heart, I will lock you in the bedroom until we're done." HongKi kissed me on the cheek. "A star," I carefully cut a star out of the cookiedough. "How's that?" I asked. He set me down and made another star inside the one I made. "Aw, it's so small." "She doesn't realize that she's that small," JaeJin stated. "Oh! I get it! Cute!" I scooted in and cut out a candy cane.

"His eyes, his eyes make the stars look like they're not shining. His hair, his hair falls perfectly without him trying. He's so beautiful wish I told him everyday. I know, I know that if I compliment him he won't believe me. It's so, it's so sad to think he don't see what I see. But every time he asks me Do I look okay? I think, 'When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are.' His lips, his lips I could kiss them all day if he'd let me. His laugh, his laugh he hates but I think it's so y. He's so beautiful, wish I told him everyday. You know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change. If perfect what's you're searching for then just stay the same. So don't even bother asking if you look okay 'cause you know I think 'When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. 'Cause you're amazing just the way you are.' Boy, you're amazing just the way you are. When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change 'cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while. Cause, boy, you're amazing, just the way you are." (My adaptation of Bruno Mars-hope its alright) I stopped singing in English and turned off my music player. I folded up the paper and stuck it in my purse. I never even heard the door close.

(lol-sry-i had to add her singing somewhere-this will mean more later on so don't bother asking what it meant-k? lol anyways i hope the cookie part was cute-yay christmas-it'll be a fun chapter-stay tuned :)

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Chapter 88: Awww that's so sad.... :000 i could imagine this as a drama.. At least it doesnt have the typical drama ending where everyone lives happily ever after. But its still so sad.. You're a talented author!!
Chapter 88: I agree with leekayu_noona. This would make a great drama!
But I think I'll cry even more watching it happen than reading it! Haha. <3
leekayu_noona #3
Chapter 88: This is the most beautiful story/fanfic ive read here! This may be too o.a. but let me just say the truth... that a tear just rolled down my cheek after reading this! You moved my heart dear... please pass this on to a producer somewhere in korea... maybe let them add their professional touch and im sure~ itll be a hit kdrama!!!

Please continue to move the hearts of your readers dear!!! <And im proudly one of them>
Chapter 88: Oh, you're welcome! ^_^
I didn't even know you wrote back. Heh.
Just had to re-read this again. :)
kgirl916 #5
@K_KeyLove, wow thx, that means a lot to me :)
I know this story may be a lil old, but I really love it! :)
One of the very first stories I read before I joined AFF.
AWWWW so sad!! *tears forming* SOO GOOD!!
kgirl916 #8
lol u shouldn't read it all in one night-blow to the heart lol
This is a really cute and fun story im enjoying reading it<br />
Great Job <3